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This article is about the quest. For the location, see Shilo Village (location).
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Shilo Village is a quest in which the player lays to rest a vengeful spirit that is attacking Shilo Village. It is required in order to access Shilo Village and its cart system.

Official description[]

New areas in the Southern part of Karamja Island have been discovered with a mysterious village.

Who knows what hidden treasures exist, and what dangers lurk to guard them?


Start pointQuest map icon
Shilo Village icon
Talk to Mosol Rei, who is outside of Shilo Village in the south part of Karamja.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyExperienced Experienced
Official lengthMedium to Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:


Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.

Can be bought from Jiminua's Jungle Store (The general store north west of Tai Bwo Wannai):

  • A spade
  • A rope
  • A chisel (the tool belt will not work for certain parts)
  • A torch (it can not be any other light source, and you will lose this item)
Enemies to defeat

The Witch Queen[]

Trufitus chathead
Shilo Village Quest Undead Ones

Undead ones appearing while talking to Mosol Rei.

Speak to Mosol Rei, located outside the south-east gate of Shilo Village, and he will instruct you to run for your life. When you ask for a reason, he says that the village has been overrun by zombies, being commanded by the queen of the dead, Rashiliyia. Offer to help and Mosol Rei will direct you to Trufitus, an elder of the Tai Bwo Wannai village; after you agree, he hands you a Wampum belt to show to Trufitus.

An easy way to reach the Tai Bwo Wannai village is by heading south from the Karamja lodestone. If you chose to buy the antipoison potion, the spade, the rope, the chisel and the torch from Jiminua's Jungle Store, it is located a bit south of the lodestone, so make sure to stop by on your way to Tai Bwo Wannai.

Once at the village, use the belt on Trufitus; he sadly tells you that things look very bleak. The key to breaking Rashiliyia's spell may be found in the temple of Ah Za Rhoon, but there is almost no clue for finding it. Say that you will look for the temple, and once you affirm your intent to search, gather every information on the temple that you can from him. You find that the name "Ah Za Rhoon" translates to "magnificence floating on water", indicating that the temple may be found on an island.

You must choose conversation options that include declaring your intention to search for the temple, and Trufitus will hold the Wampum belt until you return. Unless he holds the belt, you will "not know what you are looking for" once you reach the temple site.

The Temple of Ah Za Rhoon[]

Shilo village - fissure

The fissure

Items needed: Spade, torch and rope

The temple is located in the eastern island of Karamja, at a waterfall located roughly to the east of Shilo Village. From Tai Bwo Wannai, travel east and cross the agility log (level 32 Agility is suggested but can be done without it) and then follow the river bank south until you reach a mound of earth near the waterfall.

"Search" the mound and click the option to use your spade to dig it up. Light your torch and use it on the fissure to illuminate it - you will lose the light source. Add a rope to the fissure, securing it to the lip. Search the fissure again to climb down into the temple below — level 32 Agility is needed here. After a prolonged time, the earth forms back over the entrance. You may dig up the mound to find that your light source and rope are in place.

Ah Za Rhoon map

After entering the dungeon, you'll encounter some level 44 - 46 undead ones. If you do kill the ones that look like zombies, a cloud of harmful gas will hit you for minor damage.

With a chisel, you can retrieve a stone-plaque from the strange-looking stone near the round pond, which can be sold to Yanni Salika after the quest for 100 gold.

In this first area, the water appears to form an arm and hand, with the fingers encircling a round pond. Look around the wall, west of the 'hand of water' and the smashed table, for a cave-in; search the cave-in and crawl through.


On the raft.

In this second cavern, which is "N" shaped, look for some rocks at the top of the first leg of the "N". Search them to get a tattered scroll. You may fail and get hit for around 550 life points, but continue searching until you obtain the scroll. After crossing the diagonal arm of the cavern, in a small room, you'll find some sacks that you can search for a crumpled scroll. At the very end of the last arm of the cavern, "look-at", then "search" the gallows to get Zadimus' corpse. If you don't "look-at" first, you will be hit 600's consecutively by a green gas.

To leave the dungeon, you may use a teleport. If you do not have a way to teleport, go back into the first cave. Find the smashed table and craft it into a raft, then use it to exit the dungeon. Sometimes, you get the message that there isn't enough wood left. In this case, you can continue through the first cave, along the route of the water, to find some waterfall rocks that you can search to exit. But if you fall exiting through the waterfall you can take a lot of damage.

Scrolls from Ah Za Rhoon[]

The red tinted Tattered scroll is about the son of Rashiliyia, Bervirius.

Bervirius, son of King Dathalas, was killed in battle. His devout mother Rashiliyia was so heartbroken that she swore fealty to Zamorak if he would return her son to her. Bervirius returned as an undead creature and terrorized the King and Queen. Many guards died fighting the undead Bervirius. Eventually the undead Bervirius was set on fire and soon only the bones remained. His remains were taken far to the South, and then towards the setting sun to a tomb that is surrounded by and level with the sea. This is the only known way to contain the spirits of witches and the undead.

The green Crumpled scroll is about Rashiliyia:

Rashiliyia's rage went unchecked. She killed without mercy for revenge of her son's life. Like a spectre through the night she entered houses and one by one quietly strangled life from the occupants. It is said that only a handful survived, protected by necklace wards to keep the Witch Queen at bay.

The Proper Burial[]

Shilo village - Zadimus grave

The burial place of Zadimus' corpse.

Read the scrolls, then show all the three items obtained in the temple to Trufitus by using each one on him. Trufitus says that the corpse must be buried on sacred ground, some of which are located in their backyard, next to Trufitus' house.

