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Royal dragonhide set detail

A royal dragonhide set is a boxed set of Royal dragonhide armour, containing a body, vambraces, boots and chaps. Unlike melee and some magic armour sets, this set does not include a coif, which can be crafted. The box can be traded for the armour (or vice versa) by talking to Grand Exchange clerks at the Grand Exchange.

A player in black dragonhide armour.


Royal Dragonhide Grand Exchange cost
Royal dragonhide bodyRoyal dragonhide body10,318 [graph]
Royal dragonhide chapsRoyal dragonhide chaps8,269 [graph]
Royal dragonhide vambracesRoyal dragonhide vambraces5,089 [graph]
Royal dragonhide bootsRoyal dragonhide boots4,955 [graph]
Total price28,631
[view] [talk]

Bonus table[]

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Royal dragonhide body Royal dragonhide body - - - - - - 298 0 0 - - -
Royal dragonhide chaps Royal dragonhide chaps - - - - - - 285 0 0 - - -
Royal dragonhide vambraces Royal dragonhide vambraces - - - - - - 64 0 0 - - -
Royal dragonhide boots Royal dragonhide boots - - - - - - 64 0 0 - - -
Totals - - - - - - 711 0 0 - - -