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Hatchet head (dragon)
Saradominist sharpshooter was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.
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The Saradominist sharpshooter was a ranged-based monster fighting on the side of Saradomin in the Battle of Lumbridge. They dropped Divine tears. They could only be attacked by players who had sided with Zamorak.

Four Saradominist sharpshooters would appear at random times during the battle. After spawning, they would use Binding Shot against five Zamorakian forces, stunning them briefly and dealing large damage (800+ observed). They could be killed to prevent this from happening. Unlike the other Saradominist units, these monsters were aggressive to Zamorakian players, but would only hit them once with Binding Shot before moving on to target another Zamorakian unit or player. They only continued attacking if a player fought back. Using Anticipation as soon as they appeared on the battlefield could help prevent being stunned, and Freedom could be used to regain mobility if they did stun the player.

They gave double experience per kill.


Audio options icon
Saradominist sharpshooters have joined the battle!

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Divine tearsDivine tears1–5AlwaysNot sold
Sacred metal fragmentsSacred metal fragments1–10CommonNot sold
Smite (Tier 0)Smite (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Divine Fury (Tier 0)Divine Fury (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Divine Inspiration (Tier 0)Divine Inspiration (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Guardian Angel (Tier 0)Guardian Angel (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Infernal greathammer headInfernal greathammer head1RareNot sold
Infernal orbInfernal orb1RareNot sold
Infernal bowstaffInfernal bowstaff1RareNot sold

In addition, this monster had a very rare chance to drop "the Powerful", "the Boundless" and "the Eternal" titles.
