Defined properties:
All Life points: 5,100
Life points: 5,100
All Slayer experience: 62.2
Slayer experience: 62.2
All Combat experience: 159.6
Combat experience: 159.6
All Release date: 10 December 2007
Release date: 10 December 2007
All Combat level: 47
Combat level: 47
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 13473
NPC ID: 13473
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Revenant vampyres are a type of monster, that inhabits the Forinthry Dungeon , along with all other revenants .
The Forinthry Dungeon is a PVP-enabled area that is part of the Wilderness . It is entirely possible for other players to attack you whilst fighting the revenants in the dungeon. Do not bring equipment that you are not willing to lose.
Like all revenants, they can restore health quickly, can cure themselves of poison and react quickly to a player's protection prayers.
Drops [ ]
Drop rate of a specific item from revenant vampyre
Ancient Warrior equipment: 1 in 14,878
Corrupt Ancient Warrior equipment: 1 in 14,878
Corrupt dragon equipment: 1 in 48,136
A pair of brawling gloves (excluding Hunter and Smithing): 1 in 131,280
Brawling gloves (Hunter) or Brawling gloves (Smithing): 1 in 65,640
Ancient, Seren, Armadyl, Zamorak, Saradomin, or Bandos statuettes: 1 in 8,752 each
Ruby chalice, Guthixian brazier, Armadyl totem, Zamorak medallion, Saradomin carving, or Bandos scrimshaw: 1 in 4,376 each
Ancient psaltery bridge, Bronzed dragon claw, Third age carafe, Saradomin amphora, or Broken statue headdress: 1 in 2,917 each
Weapons [ ]
GE price
Corrupt dragon battleaxe 1 Very rare 70,380
Corrupt dragon dagger 1 Very rare 36,369
Corrupt dragon longsword 1 Very rare 58,968
Corrupt dragon mace 1 Very rare 28,857
Corrupt dragon scimitar 1 Very rare 64,068
Corrupt dragon spear 1 Very rare 164,150
Statius's warhammer (m) 1 Very rare 82,204,035
Vesta's longsword (m) 1 Very rare 622,717
Vesta's spear (m) 1 Very rare 5,349,157
Zuriel's staff (m) 1 Very rare 12,452,747
Morrigan's javelin (m) 15–50 Very rare 84,090–280,300
Morrigan's throwing axe (m) 15–50 Very rare 79,365–264,550
Corrupt Statius's warhammer (m) 1 Very rare 851,816
Corrupt Vesta's longsword (m) 1 Very rare 794,092
Corrupt Vesta's spear (m) 1 Very rare 698,592
Corrupt Zuriel's staff (m) 1 Very rare 73,088
Corrupt Morrigan's javelin (m) 1 Very rare 1,900
Corrupt Morrigan's throwing axe (m) 1–20 Very rare 1,531–30,620
Armour [ ]
GE price
Corrupt dragon chainbody 1 Very rare 84,485
Corrupt dragon helm 1 Very rare 61,920
Corrupt dragon platelegs 1 Very rare 83,186
Corrupt dragon plateskirt 1 Very rare 68,052
Corrupt dragon sq shield 1 Very rare 69,367
Statius's full helm (m) 1 Very rare 572,662
Statius's platebody (m) 1 Very rare 527,074
Statius's platelegs (m) 1 Very rare 461,451
Vesta's chainbody (m) 1 Very rare 766,126
Vesta's plateskirt (m) 1 Very rare 495,152
Zuriel's hood (m) 1 Very rare 1,378,763
Zuriel's robe top (m) 1 Very rare 10,905,600
Zuriel's robe bottom (m) 1 Very rare 10,524,751
Morrigan's coif (m) 1 Very rare 347,427
Morrigan's leather body (m) 1 Very rare 2,315,650
Morrigan's leather chaps (m) 1 Very rare 1,323,534
Corrupt Statius's full helm (m) 1 Very rare 53,448
Corrupt statius's platebody (m) 1 Very rare 108,953
Corrupt Statius's platelegs (m) 1 Very rare 72,659
Corrupt Vesta's chainbody (m) 1 Very rare 70,382
Corrupt Vesta's plateskirt (m) 1 Very rare 70,979
Corrupt Zuriel's hood (m) 1 Very rare 23,101
Corrupt Zuriel's robe top (m) 1 Very rare 84,006
Corrupt Zuriel's robe bottom (m) 1 Very rare 84,121
Corrupt Morrigan's coif (m) 1 Very rare 16,245
Corrupt Morrigan's leather body (m) 1 Very rare 72,175
Corrupt Morrigan's leather chaps (m) 1 Very rare 71,788
Brawling Gloves [ ]
Ancient artefacts [ ]
GE price
Broken statue headdress 1 Very rare 5,000
Third age carafe 1 Very rare 10,000
Bronzed dragon claw 1 Very rare 20,000
Ancient psaltery bridge 1 Very rare 30,000
Saradomin amphora 1 Very rare 40,000
Bandos scrimshaw 1 Very rare 50,000
Saradomin carving 1 Very rare 75,000
Zamorak medallion 1 Very rare 100,000
Armadyl totem 1 Very rare 150,000
Guthixian brazier 1 Very rare 200,000
Ruby chalice 1 Very rare 250,000
Bandos statuette 1 Very rare 300,000
Saradomin statuette 1 Very rare 400,000
Zamorak statuette 1 Very rare 500,000
Armadyl statuette 1 Very rare 750,000
Seren statuette 1 Very rare 1,000,000
Ancient statuette 1 Very rare 5,000,000
Other [ ]
Universal drops [ ]
Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim .
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Trivia [ ]
Revenant vampyres weren't updated during the 17 August 2011 graphical update , while most other vampyres were.
These monsters used to have the ability to inflict poison with their melee attacks on members' worlds (starting at 68 damage). This was removed in a hidden update.
They used to have a longer respawn time than any other revenant in the Forinthry Dungeon. As of 22 July 2014 , the revenant vampyre's respawn time is the same as that of the other revenants in the Forinthry Dungeon.