This is the quick guide for Returning Clarence.
For a more in-depth version, click here.
Talk to Zavistic Rarve at the Wizards' Guild with Clarence's hand in your inventory. |
Members only |
None |
Short to Medium |
Skill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Items from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Off to see the wizard[]
Back to your roots[]
Items recommended: combat equipment
Sandy's diary[]
- Go back to the wizards guild and ring the bell to speak to Zavistic Rarve. (
- Search Sandy's desk to receive a locked diary.
- Click on the locked diary to unlock it.
- There is a rare chance that you may trigger a trap so it is advised you do this in a safe area as it can cause over 8,000 damage.
Remembrance of Clarence[]
- Return to the Wizards' Guild and ring the bell to speak to Zavistic Rarve. (
- Watch the cutscene.
- Miniquest complete!