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Seers' Village achievements
Seers' Village Tasks
Release date 20 January 2009 (Update)
Area Seers' Village, Camelot, Catherby, McGrubor's Wood and Coal truck mining site
Members Yes
Reward Seer's headband
Lamp rewards
  • 1,000
  • 5,000
  • 10,000
  • 25,000
  • 4x 30,000
Levels required
Total level: 993
Attack — Constitution — Mining 60
Strength 22 Agility 48 Smithing 73
Defence 70 Herblore 92 Fishing 76
Ranged 40 Thieving — Cooking 80
Prayer 70 Crafting — Firemaking 75
Magic 83 Fletching 85 Woodcutting 60
Runecrafting — Slayer — Farming 13
Construction — Hunter — Summoning 46
Dungeoneering — Divination — Invention —
Attack style icon fixed 86
Quest 13 Music icon fixed

The Seers' Village achievements are Exploration achievements relating to Seers' Village, Catherby, and its surrouding area.

The NPCs for the easy, medium, hard, and elite achievement sets are indicated by a Task map icon icon on the minimap and the world map. These are any Seer in Seers' Village, Stankers at the coal truck mining site, and Sir Kay in Camelot, respectively.

The rewards for this achievement set include the Seer's headband and experience lamps giving a total of 236,500 experience in skills. A player must obtain each Seer's headband in chronological order (e.g. medium achievements must be completed before the reward for hard achievements is available).

If the headband is lost, it can be retrieved from the NPC who gave the player the headband; any Seer for the Seer's headband 1, Stankers for the Seer's headband 2, and Sir Kay for the Seer's headband 3 and 4.

This set of achievements is required for the Task Master achievement of the completionist cape.

There are 5 meta achievements in the Exploration category related to this subcategory.

# Name Members Description RuneScore
22 Seers' Village Yes Activate the lodestone in Seers' Village. 5
34 Seers' Village Set Tasks - Easy Yes Given by any seer in Seers' Village for completing all Easy Tasks in Seers' Village. 5
37 Seers' Village Set Tasks - Elite Yes Given by Sir Kay in Camelot for completing all Elite Tasks in Seers' Village. 25
36 Seers' Village Set Tasks - Hard Yes Given by Sir Kay in Camelot for completing all Hard Tasks in Seers' Village. 15
35 Seers' Village Set Tasks - Medium Yes Given by Stankers at the coal mine west of Seers' Village for completing all Medium Tasks in Seers' Village. 10

Easy achievements[]

There are 12 achievements in this subcategory with the easy difficulty. Skills that can be boosted are denoted by a [B].

# Name Members Description Requirements RuneScore
7 Happy Hour Yes Give five locals a glass of cider in the Forester's Arms. None 5
12 Mack Rolled Yes Catch a mackerel. 16 Fishing Fishing 5
1 Reflax Actions Yes Pick five flax from the flax field. None 5
5 Another String to Your Bow Yes Spin five bowstrings. None 5
11 A Seer-ing Light Yes Pray at Seers' Village altar. None 5
2 Why? Yes Walk clockwise around the big mysterious statue. None 5
3 Stir, Galahad Yes Have Sir Galahad make you a cup of tea. None 5
6 Bunch of Flours Yes Fill five pots with flour from the Sinclair Mansion. Murder Mystery (partial) 5
8 Jute Alors! Yes Plant some jute. 13 Farming Farming 5
9 Sinclair Swirling Yes Use the churn in the Sinclair Mansion garden. 5
4 La Morte D'Arthur Yes Take a poison chalice to King Arthur. None 5
10 Grand Candle Yes Buy a candle from the candle maker. None 5

Easy rewards[]

Speak to any Seer, who is located in Seers' Village, to claim the rewards for the easy achievement set:

