Server-wide Announcements (also known as the News Feed or Broadcast Announcements) are a feature that allows certain news as well as player accomplishments to be displayed to all other players in the Chat box. Certain messages are only broadcast across the server on which the player is logged in while others are displayed across every server. Any achievement is displayed to the player's friends. Messages that are server specific are displayed in orange, worldwide messages in red, and messages to friends in green. Game announcements will appear in yellow. Jagex Moderators have the ability to send special global announcements.
Prior to the New Interface System, a player's achievements were only displayed to everyone if they had their private chat set to on; they were displayed to any friend so long as their private was not set to off. After NIS, these broadcasts cannot be turned off, and are still shown to other players even if both the private chat, online status and game announcements are set to off.
Players have the option to toggle these announcements on or off in their chatbox. Originally, achievements were filtered with the rest of the game messages; now, only the game announcements are filtered this way.
Game announcements[]
These announcements are game-related news which inform the player of an upcoming event. They are all server specific. Following an update, all announcements of this category may be filtered from being seen in a player's Doomsayer Warning Settings.[source needed]
- Goblin raids starting; players with a combat level of 95 or above will not see these messages by default and must toggle them on to get them
- Demon Flash Mobs
- Wilderness Warbands
- Sinkholes
- Guthixian caches
- A WildyWyrm spawning on the game world
- Holiday related announcements (discontinued)
- Gielinor Games Marathons
- Egg hunts
- Finding a ghost during the 2012 Hallowe'en event
- News regarding The Bird and the Beast
- Snowverload spawning
- The cracker from the 2014 Christmas Event reaching completion
- Possessions in Falador Massacre (10th anniversary event)
Broadcast announcements[]
Broadcast announcements are achievements regarding other players. They are handled separately from game announcements, being toggled on or off with their own button on the chat interface.
Global announcements[]
These announcements will appear to everyone on all worlds across the game:
- Achieving virtual level 120 in all skills
- Achieving 99 in every skill
- Achieving True skill mastery in Invention or Slayer
- Earning 200 million experience in any skill
- Earning 200 million experience in all skills (currently 5.4 billion total)
- Earning the Completionist cape
- Earning the Completionist cape (t)
- Unlocking the Final Boss title
- Unlocking the insane Final Boss title
- The first player to achieve a solo Araxxor kill.
- The first defeats of raid bosses and the first completion of raid feats, which lists the players involved in the raid.
- When the first player defeated Telos, the Warden at each 100% enrage interval. The maximum of 4,000% enrage has been reached and no more announcements will be broadcasted.
- Various firsts for Ironman accounts, including total level milestones and quest completions.
- Dying and exhausting your final life on Hardcore Ironman mode with a total level of at least 1000, including what total level the player had when they died, and how they died. On 3 November 2014 update, the minimum level was increased from 500 to 750. It was increased again on 22 June 2015 to 1000.
News: HC Player just died in Hardcore Ironman mode with a skill total of 1337, fighting against: Chicken!
- Unlocking the Jack of All Trades title.
- The first player to unlock the Jack of Blades title.
- Unlocking the Jack of All Blades title.
- Unlocking the Master of All title.
- Drops
World achievements[]
These announcements will appear to everyone who shares the player's world at the time. They will also appear to all of the player's friends regardless of what server they are on.
- Gaining 99 in a skill
- Achieving True skill mastery
- Experience milestones in 50,000,000 intervals (50m, 100m, 150m)
- The 50m experience message does not activate for Dungeoneering, Invention and Slayer.
- The 100m experience message does not activate for Dungeoneering and Slayer.
- Total experience milestones (1 billion, 2 billion, etc.)
- Reaching a combat level of 138
- Buying the quest point cape for the first time
- Buying the master quest cape for the first time
- Buying the Veteran cape (5 year), Veteran cape (10 year), and Veteran cape (15 year) for the first time
- Buying a chromatic partyhat
- Receiving a skilling pet
- Unlocking the Jack of Trades title.
