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Security casket (CS Week) detail

The security casket (CS Week) is a reward for completing the clue scroll (CS Week), and is given alongside a normal casket. The security casket can only be opened if the player has a Bank PIN and has the RuneScape Authenticator activated on their account. It is destroyed after opening.

When opened on a free world, it will give two rewards, while opening it on a members' world gives four or five. For free players the rewards were chosen from easy Treasure Trails rewards, while members would get rewards from easy, medium and hard ones. Rewards also scaled up with the player's total level. The ring of luck, wealth, fortune, luck of the dwarves and hazelmere's signet ring may increase the reward received from this casket.

Six free inventory slots are required to open this casket.


Free world[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Pure essencePure essence150 (noted)Unknown4,500
Hard leatherHard leather10 (noted)Unknown6,700
Amulet of magicAmulet of magic1Unknown2,223
Mithril arrowMithril arrow50Unknown1,050
Mithril longswordMithril longsword1Unknown2,508
Mithril platelegsMithril platelegs1Unknown2,574
Nature runeNature rune20Unknown8,100
Law runeLaw rune20Unknown11,400
Air runeAir rune150Unknown13,500
Fire runeFire rune150Unknown23,850
Fire talismanFire talisman1Unknown209
Black full helm (t)Black full helm (t)1Unknown4,749
Black platelegs (g)Black platelegs (g)1Unknown9,609
Wizard robe skirt (t)Wizard robe skirt (t)1Unknown578,962
Staff of airStaff of air1Unknown2,013
Staff of waterStaff of water1Unknown1,868
Staff of earthStaff of earth1Unknown1,812
Willow composite bowWillow composite bow1Unknown860,090

