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Monsters in Shattered Worlds are not like regular monsters. Instead, almost everything about them is scaled based on the world they are spawned on - their levels, life points, armour, accuracy, and damage.

They also have a specific model imitated from a normal monster, including some bosses - this has no bearing on their fighting prowess. Shattered Worlds monsters share some mechanics that their surface counterpart would - for example, the shadow uses the Dark Lord's AoE attack, the large kalphites can poison, the ripper demons attack thrice in one go and uses the death throes whirlwind, but automatons do not use the shockwave attack their counterparts in Guthix's cave would use (unless they are the prime automatons - those use shockwaves).

All Shattered Worlds monsters are weak to the currently used combat style, having 90 affinity towards that and 55 to the other styles. Their Defence level and armour scaling were reduced on 4 May 2017.[1] This update also changed their weakness to always be the currently used combat style; before this they would never have a weakness.

Groups of mobs have a max size of 10 total, and in each group of mob there may be 1+ special mob in the group. Special mobs are not generally seen as part of the standard group and are randomly generated.

Standard groups:

  1. Elves
  2. Spiders
  3. Ramokees
  4. Automatons
  5. Zamorakians
  6. Saradominists
  7. Orks & Hobgoblins
  8. Dagannoths & Aquanites
  9. Kalphites & Kalphite Paragons
  10. Pyrefiends & Killerwatts & Earth Warriors
  11. Lesser Demons & Ice Demons & Hellhounds
  12. Ghasts & Skeleton Mages & Skeleton Archers
  13. Cabbages (only seen in Worlds 1-20)

Special mobs: Anything not listed in standard groups. ***Larger special mobs that use melee sometimes may have 1 more distance reach than the other mobs.***


Although maps are randomly generated and can't be selected, this is the list of the easiest to hardest maps: Grass Plains > Snow Plains > Mazcab > Arc > Freneskae > Darkmeyer > Tarddiad. The wide open grass plains, few obstacles, and fences (which can be ranged over) to trap mobs make the Grass Plains map the easiest. The extremely dense trees and other obstacles (which can't be ranged over) in the Tarddiad map makes it the hardest.

Orks and hobgoblins have a higher chance of spawning on the Grass Plains map.

Elves have a higher chance of spawning on the Tarddiad map.

Demons and the undead have a higher chance of spawning on the Darkmeyer map.


