Sapphire bolt tips
17 coins
10 coins
6 coins
Sapphire bolt tips are attached to the tips of Mithril bolts and Bakriminel bolts . Once sapphire bolt tips have been attached, the mithril bolts become sapphire bolts , while the bakriminel bolts become sapphire bakriminel bolts . These sapphire and bakriminel bolts may be enchanted with level 7 Magic to become sapphire bolts (e) and sapphire bakriminel bolts (e) respectively.
Sapphire bolt tips can be created through the Fletching skill. A player must have a Fletching level of 56 and take a cut Sapphire and use a chisel with it to make 12 Sapphire bolt tips, yielding 4 experience points per gem.
Creation [ ]
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Sapphire bolt tips", "image": "[[File:Sapphire bolt tips 5.png|link=Sapphire bolt tips]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Sapphire", "quantity": "1", "image": "Sapphire.png" } ], "skill": "Fletching", "level": "56" } Sapphire bolt tips ×12- 4.7 XP - 132 Requirements Fletching level56 Members onlyNo Materials Item Quantity Price Total Sapphire 1 426 426
Disassembly [ ]
Defined properties:
All Junk chance: 84.6
Junk chance: 84.6
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