RuneScape Top Trumps is a type of real-life card game released by Jagex in partnership with Winning Moves.
Generally, in Top Trumps, each card contains a list of numerical data, and the aim of the game is to compare these values in order to try to trump and win an opponent's card. In RuneScape Top Trumps, these values are Height, Combat level, Age, Quest Factor and Years in RuneScape. There is also an added optional rule: each card has combat style - either Melee, Ranged or Magic - and when two cards share the same top value, the card with the superior style (as dictated by the Combat Triangle) beats the other card.
The cards with the highest values in each category are:
Height: Queen Black Dragon - 100m
Combat level: Vanescula Drakan - 424
Age: Dragonkin - 18,000 years
Quest factor: Yelps - 20
Years in RuneScape: Goblin & Imp - 13
Monsters of RuneScape was the first set of Top Trumps cards released. It is themed around the monsters of RuneScape, containing a total of 30, although other characters such as Yelps and Moia also appear. It was released on 12 December2013, at a price of GB£5.99, US$10.00, or 3 Bonds, costing 56,800,470. Packs can be purchased from, or with Bonds by following the instructions on the Top Trumps page on the RuneScape website. A pack was also given to each Runefest 2014 attendee.
15 character cards were selected by the RuneScape Team, while the remaining 15 cards were chosen by the RuneScape community. From 26 October to 8 November2013, Jagex conducted polls in the official website to determine the 15 monsters to be featured.
The Chaos Elemental talks in anagrams and cryptic riddles, making it difficult to learn much, if anything, about it. "Psmlm buaa ifcm e pucm vsmd psm Mchpz Fdm lmprldn, eucudq pf peym psm Npfdm edk ifdoulcudq sucnmao en ed Makml Qfk"
The Corporeal Beast has mastered the ability to switch from the spirit realm to the corporeal realm. It is the bane of the living and dead alike, devouring without prejudice. It's rare for ghosts to ask for help, but the killing of the Corporeal Beast is an exception.
Dharok's family were conscripted into Saradomin's army in the God Wars. Along with his five brothers, he looked to free the realm of Morytania from Zamorak and his armies. That was until a malevolent sorceror corrupted their souls and forced them to serve as undying wights.
The Dragonkin are the only surviving beings to have en-countered the Elder Gods: creators of the universe. The Elder Gods bound the Dragonkin to the Stone of Jas - a powerful artefact. As the stone is used, the kin become stronger and more angry, making its use a dangerous business indeed.
A fowl beast with a taste for human flesh. Everything tastes like human to the Evil Chicken. There was a time when the Evil Chicken would freely roam the surface of Gielinor, pecking at anyone who gave him the eye, but now he's happily retired, and his mauling days are behind him.
Not too intelligent, but plenty dangerous. Graardor is a 'general' in the loosest possible sense. One of the last of the mighty ourg race, he'll be found in the midst of battle - swinging his fists and inspiring the Bandosian horde to prove themselves worthy of the Big High War God's approval.
Goblins are widely misunderstood. It's true that they're of limited intellect, scant courage and they are unable to agree even on the colour of their armour, but their race has produced cunning war chiefs, explosively inventive chefs and plentiful cannon fodder for the armies of Bandos.
Imps have the unique ability to teleport a short distance in a puff of smoke. Although they usually do this when retreating from an attacker, they have also been known to teleport for no apparent reason. Asking why often leads to a kick to the unmentionables.
The Queen Black Dragon is the first dragon, created and imprisoned by the Dragonkin - a failed experiment, who is nonetheless one[sic]RuneScape's most dangerous beings. The town of Rimmington is unaware she sleeps beneath them.
In caves around Gielinor live Big Chinchompas. Don't be fooled by their huggable exterior! They're plenty cuddly and cute, but feed them too much and they'll quite literally explode! With sulphuric bellies and a fiery temperament, the blast can be enough to wipe out a small village.
Char is the last of the Auspah, a race that could generate fire from their fingertips. Char has taken that ability and mastered it. Now, she fights for Zaros, commanding her ever-burning flames to consume and destroy the Empty Lord's enemies.
Commander Zilyana - also known as Saint Zilyala - is a loyal follower of Saradomin and has commanded his armies for decades. Proud to a fault, Zilyana has never fallen in battle, save for a humiliating defeat at the hands of her rival, Kril Tsutaroth.
K'ril Tsutsaroth is one of the largest and fiercest denizens of the Infernal Dimensions, and one of the chaos god Zamorak's foremost generals. He is thrilled to leave the petty infighting of his own kind behind to face a more formidable foe: Saradomin, god of law.
