RuneScape Wiki
Hatchet head (dragon)
Saradominist minelayer was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.
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The Saradominist minelayer was a melee-based monster fighting on the side of Saradomin in the Battle of Lumbridge. They dropped Divine tears. They could only be attacked by players who had sided with Zamorak. The Saradominist minelayer appeared at random. They would drop five mines to damage Zamorakian forces, and return to their camp. They could be killed to prevent this from happening. Their mines did instant 2000 melee damage to all targets in a 3x3 radius, and a random damage towards enemy players. While they sometimes retaliated with melee, sometimes they would not attack and instead simply retreat from players. The number of mines they dropped depended on how many they had deployed. They gave four times the normal experience per kill.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Sacred mineSacred mine1–5AlwaysNot sold
Divine tearsDivine tears1–5AlwaysNot sold
Sacred metal fragmentsSacred metal fragments1–10CommonNot sold
Smite (Tier 0)Smite (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Divine Fury (Tier 0)Divine Fury (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Divine Inspiration (Tier 0)Divine Inspiration (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Guardian Angel (Tier 0)Guardian Angel (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Infernal greathammer headInfernal greathammer head1RareNot sold
Infernal orbInfernal orb1RareNot sold
Infernal bowstaffInfernal bowstaff1RareNot sold

In addition, this monster had a very rare chance to drop "the Powerful", "the Boundless" and "the Eternal" titles.
