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Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Shades of Mort'ton.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Shades of Mort'ton icon
Find the Diary of Herbi Flax in a house on the south-west side of Mort'ton.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyIntermediate Intermediate
Official lengthMedium
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • 2+ vial of water (can be obtained during quest)
  • 2+ ashes (can be obtained during quest)
  • 2+ clean tarromin (obtained during quest). More is recommended.
  • A log (can be gathered during quest)
  • 1000+ coins to buy resources
  • Some food for lower-levelled players
  • Some druid pouches, to stop the Ghasts from rotting your food as you pass through the Mort Myre Swamp or the Ouroboros pouch.
  • An additional 13,000 coins will buy a flamtaer hammer, which speeds up the quest.
  • 5+ additional clean tarromin (herbs obtained during quest are usually not enough).
  • Combat level 81+ (to avoid constant harassment by shades).
  • Begin this quest in World 88 as it has many benefits and is dedicated to the Shades of Mort'ton minigame.
Enemies to defeat


  • Enter the ruined house south-west of Mort'ton.
  • Search the shelf on the wall. And read the diary. (Chat )
  • (Optional) Pick up the empty vials and search the smashed table for extra tarromin and one rogue's purse.

Serum 207[]

  • Make Serum 207 by adding clean tarromin and ashes to a vial of water.
  • Use it on Razmire (afflicted) in the general store. (Chat 41) 
  • Kill five loar shades and pick up their remains. Be sure to talk to Razmire first.
  • Give him the remains. He may require more Serum 207.
  • Use the serum on Ulsquire Shauncy, located in the house east of the general store.
  • Wait a minute and ask him about the remains and the temple.(Chat 125)
  • Talk to Razmire. (Chat 3241)
  • Buy at least one olive oil from his general store and optionally a Flamtaer hammer.
  • Open his builders' store.
  • Buy 5 timber beams, 5 limestone bricks, 25 swamp paste.

Repairing the temple[]

  • For solo questers: Shade luring dummies can be used to distract the Loar Shades when repairing the temple. Using the Flamtaer bracelet, the solo player can instantly create the temple walls section by section, until at 100%. About 8 bracelets each with 2 charges are required for this method.
  • Head north-east of Mort'ton and repair the temple until you reach 100% repair and at least 10 sanctity. (use world 88 the official world to make it easier)
  • Light the sacred altar in the centre of the temple.
  • Use your olive oil on the flame to make sacred oil.
  • (Optional) Use Serum 207 on the flame to make Serum 208, which permanently cures NPCs.

Burning a shade[]

  • Use the sacred oil on a log to create a pyre log.
  • Head west of Mort'ton. Use the pyre log then Loar remains on the funeral pyre
  • Light the funeral pyre.
  • Collect the reward.
  • Talk to Ulsquire.
  • Quest complete!


Shades of Mort'ton reward
Music unlocked