All Life points: 15,000
Life points: 15,000
All Slayer experience: 423
Slayer experience: 423
All Combat experience: 1447.2
Combat experience: 1447.2
All Release date: 24 March 2014
Release date: 24 March 2014
All Combat level: 160
Combat level: 160
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 19148
NPC ID: 19148
The shadow nihil is a member of the nihil race, created by Zaros during his testing of genetic manipulation. By its examine, the shadow nihil was likely created by weaving the essence of a demon.
The shadow nihil, like the other nihil in the arena, run across the halls and into holes in the wall, causing damage to any players that stand in its way. It always runs north, appearing from a different hole each time, until the player attacks it and draws its attention, at which point it solely focuses on using ranged attacks. The shadow nihil has a very high defence, so players are recommended to bring weapons that are at least level 70. Similiar to the other nihils, the shadow nihil has a special attack which it uses every 18 seconds (30 game ticks) with a "hiss" warning provided before its usage. When activated, a shadow appears on the spot where the player is, dealing 500 damage for three ticks for a total of 1500 damage in a similar fashion to Nex during her shadow phase. This attack does not follow the player, so it can be avoided by simply moving away from the spot when the nihil hisses. The shadow nihil, unlike the other nihils, also has an enhanced defence mechanism, which causes it to take less damage from ranged and magic attacks depending on its distance to the player, quite similar to the ascension legiones. Due to this, players should consider using melee weapons to fight this type of foe.
After the quest, the nihils may be fought for their drops. They are aggressive unless the Shard of Zaros is equipped.