  • An antique lamp granting 1,000 experience (in the skill of choice of level 30 or higher)
  • 10 - 4096 coins per achievement
  • Seer's headband 1, which grants the following bonuses:
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Seer's headband 1 Seer's headband 1
  • Receive 2 logs instead of 1 when cutting normal trees; grants no extra experience
Seer's headband 2 Seer's headband 2
  • When carried, acts as a medium light source
  • An additional 30 flax per day from Geoffrey (60 total)
  • Coal Trucks will hold an additional 28 coal (280 total)
Seer's headband 3 Seer's headband 3
  • When carried, acts as a bright light source
Seer's headband 4 Seer's headband 4
  • The healing effect of enhanced excalibur has doubled duration (resulting in double the amount healed)
  • Increased chance of +2% that the special effects of enchanted bolts activate
  • An additional 80 flax per day from Geoffrey (200 total)
  • The first 200 coal used on the Coal Trucks each day is automatically sent to the bank
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Medium achievements[]

There are 12 achievements in this subcategory with the medium difficulty. Skills that can be boosted are denoted by a [B].

# Name Members Description Requirements RuneScore
2 It's a Slightly Magical Stick Yes Talk to Thormac the sorcerer about making mystic staves. Scorpion Catcher 10
6 It's Only a Model Yes Teleport to Camelot. 45 Magic Magic 10
7 Sniper Training Yes Kill one guard on each tower of the Ranging Guild using a regular shieldbow. 40 Ranged Ranged 10
8 Arch Archer Yes Have the Ranging Guild judge congratulate you for acquiring over 1,000 archery tickets. 40 Ranged Ranged 10
9 What, No Cuddly Toy? Yes Buy something from the ticket exchange in the Ranging Guild. 40 Ranged Ranged 10
10 Familiar Fire Familiarity Yes Use a familiar to make a maple fire within Seers' Village. 10
11 At Least It Doesn't Need Walking Yes Get a pet fish from Harry. 10 Fishing Fishing 10
5 Mastering the Elements Yes Defeat each type of elemental in the Elemental Workshop. Elemental Workshop I (partial) 10
4 I Can Seer My House From Here Yes Find the highest point in Seers' Village. One Small Favour (partial) 10
12 All Your Bass... Yes Catch and cook a bass in Catherby. 10
1 Fleeing the Scene Yes Use the Sinclair Mansion to Fremennik Province Agility shortcut. 48 Agility Agility [B] 10
3 King Coal Yes Transport a full load (224 pieces) of coal to Seers' Village. None 10

Medium rewards[]

Speak to Stankers, who is located at the coal truck mining site, to claim the rewards for the medium achievement set:

Reward When worn When operated At all times
Seer's headband 1 Seer's headband 1
  • Receive 2 logs instead of 1 when cutting normal trees; grants no extra experience
Seer's headband 2 Seer's headband 2
  • When carried, acts as a medium light source
  • An additional 30 flax per day from Geoffrey (60 total)
  • Coal Trucks will hold an additional 28 coal (280 total)
Seer's headband 3 Seer's headband 3
  • When carried, acts as a bright light source
Seer's headband 4 Seer's headband 4
  • The healing effect of enhanced excalibur has doubled duration (resulting in double the amount healed)
  • Increased chance of +2% that the special effects of enchanted bolts activate
  • An additional 80 flax per day from Geoffrey (200 total)
  • The first 200 coal used on the Coal Trucks each day is automatically sent to the bank
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Hard achievements[]

There are 11 achievements in this subcategory with the hard difficulty. Skills that can be boosted are denoted by a [B].

# Name Members Description Requirements RuneScore
1 At Home on the Range Yes Teleport to the Ranging Guild. None 15
2 See Yew at Five Yes Cut five sets of yew logs. 60 Woodcutting Woodcutting 15
3 The Short of It Yes String a magic shortbow in the Seers' Village bank. 80 Fletching Fletching [B] 15
4 Prayer of Attorney Yes Enter the Seers' Village courthouse with your Piety prayer turned on. 15
5 Beware of the Dog Yes Use the fairy ring in McGrubor's Wood. Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen (partial) 15
6 Twisted Fire Starter Yes Burn a magic log in Seers' Village. 75 Firemaking Firemaking [B] 15
11 Island Hopper Yes Use the grapple shortcut to get from the water obelisk island to Catherby beach. 15
10 Water Palaver Yes Charge five water orbs in one go. 56 Magic Magic 15
7 Alch-aholic Yes Cast High-level Alchemy on a magic shortbow in Seers' Village bank. 55 Magic Magic 15
9 Gonna Need a Bigger Range Yes Cook five sharks in Catherby using the cooking gauntlets. 15
8 Gonna Need a Bigger Boat Yes Catch five sharks in Catherby. 76 Fishing Fishing [B] 15