The Kalphites are hive creatures, with a queen, workers and drones. The Kalphite King is the mightiest of all the Kalphite Queen's protectors, and will often invade other hives to kill their Queen. No adventurer could kill the king alone - the only hope is in a group.
Dragons are tough as it is, but the King Black Dragon is heads and shoulders above the rest. Bred on Gielinor by the Dragonkin, and breathing fire, poison and ice, the King Black Dragon is rivalled in power only by the Queen Black Dragon.
Kree'arra is the mightiest of the aviansie and a general of Armadyl: the god of freedom and justice. Kree'arra led his surviving people into the God Wars Dungeon, where he defends them to this day, waiting for the return of his beloved god.
Few are as ambitious as Lucien. Unsatisfied with being the strongest of his already powerful race - the Mahjarrat - Lucien strives to become a god. With infinite patience, he has gathered artefacts that will help achieve that aim. All that is needed is the death of another of his kind.
Moia is the daughter of Lucien, a Mahjarrat, and an unknown human partner. This has cast her as something of an outsider, as the Mahjarrat consider her weak, and humans fear her. But Zamorak - god of chaos - has seen her potential, and charged her with being general of his armies.
Even the gods of Gielinor stood alert when the name 'Nex' was uttered during the God Wars. So powerful was she that - despite their differences - they pooled their resources to stop her in her tracks. Despite this, she lives, and is still the most powerful of Zaros's faithful.
Shrouded in mystery, Nomad's motives and allegiances are his to know. Whether he is the pawn of a god or his own man, he is one to be feared. A powerful magic, he siphons souls through an obelisk to generate arcane energy that - so far, at least - has not been unleashed.
Saradomin - god of law - favours grand gestures and decisive force when he goes to war. In the Saradominist Colossus, he commands a magically animated siege machine that can toss holy boulders over great distances.
The ultimate odd couple on Gielinor can be found near Varrock. Here, a mad old man carries a bag of bones possessed by an ancient spirit. The spirit mumbles to the old man, and the old man persuades adventurers to deliver him bones. Thus, the Skeletal Horror comes into being!
A creature from the Eastern Lands, tamed by Gielinor's fierce and cunning mermaids, the Thalassus hunts humans and sea creatures alike. It's legendary among anglers as the ultimate catch, and is responsible for many a peg leg and hook hand.
Trolls name their young after the first thing they eat, or the sound that first thing makes at the time. Looking around in Trollheim you'll find trolls named 'Dad', 'Cliff', 'Ug' and 'My Arm!'. Find a baby troll, and you'll be able to name it by feeding it whatever you fancy!
The TzHaar are a noble and honourable race that has lived within a volcano since the world was created. The race seems to be born of the volcano itself, being made of magma and volcanic rock. Despite their intimidating appearance and obvious strength, the TzHaar are not an aggressive race.
'Jad' is the ultimate arena beast, bred for battle by the TzHaar, a volcano-dwelling race who pride themselves on their combat prowess. While the TzHaar are less than welcoming to outsiders, they are willing to allow the odd adventurer in to face Jad. Most perish in the attempt.
Vanescula is the sister of Drakan, the leader of the vampyres. Her aims are a mystery - one moment she is drinking blood with her brethren in Darkmeyer, the next she is aiding human rebels. One thing is clear, though - in all things, Vanescula serves herself.
Long ago, Vorago was felled by the powerful Maul of Omens, which is now lodged in his body. If a hero were to ever recover and reassemble this weapon, Vorago might be defeated - but who would be foolish enough to brave the boulders and face this natural juggernaut?
Yelps grew up as the butt of jokes. Originally named Dimwit, Yelps gained his name by accidentally hitting his head, falling down stairs and biting his own tongue. Fed up of his screaming and hollering, the leaders of Goblin Village tied him to a spinning wheel, and played games with him.
Often legless and rarely armed. Rabid Jack is the leader of the pirate zombies, and any zombie who fails him dies (again), gangplank-style. This makes the life (or un-life) of a pirate zombie relatively short, so there's always demand for more zombies in Rabid Jack's ranks.
Despite that imps use only melee, their combat style is stated as magic. Commander Zilyana uses magic and melee, but the card states her combat style as ranged.
The Chaos Elemental's message comes from Chaos Elemental Note 14, and decodes into "There will come a time when the Empty One returns, aiming to take the Stone and confirming himself as an Elder God."
Commander Zilyana would have to be over 3069 years old to be alive during the battle of Annakarl, in 3100 of the Third Age, rather than 2500 as stated on her card, though that may not include the time she spent frozen in ice.