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Salarin the Twisted is an evil druid found at the end of Yanille's Agility dungeon in an area that requires level 67 Agility to enter. He guards the closed chest that contains nine herbs: 2 harralander, 3 ranarr, 1 irit, 1 kwuarm, 1 avantoe, and 1 torstol.

Salarin can only be harmed by Strike spells or spells higher level than strike spells, including special spells like Polypore Strike. Lower level spells, melee, and ranged cannot harm him. He is weakest against fire spells, although any magic spell will work.

Food, or a healing familiar such as the bunyip, are useful during long trips. High-level players can easily kill Salarin multiple times with little or no need for food. One effective tactic is to use Void knight gear and a polypore staff or Armadyl battlestaff, which often kills Salarin in one strike. If also killing the chaos druids, bringing a bow and arrows will also kill them quickly, too.

Salarin safe zone

The area the player can stand to safely attack Salarin.

There is a point in the corridor where the player can attack Salarin and he will try to retreat rather than attack. This is useful for low level players who are not confident about taking him on at close quarters.



Item Quantity Rarity GE price

Main drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Grimy guamGrimy guam1Common709
Grimy marrentillGrimy marrentill1Common2,307
Grimy tarrominGrimy tarromin1Common105
Grimy iritGrimy irit1Common5,008
Grimy harralanderGrimy harralander1Uncommon741
Grimy ranarrGrimy ranarr1Uncommon1,860
Grimy avantoeGrimy avantoe1Uncommon1,043
Grimy kwuarmGrimy kwuarm1Rare11,782
Grimy cadantineGrimy cadantine1Rare4,322
Grimy lantadymeGrimy lantadyme1Rare7,551
Grimy dwarf weedGrimy dwarf weed1Rare8,476
Water runeWater rune12Common300
Law runeLaw rune2Uncommon1,140
Nature runeNature rune3Uncommon1,215
Fire runeFire rune36Rare5,724
Bronze longswordBronze longsword1Uncommon1,681
Black daggerBlack dagger1Rare3,995
Mithril boltsMithril bolts2–12Rare148–888
Rune javelinRune javelin1Very rare181
Vial of waterVial of water1Common96
White berriesWhite berries1Uncommon4,019
Snape grassSnape grass1Uncommon134
Coins 5Coins3–24Common3–24
Super defence (1)Super defence (1)1Common2,604
Sinister keySinister key1Uncommon18,555
Iron helmIron helm1Rare631
Cosmic talismanCosmic talisman1Very rare1,030

Rare drop table drops[]

