RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the summoning familiar. For the monster, see Shadow nihil.
Shadow nihil (familiar) chathead

Shadow nihil are level 87 Summoning familiars. They belong to the Nihil group of familiars, and currently share the special move, Annihilate, with three other nihil familiars: smoke nihil, blood nihil, and ice nihil. Shadow nihil increase their summoner's ranged accuracy by 5% while summoned. Unlike most other familiars with no weakness, they are specifically weak to melee.

Nihil familiars attack at double the speed of all other familiars, meaning that though their maximum hit is a little low, they excel in damage overall.

Shadow nihil pouch[]


Shadow nihil pouch is made by using a Summoning pouch on a Summoning obelisk with 150 Elder energy, an Elder charm, and a demon horn in the inventory.

Annihilate scroll[]


Annihilate scroll enables the use of the Annihilate special move for all nihil familiars. Using any of the pouches on a Summoning obelisk creates 10 scrolls.


Annihilate is the special move for the shadow nihil, which deals up to 768 ranged damage and stuns monsters.

The special move costs 20 special points.

