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Rune 2h sword detail

The rune 2h sword is the second strongest conventional 2-handed weapon available to free to play players, only being surpassed by the tier 55 Gravite 2h sword. However, the Rune 2h sword does not degrade like Gravite weaponry. Like all rune weapons, it requires 50 Attack to wield.

Combat Stats
RequirementsRune 2h sword equipped
50 Attack
Attack Melee2h slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


Rune 2h sword Rune 2h sword
Smithing-Make-X GE icon
225 XP-36,735
Smithing Smithing level99
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Rune barRune bar32,9858,955

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Casket (CS Week)N/A1Common
Memory of NomadN/A3–9Common
Security casket (CS Week)N/A1Common
Edimmu (elite)1251Rare
Giant Mole (historical)761Rare
Ogre statue751Rare
Ork statue711Rare
Ourg statue791Rare
Scabaras ranger771Rare
Unwieldly zombie1111Rare
WildyWyrm (historical)3821Rare
Avaryss, the Unceasing10005–10Uncommon
Camel Warrior1321Uncommon
Crystal Shapeshifter1121Uncommon
Demon Flash MobN/A1Uncommon
Demon boss2001Uncommon
General Graardor210; 6241Uncommon
Gorilla akh1111Uncommon
Iorwerth guard1221Uncommon
Iorwerth scout1221Uncommon
Locust ranger771Unknown
Sandy CasketN/A1Unknown
Sandy Casket (red)N/A1Unknown
Kalphite Guardian721Very rare
Locust lancer771Very rare
Locust rider751Very rare
Scarab mage751Very rare

Store location[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?


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  • When the Rune two-handed sword was put back into the game, this weapon was used by nearly all player killers capable of wielding it, since in RuneScape Classic there were no attack speeds. This also made it by far the most popular weapon for non-members, and nearly all non-members who could afford it wielded one.
  • On 17 September 2009, an update changed the appearance of the rune 2h sword, making it look like a large rune long sword being held in both hands, similar to the Saradomin sword. However, with the Evolution of Combat update, the model was changed again, giving it a design similar to that of the rest of the weapons in the prominent Rune weapon set.
  • Although it is considered one of the best weapons on RuneScape Classic, and the free-to-play part of the main RuneScape game alike, it is not often used in pay-to-play due to the existence of many other, more powerful weapons.