Royal dragonhide coif
9,300 coins
5,580 coins
3,720 coins
A coif made of royal dragonhide.
8,500 coins
5,100 coins
3,400 coins
A coif made of royal dragonhide.
8,500 coins
5,100 coins
3,400 coins
A coif made of royal dragonhide.
8,500 coins
5,100 coins
3,400 coins
A coif made of royal dragonhide.
8,500 coins
5,100 coins
3,400 coins
A coif made of royal dragonhide.
8,500 coins
5,100 coins
3,400 coins
A worn-out coif made of royal dragonhide.
The royal dragonhide coif is a piece of royal dragonhide armour , made by crafting two pieces of royal dragon leather at 91 Crafting , giving 188 experience. It may be worn by players with 65 Defence .
It has the same defence stats as the Armadyl helmet , but without a damage or prayer bonus, along with being significantly less expensive.
Creation [ ]
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Royal dragonhide coif", "image": "[[File:Royal dragonhide coif.png|link=Royal dragonhide coif]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Royal dragon leather", "quantity": "2", "image": "Royal dragon leather.png" } ], "skill": "Crafting", "level": "91" } Royal dragonhide coif- 188 XP - 6,386 Requirements Crafting level91 Members onlyYes Materials Item Quantity Price Total Royal dragon leather 2 4,809 9,618
Disassembly [ ]
Defined properties:
All Junk chance: 28.5
Junk chance: 28.5
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Trivia [ ]
Royal dragonhide coifs were originally a degradable reward obtained as a reward from the Fist of Guthix minigame. It was changed on 10 August 2015 . Old coifs that had been degraded still remained in the game, but could be converted to the tradable version.