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Ruby detail

A ruby is a red gemstone used in crafting and Fletching. An uncut ruby can be crafted into a ruby by a player with 34 Crafting, yielding 85 Crafting experience. Uncut rubies can be obtained randomly while mining ores, dropped as loot from defeating monsters, and may by rewarded as a prize from many Distractions and Diversions among other places.

At level 63 Fletching, players can cut a ruby into 12 ruby bolt tips, yielding 6 Fletching experience.


Ruby Ruby
Crafting-Make-X GE icon
85 XP-1,095
Crafting Crafting level34
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Uncut rubyUncut ruby11,8421,842

Cost of cutting[]

Uncut ruby Ruby Ruby bolt tips (12)
Value Value Profit Crafting GP/XP Value Profit Fletching GP/XP
1,842 1,095 −747 −8.79 1,404 −438 −4.81
  • The profit or loss for fletching bolts assumes starting with an uncut gem.

Jewellery and bolts[]

Rubies can be forged in a furnace with a gold bar and the appropriate mould to produce the following jewellery, which can then be enchanted:

Level Unenchanted Profit Enchanted Profit Profit[1]
Crafting 34 Ruby ring −318 Ring of forging −682 113
Crafting 40 Ruby necklace 939 Digsite pendant N/A N/A
Crafting 42 Ruby bracelet 160 Inoculation brace −1,480 −685
Crafting 50 Ruby amulet[2] 563 Amulet of strength[2] −394 401
Fletching 63 Ruby bolts[3] −1,203 Enchanted ruby bolts[3] −3,069 −2,115
  1. ^ Assumes a fire staff is used.
  2. ^ a b Includes the price of a ball of wool.
  3. ^ a b Assumes 12 adamant bolts are bought.

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Ogre statue751Common
Ork statue711Common
Ourg statue791Common
Goblin statue701Uncommon
Onyx dragon1262Uncommon
Mystery box (Court Cases)N/A1Unknown
Earth implingN/A1Very rare
Scabaras lancer77unknownVery rare


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