- Unlocking the Salty title.
- Unlocking the Sandy title.
- Unlocking the abyssal hound.
- Receiving a lucky dragonkin coin from the motherlode maw.
- Unlocking the Jack of Blades title.
- Drops
- Spirit sigils: Divine sigil, Arcane sigil, Elysian sigil, Spectral sigil
- Torva equipment: Torva full helm, Torva platebody, Torva platelegs, Torva gloves, Torva boots
- Pernix equipment: Pernix cowl, Pernix body, Pernix chaps, Pernix gloves, Pernix boots
- Virtus equipment: Virtus mask, Virtus robe top, Virtus robe legs, Virtus boots, Virtus gloves, Virtus wand, Virtus book
- Zaryte bow
- God crests: Crest of Zamorak, Crest of Sliske, Crest of Zaros, Crest of Seren
- Blade of Nymora and Blade of Avaryss
- Dragon rider lance
- Shadow glaive and Off-hand shadow glaive
- Wand of the Cywir elders and Orb of the Cywir elders
- Dragon full helm
- Seismic wand and Seismic singularity
- Drygore weaponry: Drygore longsword, Drygore mace, Drygore rapier, Off-hand drygore longsword, Off-hand drygore mace, Off-hand drygore rapier
- Dormant weaponry: Dormant Zaros godsword, Dormant Seren godbow, Dormant Staff of Sliske
- Reprisal Ability Codex
- Orb of pure anima, Orb of volcanic anima, Orb of corrupted anima
- Dragonstone armour
- Dragon limbs
- Barrows - Rise of the Six shields: Malevolent kiteshield, Vengeful kiteshield, Merciless kiteshield
- Araxxi parts: Araxxi's eye, Araxxi's fang, Araxxi's web
- Araxyte pet
- Boss pet items
- Wildywyrm parts: Wyrm heart, Wyrm scalp, Wyrm spike
- Eddy
- Glaiven wing-tip
- Steadfast scale
- Ragefire gland
- Kethsi outfit scroll
- Mazcab ability codex
- Achto Primeval equipment
- Achto Tempest equipment
- Achto Teralith equipment
- Lil' Tuzzy
- Imperium core
- Praesul codex
- Wand of the praesul
- Hexhunter bow
- Soulgazer's charm
- Vinny
- Effy
- Blightbound crossbow
- Off-hand Blightbound crossbow
- Erethdor's grimoire
- Ancient elven ritual shard
- Abomination cape
- Treasure Trail rewards
- These rewards can also be obtained from the Giant Oyster, prompting a similar announcement.
- Third-age armour:
- Melee: third-age full helmet, third-age platebody, third-age platelegs, third-age kiteshield
- Magic: third-age mage set, third-age mage hat, third-age robe top, third-age robe, third-age amulet
- Ranged: third-age ranger set, third-age range coif, third-age range top, third-age range legs, third-age vambraces
- Prayer: third-age prayer set, third-age druidic wreath, third-age druidic robe top, third-age druidic robe, third-age druidic cloak, third-age druidic staff
- Backstab cape
- Explosive barrel
- Effigies cape
- Dyes: Barrows dye, Shadow dye, Ice dye, Third-Age Dye and Blood dye
- Promotional
- Feats
- These are broadcasted upon completing the boss collection log for their respective boss.
