Royal dragonhide vambraces
6,200 coins
3,720 coins
2,480 coins
Vambraces made from 100% real dragonhide.
The royal dragonhide vambraces are made by crafting a royal dragon leather . Wearing them requires 65 Defence . They require 87 Crafting to make, and give 94 experience .
They have a slightly higher armour rating than Barrows gloves but count only as a ranged item. They can be enhanced to Royal spiky vambraces .
Creation [ ]
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Royal dragonhide vambraces", "image": "[[File:Royal dragonhide vambraces.png|link=Royal dragonhide vambraces]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Royal dragon leather", "quantity": "1", "image": "Royal dragon leather.png" } ], "skill": "Crafting", "level": "87" } Royal dragonhide vambraces- 94 XP - 5,089 Requirements Crafting level87 Members onlyYes Materials Item Quantity Price Total Royal dragon leather 1 4,809 4,809
Production costs [ ]
The data in this table is based on the current Grand Exchange prices. It is accurate assuming the items are bought off of the Grand Exchange and the completed Royal dragonhide vambraces are sold afterwards.
Material cost
Profit/xp (Bonus experience)
Tanning Royal dragonhide
8.57 (4.28)
Buying Royal dragonleather
3.26 (1.63)
Disassembly [ ]
Defined properties:
All Junk chance: 28.5
Junk chance: 28.5
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