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Shifting Tombs
Shifting Tombs
Release date 5 June 2017 (Update)
Members Yes
Location Menaphos
Participants 1-5
Skills involved Dungeoneering, Agility, Thieving, Construction, Crafting, Runecrafting, Prayer, Divination
Reward currency Coins, Menaphos reputation
In spotlight rotation No
Hiscores No
Tutorial No
Custodians Ozan
Music unlocked Shifting Tombs
Developers Unknown edit

Shifting Tombs is a skilling minigame that is accessed in Menaphos after the completion of The Jack of Spades. It may be played solo, or in a group of up to 5 players. Ironmen players can play in groups that consist only of ironmen.

Ozan tells the player of many rewards deep in the tombs. However, due to Amascut's corruption, players can only stay there for 5 minutes at a time before having to leave before the corruption infests them. Basic gameplay mechanics are explained during the first run.

Shifting Tombs allows players to gain experience in skills of their choosing by pledging allegiance to different gods. The four primary skill choices are Dungeoneering, Agility, Thieving, and Construction; players are able to choose whether they gain experience in all 4 skills or a particular one of them.

While inside the tombs, secondary experience will be given in Crafting, Runecrafting, Prayer, and Divination. Alternatively, the player may opt to receive coins and other loot instead of experience, which is the default option.

The minigame has 3 tiers: the first only requires level 50+ in the four primary skills, while the second and third tiers require level 70+ and level 90+, respectively, in all primary and secondary skills.

Assuming all the objectives are completed and the player exits via the rope before the time is up, fragments for the master camouflage outfit are given at 5 times the rate in Shifting Tombs compared to other Thieving activities, while the intervals between rounds of Shifting Tombs is 4-5 minutes compared to the cooldown of 5 minutes for regular Thieving.

Starting a game[]

Shifting Tombs obelisk

To start the minigame, players must first speak with Ozan. Afterwards, players may toggle their potential experience by interacting with the braziers and statues circling the entrance. Players may either enter the minigame alone by using the solo option, search for a group using the search option, or enter as a group using the available option under the Skills drop-down in the grouping system.

God Location Statue XP Brazier XP
Scabaras North Agility Prayer
Apmeken East Thieving Runecrafting
Crondis South Construction Crafting
Het West Dungeoneering Divination


In Shifting Tombs, there are 3 main objectives to be completed before the time limit of 5 minutes is reached, namely opening sarcophagi, looting treasure chests and cleansing corruption.

The number of sarcophagi and treasure chests to be opened, as well as the amount of corruption cleansed, varies from tomb to tomb.

To successfully escape the tomb, players must complete all 3 objectives and find the exit (a rope hanging from the tomb opening) before time runs out.

Players may escape the tomb at any time by clicking the rope, but will not gain any experience or reputation if they do not complete at least 2 of the 3 objectives, and will be teleported back to the lobby.

Reputation is given as a function of time, at 1.7766 reputation per second, up to a maximum of 533 when leaving at 1 second left.[source needed] Some players choose to wait until the last few seconds to maximise reputation as reputation is gained based on the amount of time spent in Shifting Tombs. It is preferable to leave early, as a player can get more experience from smashing pots or mining crystallised corruption during the same time they would spend waiting at the exit, as they will be spending the same amount of time for every reputation point. E.g. it will take 5,000 seconds to gain 8,883 reputation, whether that is standing around at the exit or ending a tomb early and starting another, the same time is still required. Therefore, it is more beneficial to spend time gaining other experience within Shifting Tombs versus standing around for reputation.

Opening sarcophagi[]

Each sarcophagus is surrounded by tiles depicting the 6 minor gods in the Desert Pantheon. To loot a sarcophagus, players must first unlock it by clicking the tiles in a row, and the order in which players must click the tiles is shown by orbs emitting from the sarcophagus.

The start of the pulses is marked by a yellow flash on the sarcophagus, and this is followed up by 3 blue orbs emitted from the sarcophagus onto a tile, one at a time. After these 3 orbs have touched the tiles, the sequence is repeated, with another yellow flash marking the start of the sequence. To unlock the sarcophagus, players must click the tiles in the order that the orbs touch.

If the wrong input is placed, the pattern will reset again. A message will display, 'You hear a grinding as the panels reset to their original positions'. Wait for the yellow flash from the sarcophagus to re-enter the pattern. At any time, the pattern can be forcibly reset to a new pattern by selecting the reset option on the sarcophagus. When a pattern is successfully completed a message will display, 'You hear a click as you press the last panel'. It is important to click on the sarcophagus to open it before leaving the area. The sarcophagus lid will turn sideways to indicate it is open. Forgetting to open the sarcophagus will result in a nil count for that sarcophagus in the overall number of sarcophagus openings in the objectives.

Sarcophagi opening count is shared within a group. Any member of a group opening a sarcophagus will count towards each individual player's objectives.

If soloing, a maximum of 3 sarcophagi will need to be opened.