Name Image Combat style Examine Notes Standard group or Special
Varies Treasure goebie Melee He's carrying sweet loot. All you have to do is murder him. Drops lots of Shattered anima based on the world, caps at 1.2M on W200+. Special
Unnatural Trahaearn titan Trahaearn automaton (melee) Melee An enormous battle construct mimicking Trahaearn techniques. Attacks drop protection prayer & curse and prevents their use for several seconds; stuns & binds the player for a few seconds. Deadliest melee mob in Shattered Worlds. Special
Abnormal shadow Dark Lord Magic A deathly horror through which no light can pass. Uses a 3x3 AoE that deals 10% of maximum life points per tick. Can be dodged running out of the area. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
Unnatural Black Knight champion Black Knight champion (Invasion of Falador) Melee Other knights merely adopted the dark. The champions were born in it. Nothing unique. Special
Imitation gorak Gorak Melee Gorak by name. Gorak by nature. All without actually being a gorak. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
False chaos giant Chaos Giant Ranged A heinous experiment observed by the Abyss. Largest mob seen in Shattered Worlds. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
Imitation ripper demon Ripper demon Melee A mirror of a horrifying creature. Attacks up to 3 times at once; spins and deals damage upon death. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
Unnatural kalphite paragon Exiled kalphite paragon Magic This entity can fling bolts of raw magical energy. Will poison players. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Unnatural kalphite guardian Kalphite guardian Magic I don't think insect repellent will work... Will poison players. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
Abnormal White Knight champion White Knight champion Melee Other knights merely adopted the light. These champions never knew it. Nothing unique. Special
Abnormal golem Bandosian golem Melee A huge construct built to smite outsiders. Special mob. Uses a 3x3 AoE that deals 10% of maximum life points per tick. Can be dodged running out of the area. Special
Fabricated warrior cabbage Melee His blade is deliciousness, his shield nutrition. Only seen in the earliest of worlds. Standard
Abnormal cabbage leafspeaker Magic His leaves contain deadly enchantments. Only seen in the earliest of worlds. Standard
False cabbage archer Ranged Her bow is powered by the will of Brassica Prime. Only seen in the earliest of worlds. Standard
Imitation golem Armadylean golem Melee A huge construct built to support the armies of the shattered worlds. Uses a 3x3 AoE that deals 10% of maximum life points per tick. Can be dodged running out of the area. Special
Unnatural prime automaton Player automaton Melee A powerful sentinel. Uses a 5x5 AoE shockwaves that deals 10% of maximum life points per tick. Can be dodged running out of the area. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
Imitation TokHaar-Ket-Zek TokHaar-Ket-Zek Magic This huge beast slobbers molten obsidian. May use melee attacks if in melee distance. Special
Fabricated elven warrior Melee A deranged elf, brought to existence by the Abyss. If trapped on terrain, tends to stay in spot even when safe-spotting from a distance. Standard
Unnatural elven warrior Melee A deranged elf, brought to existence by the Abyss. If trapped on terrain, tends to stay in spot even when safe-spotting from a distance. Standard
False ghast Ghast familiar Melee Arrghhh... Does not make food rotten unlike Morytania version. Affected by Salve Amulet (e)'s +20% to accuracy and damage for undead monsters. Standard
Fabricated skeleton archer Ranged Embodied grudge against the living. Affected by Salve Amulet (e)'s +20% to accuracy and damage for undead monsters. Standard
False skeleton mage Magic A worker of dark magic. Affected by Salve Amulet (e)'s +20% to accuracy and damage for undead monsters. Standard
Fabricated giant skeleton Nazastarool (Skeleton) Melee If it had life before, it would have been huge. Affected by Salve Amulet (e)'s +20% to accuracy and damage for undead monsters. Special
Abnormal automaton guardian Automaton Guardian Melee A tough melee fighter. Does not use AoE shockwaves. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Unnatural automaton tracer Automaton Tracer Ranged Fires lethal projectiles. Does not use AoE shockwaves. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Malignant automaton generator Automaton Generator Magic Generates magical energy for use in battle. Does not use AoE shockwaves. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Malignant siege beast Zamorakian siege beast Ranged Appeared for destruction. Nothing unique. Special
False Saradominist champion Melee A champion of order in a dimension of chaos. Nothing unique. Special
Unnatural Saradominist prideleader Saradominist prideleader Ranged An inspirational beast. Nothing unique. Special
Imitation colossus Ranged Bringing order to outsiders, in boulder-sized chunks. Nothing unique. Special
Unnatural gorilla Gorilla guard Melee He's really not very nice. Nothing unique. Special
Abnormal demonic champion Melee A champion of chaos. Nothing unique. Special
Fabricated butcher demon Magic An embodiment of terror. Nothing unique. Special
False bladed araxyte Araxxor Melee The itsy bitsy spider slashes you in the face. Nothing unique. Special
Imitation spitting araxyte Ranged Attacks at range with its venomous spit. Nothing unique. Special
