All Life points: 5,475
Life points: 5,475
All Slayer experience: 199.2
Slayer experience: 199.2
All Combat experience: 510.9
Combat experience: 510.9
All Release date: 28 August 2007
Release date: 28 August 2007
All Combat level: 102
Combat level: 102
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 6263
NPC ID: 6263
Before Steelwill's graphical update, he had a mohawk and a flail that shot magic projectiles at enemies, and had a unique death animation along with his fellow bodyguards. After the update, he now has a hammer. Along with the graphical update, his death animation is similar to that of a goblin.
Although the examine text says "A battle-honed goblin", Sergeant Steelwill, along with his fellow bodyguards, have considerably lower health then the goblins fighting Zamorak's forces outside.
Concept art for the upgraded Sergeant Steelwill, alongside his fellow sergeants.