Members world[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 10000Coins10,000; 20,000; 30,000Common10,000–30,000
BiscuitsBiscuits100CommonNot sold
Purple sweetsPurple sweets11Common7,975
Bandit Camp TeleportBandit Camp Teleport4; 6Common3,292–4,938
Lumber Yard TeleportLumber Yard Teleport4; 6Common51,972–77,958
Miscellania TeleportMiscellania Teleport4; 6Common1,548–2,322
Pollnivneach TeleportPollnivneach Teleport6Common3,900
Tai Bwo Wannai TeleportTai Bwo Wannai Teleport4; 6Common1,188–1,782
Saradomin arrowsSaradomin arrows60Common5,100
Guthix arrowsGuthix arrows60Common5,040
Zamorak arrowsZamorak arrows60Common5,100
Meerkats pouchMeerkats pouch(noted)Common10,719
Astral runeAstral rune75Common31,125
Blood runeBlood rune75Common50,850
Law runeLaw rune75Common42,750
Nature runeNature rune30; 75Common12,150–30,375
Mystic air staffMystic air staff1Common24,179
Mystic earth staffMystic earth staff1Common24,346
Mystic fire staffMystic fire staff1Common24,235
Mystic water staffMystic water staff1Common23,871
Rune arrowRune arrow150Common22,650
Rune 2h swordRune 2h sword1Common36,735
Rune longswordRune longsword1Common17,883
Rune pickaxeRune pickaxe1Common22,097
Black dragonhide bodyBlack dragonhide body1Common8,145
Black dragonhide chapsBlack dragonhide chaps1Common6,348
Rune full helmRune full helm1Common20,892
Rune platebodyRune platebody1Common37,480
Rune platelegsRune platelegs1Common37,002
Rune kiteshieldRune kiteshield1Common30,650
Black dragonhideBlack dragonhide(noted)Common17,410
Mahogany plankMahogany plank24 (noted)Common31,704
Green dragonhide bodyGreen dragonhide body1Common4,266
Green dragonhide chapsGreen dragonhide chaps1Common3,115
Armadyl page 1Armadyl page 11Rare649,421
Armadyl page 2Armadyl page 21Rare601,904
Armadyl page 3Armadyl page 31Rare600,266
Armadyl page 4Armadyl page 41Rare598,743
Bandos page 1Bandos page 11Rare75,103
Bandos page 2Bandos page 21Rare69,154
Bandos page 3Bandos page 31Rare68,049
Bandos page 4Bandos page 41Rare71,125
Zamorak page 1Zamorak page 11Rare87,583
Zamorak page 2Zamorak page 21Rare83,147
Zamorak page 3Zamorak page 31Rare80,587
Zamorak page 4Zamorak page 41Rare80,711
Bandos cloakBandos cloak1Rare706,555
Guthix stoleGuthix stole1Rare643,573
Blue dragonhide body (t)Blue dragonhide body (t)1Rare685,017
Blue dragonhide chaps (t)Blue dragonhide chaps (t)1Rare666,760
Rune full helm (g)Rune full helm (g)1Rare18,591
Rune platebody (g)Rune platebody (g)1Rare36,598
Rune platelegs (g)Rune platelegs (g)1Rare35,182
Rune plateskirt (g)Rune plateskirt (g)1Rare35,828
Rune kiteshield (g)Rune kiteshield (g)1Rare29,820
Rune helm (h1)Rune helm (h1)1Rare681,155
Rune helm (h2)Rune helm (h2)1Rare679,247
Rune helm (h3)Rune helm (h3)1Rare674,370
Rune helm (h4)Rune helm (h4)1Rare662,197
Rune helm (h5)Rune helm (h5)1Rare648,979
Rune platebody (h1)Rune platebody (h1)1Rare659,748
Rune platebody (h2)Rune platebody (h2)1Rare671,204
Rune platebody (h3)Rune platebody (h3)1Rare646,587
Rune platebody (h4)Rune platebody (h4)1Rare602,982
Rune platebody (h5)Rune platebody (h5)1Rare661,561
Rune platelegs (h1)Rune platelegs (h1)1Rare647,208
Rune platelegs (h2)Rune platelegs (h2)1Rare659,749
Rune platelegs (h3)Rune platelegs (h3)1Rare646,997
Rune platelegs (h4)Rune platelegs (h4)1Rare656,386
Rune platelegs (h5)Rune platelegs (h5)1Rare602,896
Rune plateskirt (h1)Rune plateskirt (h1)1Rare648,419
Rune plateskirt (h2)Rune plateskirt (h2)1Rare638,710
Rune plateskirt (h3)Rune plateskirt (h3)1Rare632,804
Rune plateskirt (h4)Rune plateskirt (h4)1Rare595,264
Rune plateskirt (h5)Rune plateskirt (h5)1Rare639,390
Rune full helm (Saradomin)Rune full helm (Saradomin)1Rare35,988
Rune platebody (Saradomin)Rune platebody (Saradomin)1Rare43,240
Rune platelegs (Saradomin)Rune platelegs (Saradomin)1Rare36,797
Rune plateskirt (Saradomin)Rune plateskirt (Saradomin)1Rare36,762
Rune kiteshield (Saradomin)Rune kiteshield (Saradomin)1Rare29,719
Rune full helm (Zamorak)Rune full helm (Zamorak)1Rare36,875
Rune platebody (Zamorak)Rune platebody (Zamorak)1Rare39,636
Rune platelegs (Zamorak)Rune platelegs (Zamorak)1Rare35,169
Rune plateskirt (Zamorak)Rune plateskirt (Zamorak)1Rare36,724
Rune kiteshield (Zamorak)Rune kiteshield (Zamorak)1Rare29,577
Black boaterBlack boater1Rare880,640
Enchanted robeEnchanted robe1Rare596,093
Robin Hood hatRobin Hood hat1Rare901,156
Costume-skipping ticketCostume-skipping ticket2Rare623,098
Knot-skipping ticketKnot-skipping ticket2Rare98,366
Puzzle-skipping ticketPuzzle-skipping ticket2Rare1,038,578
Adamant full helm (g)Adamant full helm (g)1Rare9,825
Adamant platebody (g)Adamant platebody (g)1Rare14,759
Adamant platelegs (g)Adamant platelegs (g)1Rare9,692
Adamant plateskirt (g)Adamant plateskirt (g)1Rare4,600
Adamant kiteshield (g)Adamant kiteshield (g)1Rare8,494
Adamant helm (h1)Adamant helm (h1)1Rare599,752
Adamant helm (h2)Adamant helm (h2)1Rare579,868
Adamant helm (h3)Adamant helm (h3)1Rare580,286
Adamant helm (h4)Adamant helm (h4)1Rare566,385
Adamant helm (h5)Adamant helm (h5)1Rare583,343
Adamant platebody (h1)Adamant platebody (h1)1Rare587,334
Adamant platebody (h2)Adamant platebody (h2)1Rare556,041
Adamant platebody (h3)Adamant platebody (h3)1Rare558,862
Adamant platebody (h4)Adamant platebody (h4)1Rare560,840
Adamant platebody (h5)Adamant platebody (h5)1Rare558,900
Adamant platelegs (h1)Adamant platelegs (h1)1Rare572,493
Adamant platelegs (h2)Adamant platelegs (h2)1Rare538,180
Adamant platelegs (h3)Adamant platelegs (h3)1Rare543,783
Adamant platelegs (h4)Adamant platelegs (h4)1Rare543,285
Adamant platelegs (h5)Adamant platelegs (h5)1Rare533,238
Adamant plateskirt (h1)Adamant plateskirt (h1)1Rare533,980
Adamant plateskirt (h2)Adamant plateskirt (h2)1Rare526,674
Adamant plateskirt (h3)Adamant plateskirt (h3)1Rare534,899
Adamant plateskirt (h4)Adamant plateskirt (h4)1Rare527,949
Adamant plateskirt (h5)Adamant plateskirt (h5)1Rare508,551
Adamant shield (h1)Adamant shield (h1)1Rare557,639
Adamant shield (h2)Adamant shield (h2)1Rare541,992
Adamant shield (h3)Adamant shield (h3)1Rare537,302
Adamant shield (h4)Adamant shield (h4)1Rare536,065
Adamant shield (h5)Adamant shield (h5)1Rare549,452
Adamant full helm (t)Adamant full helm (t)1Rare2,340
Adamant platebody (t)Adamant platebody (t)1Rare7,033
Adamant platelegs (t)Adamant platelegs (t)1Rare5,048
Adamant plateskirt (t)Adamant plateskirt (t)1Rare4,090
Adamant kiteshield (t)Adamant kiteshield (t)1Rare7,518
Sleeping capSleeping cap1Rare527,247
Backstab capeBackstab cape1Very rare1,661,458


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