Looting treasure chests[]

Treasure chests are blocked by skills, similar to skill doors in Dungeoneering. They can only be unlocked with the requisite skill level of the skill type the chest requires: Firemaking (wax seal), Farming (buried in dirt and overgrown with vines), Woodcutting (not buried, but covered in larger vines), and Thieving (large lock). Chests vary in level all the way up to 99. When looting a chest, 5-36 feathers of Ma'at are received.

Looting a chest also occasionally spawns Corrupted Scarabs. Squishing them deals damage to the player and too many squished can result in death sending the player to Death's office.

Treasure chest loot count is not shared within a group. Once opened by any player, a chest will appear open to all players; each player must search a chest individually for it to count towards their own objectives.

Cleansing corruption[]

There are 2 ways to cleanse corruption and work towards the corruption objective, namely breaking urns and mining corruption crystals. Breaking urns can be done at a distance as long as the urn is considered within visible range of the player and near instantaneously, while mining corruption crystals takes time and is done like any other ore.

However, if players break 3 urns in quick succession, players gain a buff in which they can break corruption crystals quicker than they normally would by aiming a long blast in a line in front of them, which will cut down a row of crystals terminating in an AoE blast. The player can carry up to a maximum of 3 stacks of this buff by breaking more urns, but if they idle for longer than 21 seconds without breaking an urn, all of the stacks will be lost.


Players have to run round the tomb as part of gameplay, so to minimise downtime between games or save time in a shifting tomb, players can use the salt-water spring at the Oo'glog spa facility for infinite run energy, or bring (super) energy potions, mint cakes, or either surefooted or greater surefooted aura for instant run energy restoration. Agile armour, boots of lightness, and other weight-reducing clothing will also help conserve run energy.

Players can wield an item with the Mobile perk for increased mobility, as Surge can be used in the tomb.

The earlier the player leaves the dungeon, providing that the player has 100% completion, the better the experience rewards will be.

A coordinated team will focus on retrieving and directing other players to chests as a team, as they must be physically claimed and will sometimes have skill requirements not met by some players, whereas sarcophagi are automatically claimed by all players once somebody opens it. This will minimise time wasted on unnecessary trips to opened sarcophagi.


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Rewards for Shifting Tombs consist of reputation and either experience or coins. Rewards are obtained both throughout the Shifting Tomb itself, as well as after finishing a Shifting Tomb. The type of experience earned is determined by toggling statues and braziers inside the Shifting Tombs lobby. If however, all statues are toggled off, coins are awarded instead after finishing a shifting tomb.

The amount of coins earned after finishing a tomb is dependent of how many sarcophagi and chests were raided in total and how much corruption was obtained. The reward also scales with a player's level, although it is unknown which skills contribute.

When determining experience rewards a base value of experience is used, which is different for the different skills, and different for the different tiers. This value represents the experience earned when a Shifting Tomb is fully completed, if only that one of that type (primary or secondary) is selected. If multiple primary skills or multiple secondary skills are selected then the experience awarded in those skills is split proportionally. The table below contains the base values, experimentally verified.

You must safely exit the tombs in order to fully reap the rewards from your time there.

Tier Dungeoneering Agility Thieving Construction Crafting Runecrafting Prayer Divination
50 2616 2202 4472 3003 1557 968 1443 863
70 3272 9011 5367 2849 1804 2013 1821
90 7110 5107 13685 5674 3229 2925 3229 3172

To illustrate, if a tier 70 tomb is attempted with Thieving, Runecrafting, and Crafting selected, Thieving receives 9,011 experience, Runecrafting receives 902 experience, and Crafting receives 1,424 experience.

If a Shifting Tomb is completed without selecting any secondary skills, then the secondary skill experience is entirely forfeit. If a Shifting Tomb is completed without selecting any primary skills, then coins are rewarded.

Players also have a chance of receiving rewards (rewards are improved by wearing Luck of the dwarves):


  • It's Not Called Surging Tombs (RuneScore 15) - Complete all objectives solo in Shifting Tombs without using Surge, Escape or Bladed Dive.
  • A Game of Tombs (RuneScore 5) - Adventure down X Shifting Tombs and successfully escape. (Tier1: 1, Tier2: 10, Tier3: 50, Tier4: 100, and Tier5: 200).


Shifting Tombs quick travel interface

Quick travel interface prior to 3 July 2017

  • Prior to an update on 3 July 2017, players could right-click the entrance to the minigame, and open the quick travel interface in order to quickly travel to any district in Menaphos. The quick travel interface has been replaced with a right click interface serving mostly the same function.
    • Attempting to quick travel to the same entrance they were located at could render the interface useless, requiring it to be closed and reopened.
  • Players can find skilling pets, excluding the dungeoneering pet, as well as strange and golden rocks in Shifting Tombs.


  1. ^ Mod Timbo. "Dev Blog: Revealing Drop Rates." 17 November 2017. Developers' Blogs.