RuneScape Wiki

Salamanders are versatile, two-handed ranged weapons that act as two-handed crossbows. Salamanders may be obtained through net trapping and must be fuelled using a variety of herb tars made with the Herblore skill.

When you die or drop a salamander it runs away. In contrast, when a beast of burden holding any salamanders is dismissed or dies, the salamanders are dropped on the ground and can be picked up as items instead.

Black salamander equipped

A player holding a Black salamander

Weapon (creature) Ranged Level Damage Ammo
Swamp lizardSwamp lizard (hunter) 30 397 Guam tarGuam tar
Orange salamanderOrange salamander (hunter) 50 662 Marrentill tarMarrentill tar
Red salamanderRed salamander (hunter) 60 795 Tarromin tarTarromin tar
Black salamanderBlack salamander (hunter) 70 892 Harralander tarHarralander tar

Their combat bonuses are as follows:

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus Price
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Swamp lizard Swamp lizard 30 Bolt 397 454 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 7,233
Orange salamander Orange salamander 50 Bolt 662 850 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 4,903
Red salamander Red salamander 60 Bolt 765 1132 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 3,901
Black salamander Black salamander 70 Bolt 892 1486 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 6,260


  • On the 17 January 2011 patch notes, salamanders had their idle animation stance updated.
  • When moving around, a salamander becomes a one-handed weapon rather than a two-handed one.
  • When salamanders were first released players would purchase them for 12,000 coins to upwards of 65,000 coins depending on the tier.
  • When you attack with salamanders, you appear to be pulling their tail.
  • When you are in the combat stance with a salamander, it is similar to holding a gun, or anything similar to that matter.