This monster has access to the rare drop table.
Luck-enhancing items such as a ring of wealth or luck of the dwarves are not required to access the table.
Show/hide rare drop table
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 250Coins250–500Common250–500
Uncut sapphireUncut sapphire1Common809
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald1Common2,555
Uncut rubyUncut ruby1Common1,842
Uncut diamondUncut diamond1Common4,843
Uncut diamondUncut diamond45–55 (noted)Rare217,935–266,365
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key1Common11,053
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key1Common11,538
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Uncommon12,077
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone45–55 (noted)Rare543,465–664,235
Dragon longswordDragon longsword1Common56,212
Dragon spearDragon spear1Rare35,861
BattlestaffBattlestaff180–220 (noted)Rare542,160–662,640
Rune javelinRune javelin5Rare905
Rune platebodyRune platebody1Uncommon37,480
Rune platebodyRune platebody15–25 (noted)Rare562,200–937,000
Shield left halfShield left half1Rare64,399
Dragon helmDragon helm1Uncommon58,601
Rune arrowheadsRune arrowheads113–137Common14,916–18,084
Onyx boltsOnyx bolts135–165Very rare1,003,725–1,226,775
Chaos talismanChaos talisman1Rare1,923
Nature talismanNature talisman1Rare1,473
Water talismanWater talisman65–82 (noted)Rare164,320–207,296
Earth talismanEarth talisman65–82 (noted)Rare12,025–15,170
Fire talismanFire talisman25–35 (noted)Rare5,225–7,315
Raw lobsterRaw lobster135–165 (noted)Common47,655–58,245
Raw sharkRaw shark225–275 (noted)Uncommon321,075–392,425
Big bonesBig bones68–82 (noted)Uncommon13,804–16,646
Dragon bonesDragon bones180–220 (noted)Rare384,480–469,920
CoalCoal200–1,100 (noted)Uncommon22,400–123,200
Gold oreGold ore90–110 (noted)Common52,830–64,570
Adamantite oreAdamantite ore180–220 (noted)Uncommon40,860–49,940
Adamant barAdamant bar14–16 (noted)Common24,654–28,176
Adamant barAdamant bar135–165 (noted)Rare237,735–290,565
Runite oreRunite ore90–110 (noted)Rare127,710–156,090
Rune barRune bar(noted)Common8,955
Rune barRune bar45–55 (noted)Rare134,325–164,175
Grimy torstolGrimy torstol90–110 (noted)Uncommon485,010–592,790
Grimy snapdragonGrimy snapdragon90–110 (noted)Uncommon161,010–196,790
Super restore (4)Super restore (4)45–55 (noted)Uncommon125,910–153,890
Prayer potion (4)Prayer potion (4)45–55 (noted)Uncommon130,950–160,050
Lantadyme seedLantadyme seed14–16Uncommon10,164–11,616
Dwarf weed seedDwarf weed seed14–16Uncommon11,508–13,152
Magic seedMagic seed4Uncommon209,856
Palm tree seedPalm tree seed10Rare396,000
FlaxFlax450–550 (noted)Common43,200–52,800
Molten glassMolten glass45–55 (noted)Common27,585–33,715
Soft claySoft clay450–550 (noted)Uncommon188,550–230,450
Yew logsYew logs68–82 (noted)Uncommon11,356–13,694
Yew logsYew logs675–825 (noted)Rare112,725–137,775
Teak plankTeak plank45–55 (noted)Uncommon16,740–20,460
Mahogany plankMahogany plank270–330 (noted)Rare356,670–435,930
Blurberry SpecialBlurberry Special1Uncommon12,008
Vecna skullVecna skull1Very rare*124,871
Hazelmere's signet ringHazelmere's signet ring1Very rare*1,432,268,388
Brawling gloves (Melee)Brawling gloves (Melee)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Magic)Brawling gloves (Magic)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Ranged)Brawling gloves (Ranged)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Agility)Brawling gloves (Agility)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Cooking)Brawling gloves (Cooking)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (FM)Brawling gloves (FM)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Fishing)Brawling gloves (Fishing)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Hunter)Brawling gloves (Hunter)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Mining)Brawling gloves (Mining)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Prayer)Brawling gloves (Prayer)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Smithing)Brawling gloves (Smithing)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (Thieving)Brawling gloves (Thieving)1Very rareNot sold
Brawling gloves (WC)Brawling gloves (WC)1Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 1Crystal triskelion fragment 11Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 2Crystal triskelion fragment 21Very rareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 3Crystal triskelion fragment 31Very rareNot sold

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575


  • Before the release of the Farming skill, killing Salarin for the Sinister key was the only way to obtain Torstol.
  • Before the Evolution of Combat, Salarin could only be injured by the four elemental strike spells that used mind runes - Wind Strike, Water Strike, Earth Strike, and Fire Strike - and by Slayer Dart, Wind Rush, and Polypore Strike spell. Although it hit higher, Slayer Dart wasn't as consistent as the strike spells.
  • When the Evolution of Combat was released, Salarin was one of the many monsters that did not have their stats updated, as evidenced by low life points and maximum damage, and a glitched weakness to crush. His weakness was changed to fire spells with the release of Vorago on 3 July 2013, but his life points and maximum hit were not changed.