All Life points: 7,050
Life points: 7,050
All Slayer experience: 122.2
Slayer experience: 122.2
All Combat experience: 250.2
Combat experience: 250.2
All Release date: 10 December 2007
Release date: 10 December 2007
All Combat level: 70
Combat level: 70
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 13476
NPC ID: 13476
Revenant hellhounds are a type of monster, that inhabits the Forinthry Dungeon, along with all other revenants.
The Forinthry Dungeon is a PVP-enabled area that is part of the Wilderness. It is entirely possible for other players to attack you whilst fighting the revenants in the dungeon. Do not bring equipment that you are not willing to lose.
Like all revenants, they can restore health quickly, can cure themselves of poison and react quickly to a player's protection prayers.
These revenants can be used for either Ghost or Hellhound slayer tasks.
The examine text on this revenant has a mistake similar to the Revenant vampyre. When reading the examine text of this revenant, it says "The essence of a hellhound slain during the God Wars." However, the term essence in this text would mean their non-revenant versions would have a 100% drop of ashes of any sort, but their 100% drop are Bones instead.
Despite the fact they are slain hellhounds from the God Wars, revenant hellhounds have a lower combat level compared to regular and God Wars hellhounds, but hit much more higher than them.