- Barrowed Time - Barrows brothers
- Blackout - Queen Black Dragon
- Can You Dig It? - Giant mole
- Chaos Theory - Chaos Elemental
- Checkmate - Kalphite Queen
- Exiled - Kalphite King
- Fallen Angel Nex: Angel of Death
- Family Affair - Barrows: Rise of the Six
- First Rule of Fight Caves - TzHaar
- Five-Star General - General Graardor
- Friendly Neighbour - Araxxi
- Game Over - Gregorovic
- Hard as a rock - Vorago
- Heart to Heart - Twin Furies
- How to shame your Dragon - King Black Dragon
- Keeper of the Faith - Commander Zilyana
- Liberated - Liberation of Mazcab
- Light as a feather - Kree'arra
- Long live the Kings! - Dagannoth Kings
- Once the hunter, now the hunted - Helwyr
- Out of Body experience - Corporeal Beast
- Party Anima - Telos
- Prison Break - Nex
- Raiders of the Lost Arc - Temple of Aminishi
- Revenge is sweet - Vindicta and Gorvek
- So-lacking in drops - Solak
- Superior Successor - The Magister
- We are legion - Legiones
- Whale food - K'ril Tsutsaroth
The two Feats below are not part of the Boss collection log, they are achieved by killing Telos at certain enrage intervals.
- So You Think You Can Guard? - Telos (2,000% enrage)
- The True Warden - Telos (4,000% enrage)
Achievements that will only appear to friends[]
These announcements will only appear to the player's friends even if their private is set to off. If the player sending the broadcast has their private status set to off, the broadcast will instead appear to them and only them. This differs from having private on in the sense that the broadcast will not appear in the sending player's chat box and only to receiving friends:
- Achieving all skills above a milestone in increments of 10; e.g. all skills above 50
- Unlocking the of Daemonheim title from Dungeoneering hard mode
- Unlocking the Defeater title from Vorago hard mode
- Unlocking the Daredevil title from Liberation of Mazcab
- Unlocking the Warden title from Telos
- Completing any elite Task set
- Finding a cute/mean Phoenix eggling, without specifying them which one was found
- Unlocking all spells in Livid Farm
- Finding a Sceptre of the gods
- Half-billion total experience milestones (500m, 1500m, etc.)
- Completing the Arc journal
- A player on your friends' list logging in after not having logged in for 31 days or more. This includes a quick chat reply option to send a message to the player.
- Completing the entirety of the Golden Path Challenge.
- Drops
- Glacor boots: Ragefire boots, Steadfast boots, Glaiven boots
- Automaton Gloves: Static gloves, Tracking gloves, Pneumatic gloves
- Godsword hilts: Armadyl hilt, Bandos hilt, Saradomin hilt, Zamorak hilt
- Dragon items: Dragon claws, Dragon pickaxe
- Draconic visage
- Bandos armour: Bandos helmet, Bandos chestplate, Bandos tassets, Bandos warshield, Bandos gloves, Bandos boots
- Armadyl items: Armadyl crossbow, off-hand Armadyl crossbow, Armadyl helmet, Armadyl chestplate, Armadyl chainskirt, Armadyl buckler, Armadyl gloves, Armadyl boots
- Zamorak armour: Hood of subjugation, Garb of subjugation, Gown of subjugation, Ward of subjugation, Boots of subjugation, Gloves of subjugation
- Saradomin items: Saradomin's whisper, Saradomin's murmur, Saradomin's hiss
- Ascension grips
- Celestial handwraps
- Razorback gauntlets
- Cresbot
- Ascension signets
- Champion's scrolls
- Kal'gerion battle commendation
- Spider leg parts: Spider leg top, Spider leg middle, Spider leg bottom
- Blood necklace shard
- Statius's warhammer
- Seiryu's claw
- Gemstone armour
- Nightmare gauntlets
- Khopesh of the Kharidian
- Off-hand khopesh of the Kharidian
- Gloves of Passage
- Cinderbane gloves
- Discontinued
- Winning a prize in Balthazar's Big Raffle
- Winning a unique item from a 2014 Christmas present
Clan broadcasts[]
On 30 July 2018, an update was added that allows world and friends-specific server-wide announcements to be broadcasted to all clan members, regardless of what world they are on or if they are friends with players in the clan. They appear like so:
The settings for these broadcasts can be changed via the Clan Settings, allowing clans to turn off or reduce these types of broadcasts.
- Prior to the clue rework update, barrows and shadow dye was only announced to friends.
See also[]
- Clan Admin Messages, for "Clan System" announcements