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RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the title. For other uses, see Salty (disambiguation).
Salty [Name]
Release date 10 October 2016 (Update)
Members Yes
Position Prefix
Source Gameplay
(The Arc)
Category Miscellaneous Titles
Hidden until unlocked

Salty is a title which is unlocked by completing most of the content found in The Arc: Completed the Arc Journal and purchased all permanent unlocks in the Waiko and Ports Reward Shops. For a detailed list, see the requirements below. Speak to Sensei Hakase after requirements are met to unlock the title.

Upon unlocking the title, there is a world announcement: Game announcementNews: Player has fully explored what the Arc has to offer and has unlocked the 'Salty' title!


It also requires to retrieve the rewards a player can obtain after having completed the Arc Journal:
Claimed the Farming XP lamp from Ani the farming merchant on Tuai Leit for having discovered and grown all berries
Claimed Iago from Odd Billy on Cyclosis after having found all birds of the Arc
Claimed the kami reward from Sensei Seaworth for finding all bakami and orokami
Convinced Flippers McGraw to join your crew
Permanent unlocks from the Waiko Reward Shop
All tiers of the upgrades
Upgrade Chimes Needed Taijitu Needed
Commodity sell per day increase 3,000 2
Supplies cap increase 8,000 8
Contracts per day increase 10,000 8
Supplies cost reduction 15,000 15
Commodity sell price increase 16,000 16
Sojobo contract guru (this requires to have obtained the full Gu outfit) 100 N/A
Waiko grill 500 N/A
Whale's Maw campfire 500 N/A
Whale's Maw deposit box 750 N/A
Arc journal teletabs 1,000 N/A
Crystal tool siphon blueprint 5,000 5
Bonecrusher upgrade 25,000 25
Ancestral Divination I 1,250 1
Ancestral Divination II 1,250 1
Ancestral Conversion 2,500 1
Gu ronin armour (Requires the ownership of all three Tetsu armour scrolls) 5,000 2
Seasinger acolyte armour (requires the ownership of all three Seasinger armour scrolls) 5,000 2
Death Lotus rogue armour (requires the ownership of all three Death Lotus armour scrolls) 5,000 2
Spirit dragon pet 25,000 15
Hunter's outfit (all five pieces) 10,000 10
Idol crabletine pet unlocked by using the idol crabletine token (can also be bought on the Grand Exchange) 2,500 3
High Armour of Hanto handguards 7,500 10
High Armour of Hanto sabatons 7,500 10
High Armour of Hanto headpiece 10,000 15
High Armour of Hanto legguards 15,000 25
High Armour of Hanto cuirass 20,000 30
Thalassia's Revenge 25,000 50
Rage of Hyu-Ji 25,000 50
Winds of Waiko 25,000 50
All scrolls from the Ports Reward Shop
Superior seasinger aonori scroll 2,500 3
Superior seasinger asari scroll 2,500 3
Superior tetsu kote scroll 2,500 3
Superior tetsu kogake scroll 2,500 3
Superior Death Lotus tekoh scroll 2,500 3
Superior Death Lotus tabi scroll 2,500 3
Memory-crushing scrimshaw scroll 5,000 5
Energy-gathering scrimshaw scroll 5,000 5
Total 295,850
Taijitu 384


This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:

Language Title
German Salziger / Salzige [Name]
French [Name] le Salé / la Salée
Portuguese [Name] o Salgado / a Salgada


  • Before 6 January 2017 the title used to be a prefix on Portuguese worlds. This caused a bug where the title was shown as a suffix but appeared before the player's name and with no space between them.
  • On 20 March 2017, the High Armour of Hanto set, the Winds of Waiko, Thalassia's Revenge, and Rage of Hyu-Ji items were added to the Waiko Reward Shop and to the requirements for this title. Originally, they were not going to be required for existing owners of the title, but this was changed on 27 March 2017 after feedback from the community. All new future requirements will be added to the title in same manner as requirements are added to the completionist cape, meaning players will lose the ability to activate the title until they have completed all added requirements.