All Life points: 6,700
Life points: 6,700
All Combat experience: 569.7
Combat experience: 569.7
All Release date: 28 August 2007
Release date: 28 August 2007
All Combat level: 93
Combat level: 93
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 6254
NPC ID: 6254
Saradomin priests are usually a nuisance because their attacks are accurate against players with moderate magic defence. Unlike most of the monsters in the God Wars Dungeon, Saradomin priests will attack players that have no Saradomin item over monsters, so players should be wary of this. However, they are one of the only two Saradomin units (along with Knight of Saradomin) outside of the boss chamber that don't require a Slayer level to damage.
Saradomin priests seem to be able to poison the player, although for very small hits (32 damage at most).
The priest used to hit extremely rarely against monsters before the Evolution of Combat was released. Now they hit extremely often against monsters. However, it still uses the old melee attack animation on the monster but deals magic damage. This is probably an oversight from Jagex.