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Queen help book
This is the quick guide for River of Blood.
For a more in-depth version, click here.
Light orb
River of Blood contains effects that can be hazardous to people with epilepsy or other vision problems.
Make sure to change your display settings if you suffer from these conditions.


Start pointQuest map icon
River of Blood icon
Speak to King Roald in Varrock palace
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyGrandmaster Grandmaster
Official lengthLong to Very Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Enemies to defeat

Preparations for Aeonisig[]

  • Talk to King Roald in Varrock Castle. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to Drezel under Paterdomus Temple west of Canifis.
    • Reclaim the wolfbane dagger if you had previously destroyed it.
  • Head west, up the ladder.
  • Talk to Aeonisig east of the Paterdomus light beacon.
  • Defeat the 3 Vyrewatches.
  • Talk to Aeonisig. (Chat ~4)
  • Talk to Captain Rovin near the temple to supply him with armour.
  • Talk to Aeonisig. (Chat 33)
  • Kill all Zamorak monks in the temple.
  • Kill the Zamorakian leader and bodyguard on the top floor.
  • Return to Aeonisig. (Chat 2~2)
  • Return to Drezel.
  • Use the Temple Library key on the keyhole. It might not be there for everyone.
  • Climb-down the trapdoor.
River of blood book shelf solution

River of blood bookshelf solution

  • Pull 7 books off the bookcases in the correct order until you find the Blood of the Covenant: Lumbridge, Varrock, Edgeville, Falador, Rimmington, Taverley, Draynor, then finally "Blood of the Covenant".
  • Read the book.
  • Climb-up the ladder.
  • Talk to Ivan Strom.
  • Enter the trapdoor behind Canifis pub, search the wall and take the first entrance to the east.
    • If players are taken to Mort'ton they need to go to the Temple Trekking noticeboard next to the temple west of Canifis, click on the medium NPC and on the right hand side, they'll see the NPC with level 99, which is rewarded with the ability to toggle a shortcut from the trapdoor. After toggling it the door will function as normal or the boat can be taken back to the swamp and run to the cellar doors from here to access the tomb without toggling the function.
  • Use a Guthix balance on the tomb and open it. (Chat 1)
  • Open the scroll case and read the Scroll of Balance.
  • Burn a Blisterwood log and take the ashes.
  • Grind the Silvthril bar at the ectofuntus grinder. (Chat 1)
  • Use the Silvthril dust on the Altar of Nature in the Nature Grotto.
  • Use any of the three ingredients on a Super restore (3) to make a Super Guthix balance potion.Keep the Ivandis's serum in your inventory for later use.


Clash of Armies[]

Items needed: Blisterwood weapon, food and combat supplies for battle with a Level 117 Wyrd
  • Talk to Drezel
  • Pour the potion into the nearby well.
  • Talk to Aeonisig.(Chat 13)
  • Talk to Vanescula on the bridge. (Chat ~~)
  • Kill the feral vampyres.
  • Kill the Wyrd while stepping away from its special attacks.
    • Note that the Sonic Wave attack is a one-hit KO attack. This can be avoided by stepping at least two squares back.

Combatting haemalchemy[]

Items needed: Sunspear, wolfbane dagger, blisterwood logs, food/armour, optionally vampyre disguise
  • Travel to Burgh de Rott via Drakan's medallion. (Chat 2)
  • Travel on the boat south of Burgh de Rott to the Icyene graveyard. (Chat 2)
  • Talk to Efaritay.
  • Inspect the northern crypt, and take the pendant.
  • Talk to Efaritay.
  • Craft a Blisterwood shaft from blisterwood logs.
  • Use the shaft on the sunspear with the wolfbane dagger in your inventory.
  • Talk to Efaritay.
  • Teleport to the Meiyerditch Laboratories. (Chat 5)
  • Talk to Sarius.
  • Run through the tunnel to the room with the Mutated Bloodveld just to your west. Take the book from the research table on the north side and read it.
  • Talk to Sarius.
  • Climb the stairs and run north-west into the mine.
  • With your vampyre disguise on, talk to a guard about the refinery. (if you don't have your disguise on you must manually fill the cart up with 15 ores yourself)
  • Talk to one of the Juvinate guards. (Chat 1)
  • Push the cart.
  • Kill the Juvinates.
  • Open the 5 cell doors.

Refinery Puzzle[]

  • Run north and talk to Emilia. (Chat 5)
  • Talk to Sorin. (Chat 4)
  • Talk to Ileana. (Chat 3)
  • Talk to Razvan. (Chat 2)
  • Talk to Florin. (Chat 1)
  • Tithe the Shadum blood lock. (Chat 6)

Curing vampyrism[]

  • Extract the Refined daeyalt.
  • Inspect the rejuvenation tank.
  • Climb the stairs and talk to Safalaan.
  • Kill the Skeleton Hellhounds.
  • Climb the stairs.
  • Go to the library room (the room accessed from the small corridor to the east) and take the bottle of holy water from the table.
  • Continue east.
  • Throw the bottle of holy water on Harold and climb the stairs.
  • Cut a log from the blisterwood tree.
  • Light the firepit in front of the Stone of Jas.
  • Roll the barrel of gunpowder.
  • Unlock the blood seal.
  • Climb the stairs.
  • Kill Safalan with the Sunspear.
    • If you die, you will respawn safely in Darkmeyer.
  • Talk to Efaritay.
  • Use the daeyalt and Ivandis' serum on Safalan's blood.
  • Pour the extreme Guthix balance potion into the Paterdomus well.
  • Talk to Vanescula on the bridge.
  • Watch the cutscene and then talk to Vanescula once more.
  • Talk to King Roald. (Chat 1)
  • Quest complete!


River of Blood reward
  • 3 quest points
  • 75,000 Herblore experience
  • 50,000 Firemaking experience
  • 50,000 Fletching experience
  • 50,000 Mining experience
  • Tome of XP 5th ed, which contains three chapters worth 75,000 experience each, redeemable on a skill equal to or higher than level 75
  • A Sunspear (melee), which can be changed into a sunspear (magic) and sunspear (ranged), along with a cosmetic override of each accessible via the Customisation interface.
  • Ability to make blood essences by talking to Vanescula Drakan on the roof of Castle Drakan.
  • A bloodstone
  • 2 Treasure Hunter keys and 2 Hearts of Ice
Early bird bonus

Completing the quest between 25 April and 8 May 2016 awarded an additional chapter in the XP tome worth 75,000 experience.

Music unlocked