RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Shield of Arrav.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Shield of Arrav icon
Talk to Reldo, the Varrock palace librarian.
Member requirementF2P icon Free to play
Official difficultyNovice Novice
Official lengthMedium
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
  • Ability to kill a level 1 enemy
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Enemies to defeat

Getting started[]

  • Talk to Reldo who is located in the Varrock Palace library and ask him for a quest. (Chat 1)
  • Search the bookcase (middle bookcases, right side) with the navy blue book, then read it or skim through it.

The Gangs[]

The Phoenix Gang[]

  • Talk to Reldo and ask about the Phoenix Gang. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to Baraek who is located in the north-east of Varrock square, and give him 10 coins. Ask him every question available. (Chat 112)
  • Travel to the Phoenix Gang Hideout which is located south of Aubury's Rune Shop. It will be marked by a red exclamation mark on the map.
  • Climb down the ladder.
  • Talk to Straven and ask to join. Tell him you know who he is. (Chat 11)
  • Go to the Blue Moon Inn which is just north of Varrock's southern entrance.
  • Kill Jonny the beard.
  • Grab the report he drops.
  • Talk to Straven
  • Look in the weapons chest in the south-west corner of the hideout to get one half of the Shield of Arrav.

The Black Arm Gang[]

  • Talk to Charlie the Tramp located just north of Varrock's Southern entrance. Ask him what's down the alley. (Chat 31)
  • Follow the alley to the west and enter the building.
  • Talk to Katrine. Tell her you know about the gang (you can choose any option for the source). Ask her what to do to prove trustworthiness. (Chat 1~11)
  • Go to the Phoenix Gang Hideout which is located south of Aubury's Rune Shop.
  • Enter the house 2 doors east of the Phoenix Gang Hideout and go up the ladder.
  • Pick up the two Phoenix crossbows on the floor.
  • Go back and talk to Katrine at the Black Arm Gang.
  • Head north and go upstairs and search the cupboard on the south-eastern wall for a half of the Shield of Arrav.

Finishing up[]


Shield of Arrav reward