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Not to be confused with the Guthix version of the Painted heraldic helmet.

Rune full helm (Guthix) chathead
Rune full helm (Guthix) detail

The rune full helm (Guthix) or Guthix full helm is a decorated rune full helm that is affiliated with the god Guthix. Sharing the same stats as the rune full helm, the rune full helm (Guthix) also looks visually similar. Its appearance differs in that the helm features an ornamental green trim, a green plume, and a pair of green plant-like decorations. The full helm requires 50 defence to wear and cannot be made using the smithing skill. Players can obtain a rune full helm (Guthix) as a reward from completing a level 3 Treasure Trail or from burning a vyre corpse in the Columbarium.

This full helm is a constituent of the Guthix armour set which consists of the following items: rune full helm (Guthix), rune platebody (Guthix), rune platelegs (Guthix) or rune plateskirt (Guthix), and rune kiteshield (Guthix)—all of which are decorative versions of their respective rune armour counterparts.

Combat Stats
RequirementsGuthix armour set (lg) male equipped
50 Defence
Attack MeleeHead slot
50Tank armour
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour170PvM: 1%PvP: 1.875%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Vyre corpseN/A1Rare
Columbarium keyN/A1Very rare
Shiny columbarium keyN/A1Very rare


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