Hard rewards[]

Speak to Sir Kay, who is located in Camelot, to claim the rewards for the hard achievement set:

Reward When worn When operated At all times
Seer's headband 1 Seer's headband 1
  • Receive 2 logs instead of 1 when cutting normal trees; grants no extra experience
Seer's headband 2 Seer's headband 2
  • When carried, acts as a medium light source
  • An additional 30 flax per day from Geoffrey (60 total)
  • Coal Trucks will hold an additional 28 coal (280 total)
Seer's headband 3 Seer's headband 3
  • When carried, acts as a bright light source
Seer's headband 4 Seer's headband 4
  • The healing effect of enhanced excalibur has doubled duration (resulting in double the amount healed)
  • Increased chance of +2% that the special effects of enchanted bolts activate
  • An additional 80 flax per day from Geoffrey (200 total)
  • The first 200 coal used on the Coal Trucks each day is automatically sent to the bank
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Elite achievements[]

There are 5 achievements in this subcategory with the elite difficulty. Skills that can be boosted are denoted by a [B].

# Name Members Description Requirements RuneScore
1 It's a Trap! No, Wait, It's a Pie Yes Bake an admiral pie from scratch within Seers' Village/Catherby. 25
3 The Long of It Yes Make a magic shieldbow from scratch within the Seers' Village area. 85 Fletching Fletching [B] 25
4 Plenty - potion - entiary Yes Make an extreme Ranging potion from scratch and drink it within the Ranging Guild. 25
5 Moon Raker Yes Cast Fertile Soil on a patch within the Seers' Village area. 25
2 Make a Bolt For It Yes Make an enchanted diamond-tipped crossbow bolt from scratch within the Seers' Village area. 25

Elite rewards[]

Audio options icon
Congratulations! You have completed all of the achievements in the Seers' Village set.

Speak to Sir Kay, who is located in Camelot, to claim the rewards for the elite achievement set:

Reward When worn When operated At all times
Seer's headband 1 Seer's headband 1
  • Receive 2 logs instead of 1 when cutting normal trees; grants no extra experience
Seer's headband 2 Seer's headband 2
  • When carried, acts as a medium light source
  • An additional 30 flax per day from Geoffrey (60 total)
  • Coal Trucks will hold an additional 28 coal (280 total)
Seer's headband 3 Seer's headband 3
  • When carried, acts as a bright light source
Seer's headband 4 Seer's headband 4
  • The healing effect of enhanced excalibur has doubled duration (resulting in double the amount healed)
  • Increased chance of +2% that the special effects of enchanted bolts activate
  • An additional 80 flax per day from Geoffrey (200 total)
  • The first 200 coal used on the Coal Trucks each day is automatically sent to the bank
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  • When given the poison chalice, King Arthur replies, You chose ...poorly. This is an Indiana Jones reference to the Holy grail, specifically referencing a scene in the movie The Last Crusade.
  • On the day of release, the spoilers were: Spoilers do not fit with the Seers' desire to predict the future more... esoterically. Please check back tomorrow.
  • If a player had completed the Holy Grail quest before talking to Galahad, the player will automatically exclaim: I've returned the Holy grail to Camelot and Galahad will congratulate the player. The same exchange could happen before the achievements, as a player-chosen interaction option.
  • When claiming the rewards from the achievement NPCs, they still use the old values for the coal trucks when saying how much they can hold.
  • Rewards were significantly updated on 10 February 2009. The rewards were improved in response to complaints from players.