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Rune Essence Mine
Rune essence mine
Release date 1 December 2003 (Update)
Location See article
Members No
Rocks 4 Rune/Pure Essence
Monsters None
Requirements None
Main music Rune Essence
Essence mine map

The Rune Essence mine is a magical mine located in the very far north of the map, past the Wilderness and the Lunar Sea. It is the only place where wizards can get rune or pure essence for Runecrafting, apart from the Lunar Isle Mine. This mine, unlike the one located on Lunar Isle, cannot be reached manually by players, due to it being sealed from all access except a specific spell. To access this mine, one must complete the Rune Mysteries quest.

In the past, wizards from the Wizards' Tower needing runes would face the great dangers of the wilderness and pirates in the sea before reaching the mine, which resulted in many deaths. In the year 70 of the Fifth Age, Kelavan the Red, an apprentice of the Red Wizards at the first Wizards' Tower, accidentally discovered how to create new teleportation spells when studying how to bypass defences with combat spells (he discovered that teleportation spells can be created by having the wizard pass through a second plane of existence). After a series of events, a ritual was commenced to create a power beam to function as an anchor for all teleportation spells. At this time, the spell Senventior Disthine Molenko was created, which teleports wizards to the mine, omitting all danger. Due to a tragic accident, however, the tower was burnt down.

Archmage Perien of the rebuilt second Wizards' Tower blamed the Red Wizards and banished all Zamorakians from the tower, keeping the secret of the Rune Essence Mine teleport spell to the Saradominists. Zamorakian organisations, most prominently the Zamorakian Magical Institute, are still trying to steal their secret to this day.


Rune essence is a magical kind of stone which has the power to absorb magical energies in it. Runecrafters use this rune essence as a resource to create runestones, which the wizards, in turn, use to cast magic. Rune essence is a soft material which can be cut in many different shapes. The wizards of the wizards' tower used Rune essence to shape the body of the rune guardian.

The rune essence rocks were once created by the powerful stone of Jas, which was hidden by Guthix after he shaped Gielinor with it. When the stone of Jas and the rune essence were discovered by a seer of the Fremennik tribe, the stone was taken away by "those who walk a higher astral path". The rune essence rocks remained there however.

There are only two places in all of Gielinor where this very special kind of stone can be collected. One place is hidden secretly somewhere in the frozen north. This mine can only be accessed by a teleport spell which only a few wizards know about. The wizards of the Wizards' Tower use this mine to collect their rune essence.

Another place where the rune essence can be mined is found on Lunar Isle where the moonclan lives. This mine is not very known by outsiders and is mostly used by the moonclan itself.

Rune essence exists of two kinds. One kind is a normal kind of stone and can be mined by even the least experienced miners. This kind is just called "rune essence" and you can only craft low level runes with it. The second kind is a better kind of essence. This kind is harder to mine and is used to create both high levelled and low levelled runes because it is more pure. It is as such called "pure essence".

Accessing the mine[]

Rune Essence Mine

The Rune Essence rock, where all essence comes from.

There are a number of NPCs located around RuneScape that will teleport the player to the mine. Players can either talk to these NPCs and ask to go to the mine, or right click the NPC and click the "Teleport" option to go directly to the mine.


  • Aubury - Located in Varrock, immediately south of the east bank. This is the most popular spot to teleport to the mine, as this location is the shortest walk away from a bank in free-to-play worlds.
  • Sedridor - As of 28 November 2012, Sedridor is now located on the 2nd floor of the Wizards' Tower. This location is not recommended without a Runecrafting level of 50+ as it is a long walk to a bank from here. Although players who have completed the medium tasks in the Tasks for Lumbridge, and thus may use their ring to teleport to the cabbage patch south of Falador, may teleport and have a shorter length to run to the bank. However, for players with 50+ Runecrafting, there is a Deposit Box in the Runecrafting Guild inside the portal on the first floor, although it is debatable if it's faster than Aubury's. Do note that the deposit box located outside the Runecrafting Guild on the roof of the Wizards' Tower will NOT work for depositing essence, and will instead provide the message "Sedridor does not want you banking rune essence inside the tower."
  • Carwen Essencebinder - Located in Burthorpe, south of Xuan's store. This is the closest location to a lodestone.



Ess mine lunar

The rune essence mine in the Lunar Isle mine.

Mining runic essence

A player mining rune essence.

The mine features four large essence outcrops that the player can mine from. Note that unlike other types of mining rocks in the game, multiple players can mine from the same essence rock at the same time, and a single click will fill the player's inventory with essence. There is also a teleport located around each of the rocks that will teleport the player out of the mine.

There are three types of resources that can be obtained from this area:

Rune Essence[]

Free players, or members with less than level 30 mining, will mine rune essence from the outcrops. Each mined essence gives 5 mining experience. Rune essence can be used with the Runecrafting skill to craft elemental runes (air, water, earth, and fire), mind runes, and body runes.

Pure Essence[]

Paying members with a mining level of 30 or higher will start mining pure essence from the mines. Pure essence can be used to create any type of rune available with the Runecrafting skill.

Dead Trees[]

Along with the rune essence outcrops, there are a few dead trees around the mine. These can be useful for new players who want to train Woodcutting or Firemaking, although there are much better places throughout Runescape to do so.


  • It is possible that the mine was the location of the Stone of Jas, as the Fremennik who discovered it said that when the Stone was removed, the surrounding rock transformed into rune essence, which can be seen in the mine.
  • The area the mine is in was snowy, again suggesting that it was near the Fremennik area since it was the Fremenniks that first discovered both the Stone of Jas and the Rune Essence. In Rune Mysteries, it is said that the mine is actually located in the magically-closed ice fields of the north.
  • Entering the mine from a members' entrance, switching to a Free world and trying to leave gives you a warning about not being able to go here on a Free server. Trying again will cause a teleport interception, bringing you to Sedridor. When RuneScape 2 was first released, doing this would crash the game instead.
  • There is a glitch where the player could be teleported behind the portal in the mine, making them stuck. Although the player could simply click the portal and teleport out like normal, most bots cannot which helps identify mining bots. This glitch is uncommon, but has yet to be fixed.
  • Back around 2005-2006, if you went into the far north-west corner of the mine, you could see some grass and a tree at the edge of the minimap. This was later fixed, although it is now possible to see it using the orb of oculus. With the orb, the Air Runecrafting altar can be seen if used from the area west of the north-west portal. To the south of the mine is a snowy area with a small body of water.
  • With the Barbarian Assault improvements update came another hidden update, showing even more deep cracks in the four rocks. The rocks even looked a bit lopsided. The rock in the Lunar Isle mine were also updated to show cracks.
  • The mining movement in the Rune Essence mine is different than any other mines in Gielinor, except for when mining a crumbling wall in a dungeon.
  • There is currently a graphical glitch that when you mine, part of your pickaxe disappears.
  • When you get teleported to the mine by Wizard Distentor (Magic Guild), Wizard Cromperty (Northeast, East-Ardougne), Sedridor (Wizards' Tower), or Aubury (Varrock magic shop), the spell cast looks similar in appearance to the Curse spell rather than an ordinary teleport spell.
  • If you check the task list here, it will list this location as the Outer Planes.
  • After the 19 April 2011 update, this remained one of the few locations where you can prospect for ore. Another place where this is still possible is the Living Rock Caverns.
  • After a hidden update in March of 2014, the prospect option for Rune Essence rocks was finally removed.
  • You cannot use Alchemy in the mine.