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Shantay Pass Shop
Shantay Pass Shop
Release date 14 April 2003 (Update)
Members Yes
Location Shantay Pass
Owner Shantay
Specialty Desert equipment
Shantay location

The Shantay Pass Shop is a shop that sells items that are useful for the Kharidian Desert, such as waterskins, knives, and desert clothing. It is run by Shantay. It is located south of Al Kharid.

As of an update on 26 June 2017, this shop will restock at 00:00 UTC, in addition to its normal time based restocking.


Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Waterskin (4) Waterskin (4) 30 30 coins 18 475 13,350
Waterskin (0) Waterskin (0) 30 15 coins 9 133 3,540
Jug of water Jug of water 10 1 coins 1 20 190
Jug of water pack Jug of water pack 20 500 coins 0 1,000 10,000
Bowl of water Bowl of water 10 4 coins 2 113 1,090
Bucket of water Bucket of water 10 6 coins 3 118 1,120
Knife Knife 10 25 coins 15 111 860
Desert shirt Desert shirt 10 40 coins 24 246 2,060
Desert robe Desert robe 10 40 coins 24 467 4,270
Desert boots Desert boots 10 20 coins 12 171 1,510
Bronze bar Bronze bar 0 8 coins 4 929 0
Feather Feather 1,000 6 coins 3 13 7,000
Hammer Hammer 10 13 coins 7 143 1,300
Bucket Bucket 30 2 coins 1 155 4,590
Bowl Bowl 10 4 coins 2 64 600
Jug Jug 10 1 coins 1 46 450
Rope Rope 100 18 coins 10 401 38,300
Feather pack Feather pack 5 15,000 coins N/A 26,000 55,000