The ruby ring is a jewellery item that players can make by using a gold bar, a ruby and a ring mould on a furnace. It requires a Crafting level of 34, and provides 70 experience when made. Making this item will result in a profit of 675 coins.
Grum's Gold Exchange in Port Sarim buys the first for at high alchemy, This is much less than the Grand Exchange price. Grum only ever has player stock available since the personal store update. In Zanaris, Irksolsells them for 2,025 gp with a stock of 10 rings. Irksol is located in the north of the Market area, and players who have not completed Fairytale III - Battle at Orks Rift need to pay a cut diamond to enter the market, making this a rather impractical and expensive way of obtaining a ruby ring. A ruby ring may also be randomly generated by a Magpie familiar.
The ruby ring can be imbued for the price of 89,600 Mobilising Armies points, turning it into a ruby ring (i) by giving it to an officer in order to be enchanted.
A ruby ring in the basement of the west Varrockbank vaultcannot be taken with the Telekinetic Grab spell, as it is placed too far away from the gate. There is a message written on the loading screen that is as follows: The telegrab spell allows mages to reach items otherwise unreachable, many have tried to grab the ruby ring in the west varrock bank and failed.
A ruby ring is required to exchange for a pair of Swanky Boots after destroying 12 pairs of the boots.