The scroll of cleansing is a members only Dungeoneering reward, and can be purchased for 20,000 Dungeoneering reward tokens. It requires a Herblore level of 49 and a Dungeoneering level of 49. Once used, the scroll will disappear, giving the player the following permanent effects, known as the Wasteless Herblore ability:
- A 1 in 8 (12.5%) chance that the player will make a potion twice as fast as usual.
- A 1 in 10 (10%) chance that when adding a herb to a vial of water or coconut milk, or secondary ingredient to an unfinished potion, it will not be used up, leaving the player with an extra ingredient. This effect also works with juju potions, combination potions, and extreme potions. This can be extremely advantageous considering juju herbs must be grown by the player at a limited rate, and that an overload may be saved if making a combination potion. (The potion saved while making a combination potion or overload is random, as any of the potions are considered to be secondary.)
- Although the scroll says it only gives a 10% chance of saving herbs, in practice the chance that a herb will be saved is much closer to 11.5%, and may vary slightly depending on the herb. This is because there is a 10% chance that an already saved ingredient will be saved again. This can be proved mathematically using an infinite series. Data from studies of this occurrence can be found on the talk page.
- As the effect of the scroll can activate again on the saved items, the net effect of use over a large sample will be approximately 13% more ingredients used than started with
Players who have purchased the scroll and are making potions in large quantities may find it more efficient to withdraw 15 unfinished potions and 13 secondary ingredients each load, rather than 14 of each. Doing so with a Beast of burden and 2 secondary ingredients inside it will allow players to select 15, otherwise they can only select a maximum of 13 at a time. Although, since the saved ingredients will need to be re-added to new potions, some prefer to just withdraw 14 of each, bank everything after making the potions and then repeat.
The following are not affected by the scroll:
- Tea
- Guam, Marrentill, Tarromin, and Harralander tars
- Barbarian potions
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- When this item was released, players quickly found that it did not affect all types of potions. On 1 February 2011, this problem was fixed as stated in the patch notes.
- On the in-game Dungeoneering rewards guide, it is labelled by its original concept name, "Wasteless Herblore".
- When a player buys this scroll from the Rewards Trader, it will appear on their Adventurer's log.
- Unlocking the scroll of cleansing's ability is one of the requirements needed to get a trimmed Completionist cape.
- When you save wyvern bonemeal, with the scroll of cleansing while making super prayer potions, it leaves an extra empty pot in your inventory or on the ground. This is because the way the scroll is programmed, it does not technically save you an ingredient; it simply creates an additional secondary ingredient of the same type to your inventory.