All Life points: 10,000
Life points: 10,000
All Combat experience: 538.8
Combat experience: 538.8
All Release date: 25 March 2013
Release date: 25 March 2013
All Combat level: 84
Combat level: 84
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 17067
NPC ID: 17067
Saradominist enforcer is a follower of Saradomin encountered during Wilderness Warbands. Players fighting him and all other warband followers should be careful, as they all can use abilities based on their attack styles, (the enforcer uses melee based abilities). They can use two-handed abilities such as Smash and Quake, even though they wield a one-handed scimitar. However, they do not seem to be able to use dual-wield abilities.