Abnormal imbued araxyte Magic Crackling with wild magic. Nothing unique. Special
Fabricated bladed spider Bladed spider Melee Ooh, it's mad. Fights up close in melee. Nothing unique. Standard
Imitation spitting spider Spitting spider Ranged Attacks at range with its venomous spit. Nothing unique. Standard
Abnormal imbued spider Pulsing spider Magic Crackling with wild magic. Nothing unique. Standard
Unnatural dagannoth Dagannoth Rex Melee A shadow of the legendary dagannoth kings. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
False wyrd Safalaan (Wyrd) Melee A tall monster of weird appearance. Nothing unique. Special
Malignant giant dwarf King Veldaban (armoured) Melee A sovereign of low stature. Nothing unique. Special
Unnatural big troll Lol Ranged Ate an 'unnatural', whatever that is. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
Fabricated rock patriarch Living rock patriarch Melee A being of ore and minerals. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Special
Malignant elven magus Magic A deranged elf, brought to existence by the Abyss. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Imitation elven magus Magic A deranged elf, brought to existence by the Abyss. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Abnormal elven ranger Ranged A deranged elf, brought to existence by the Abyss. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
False elven ranger Ranged A deranged elf, brought to existence by the Abyss. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Abnormal Zamorakian warrior Melee He fights without a god, or a cause. Nothing unique. Standard
Malignant Zamorakian warrior Melee For the glory of... of... Nothing unique. Standard
False Zamorakian warlock Magic He fights without a god, or a cause. Nothing unique. Standard
Imitation Zamorakian warlock Magic She fights without a god, or a cause. Nothing unique. Standard
Fabricated Zamorakian archer Ranged A deadly archer, devoted to nothing. Nothing unique. Standard
Unnatural Zamorakian sniper Ranged She's got you in her sights. Nothing unique. Standard
False Saradominist crusader Melee Bringing wisdom, by force. Nothing unique. Standard
Imitation Saradominist crusader Melee Bringing order to the shattered worlds, one body at a time. Nothing unique. Standard
Unnatural Saradominist sage Magic Embrace the wisdom of the worlds, or face their wrath. Nothing unique. Standard
Malignant Saradominist sage Magic Channels the magic of the abyss. Nothing unique. Standard
Fabricated Saradominist archer Ranged Something called 'justice' delivered by arrow tip. Nothing unique. Standard
Abnormal Saradominist archer Ranged Death from a distance. Nothing unique. Standard
Unnatural hellhound Hellhound Melee Hello, nice doggy...? If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Imitation lesser demon Magic Lesser, but still pretty big, and kinda demony. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Malignant lesser demon Magic Lesser, but still pretty big, and kinda demony. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
False lesser demon Magic Lesser, but still pretty big, and kinda demony. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Fabricated ice demon Icedemon Ranged An entity made of ice. Nothing unique. Standard
Abnormal dagannoth Melee A horror from the abyssal depths... If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Unnatural spinespitter dagannoth Ranged A horror from the abyssal depths... If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
False aquanite Aquanite Magic It has a false light dangling from its forehead. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Malignant ramokee bloodrager Ramokee bloodrager Melee An image of a gorajo driven mad by rage. Nothing unique. Standard
Imitation ramokee deathslinger Ramokee deathslinger Ranged An image of a gorajo with a thirst for carnage. Nothing unique. Standard
Unnatural ramokee stormbringer Ramokee stormbringer Magic A twisted image of gorajo devoid of mercy. Nothing unique. Standard
Malignant earth warrior Earth warrior Melee A strange, inhuman, elemental warrior. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Unnatural killerwatt Killerwatt Ranged An angry electrical shock! If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
False pyrefiend Pyrefiend 2 Magic A small fire entity. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
Abnormal kalphite worker Melee I don't think insect repellent will work... If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard
False ork Melee Ugly, fierce and with a bad attitude. Nothing unique. Standard
Malignant ork Melee Ugly, fierce and with a bad attitude. Nothing unique. Standard
Imitation ork Melee Ugly, fierce and with a bad attitude. Nothing unique. Standard
Fabricated hobgoblin Melee A monstrous brute. If on Slayer task, affected by Corrupted Slayer Helmet's +14.5% accuracy and damage boost. Standard


  • The examine of the unnatural Zamorakian sniper, "She's got you in her sights.", may be a reference to the character Soldier: 76 of Overwatch, whose catchphrase when activating his ultimate ability is "I've got you in my sights."
  • The examines of the unnatural Black Knight champion and Abnormal White Knight champion are references to The Dark Knight Rises, where the antagonist Bane says "You merely adopted the darkness. I was born in it..."
  • The examine of the false bladed araxyte is a reference to the nursery rhyme Itsy Bitsy Spider.


  1. ^ Mod Shauny. Shattered Worlds - Changes. 4 May 2017. (Archived from the original on 2017-05-05.)*