Go to the tribal statue west of Trufitus' house and bury the corpse (you may be first required to dig with a spade). Zadimus' spirit appears and he tells you that he has the key; he quickly departs, before handing you a bone shard. The shard upon inspecting reads, "I am the key, but only kin may approach her."

Take the bone shard back to Trufitus and he'll tell you to look for Bervirius's tomb, as he shared his bloodline with Rashiliyia, and find a clue regarding the queen's whereabouts.

Many players do not get the option to climb down the "well stacked rocks" in the next part of the quest. This is because Trufitus has not told them to look for the tomb. Read both scrolls, inspect the bones, then show the items to Trufitus, and don't leave until he's suggested that there might be something useful in the tomb. Ask: "I need help with Bervirius".


Tomb of Bervirius map
Items needed: Chisel and bronze wire (or a bronze bar to make the wire)

You now need to go to the Tomb of Bervirius. From Tai Bwo Wannai, head south-west to Cairn Isle. Climb up the rockslide and cross the bridge to reach Cairn Isle. You can fall and take a lot of damage, so a useful trick is to use the basic magic ability Surge to teleport 10 spaces forward and thus cross most of the bridge. However, this is not always successful.

Once you're on the island, search for some "well-stacked rocks" in the northern part and choose to climb down them (you must choose the "Search" option to be given the option to climb down). Be sure to boost your Agility beforehand if it is below 32. You may fail a few times, taking damage, but keep trying.

Shilo village - dolmen

The dolmen.

You find yourself in another dungeon, though this one is much smaller and has a tomb-like feel. Go to the dolmen in the south end of the cavern and search it to get a sword pommel, a locating crystal and Bervirius notes.

If your inventory is full when you try to pick up the notes, you will need some charcoal and papyrus to make another copy.

Use the Karamja lodestone and return to Trufitus (or exit the tomb by climbing the rocks to the east, and walk back). Read the scrolls, then show him everything. He says that you need to make yourself a necklace to be protected from Rashiliyia's powers. If you attempt to create the necklace before reading all three scrolls in the Bervirius notes, and both scrolls you received in Ah Za Rhoon, you may receive the message 'You're not really sure how this would fit together. Perhaps you need some instructions?'

Use a chisel on the sword pommel to make bone beads; the tool belt will not work for this. Now, use a bronze bar on an anvil to make bronze wire — there is an anvil just north of the village. Finally, use the wire on the beads to make the beads of the dead necklace. You're now ready to take on the Witch Queen. Before you leave, make sure you show the necklace to Trufitus.

Scrolls from Bervirius's Tomb[]

The Bervirius notes add more insights, and come in 3 sections. The Tattered Yellow papyrus:

"...and rest like your mother who is silent in the peace of her tomb far to the north of Ah Za Rhoon. Near the sea, and under the hills deep in the underground to watch all of nature from the darkness of her final resting place."

The Decayed White papyrus reveals the meaning of the beads:

"...Rashiliyia did so love objects of beauty. Her tomb was adorned with crystals that glowed brightly when near to each other."

The Crusty Orange papyrus finishes the explanation:

"...the sphere is activated when power of a spiritual nature is expended on it, this can be very draining to the body."


Items needed: Chisel and 3 regular bones (can be obtained from monsters in cave)
Items recommended: Combat equipment and food

From Tai Bwo Wannai, go east and cross the agility log over the river, then head north. Alternatively, use the fairy ring code DKP to zip to the north shore, near Tiadeche of Tai Bwo Wannai, and then go south. Traveling through the fairy rings will take you through Zanaris, which has a bank, where you can load up on any food, ammunition, and potions. You may store the scrolls, in case you need extra inventory space, but be sure to keep a chisel, the bone shard and the beads of the dead necklace.

Search for a set of double doors hidden in the foliage, just north of the jogres. They seem to be locked, although you remember what Zadimus had said about having the key (you must search the door to create the key). Keeping the necklace in the inventory, use the bone shard on the chisel to make a bone key. Clear away the foliage from the door and use the bone key on it, and it will open only slightly, but enough to allow you to enter. If you do not enter quickly, the foliage will re-cover the door, forcing you to remove the key and use it on the door again. Go through the doors, with the necklace now equipped, to enter Rashiliyia's Tomb.

Rashiliyia's Tomb map

If you do not have the beads of the dead necklace on when you enter the dungeon, Rashiliyia's ghost will appear and attack you once, dealing low damage. She will then send three undead ones to attack you as well, and disappear. Just kill these like you normally would, avoid their harmful gas, and, with the necklace equipped, proceed through the ancient gate.

You'll find undead ones all throughout the dungeon - more will be summoned if you pick up the coins, which turn to dust on touch.

Shilo village - skeleton door

The skeleton door

Running past the undead, go through the ancient gates and down the rock slope, head south-west, until you find some doors with skeletons embedded in them. They seem to have receptacles for bones; use 3 regular bones on these doors. Be careful not to bury the bones by mistake! Ensure you are wearing the beads of the dead, prepare for battle, then search the dolmen inside the tomb.


You will be attacked by Nazastarool, a level 54 zombie. After you defeat him, he'll turn into a level 53 skeleton. After you defeat him, he'll once again change, this time into a level 53 ghost. Once you've defeated the ghost, you'll get the corpse of Rashiliyia.

Nazastarool Threeforms

Fighting the three forms of Nazastarool, from left to right: zombie, skeleton, and ghost.

Battle notes and tips:

  • None of the three forms can pass between the dolmen and the nearby rock pile. Therefore using a ranged, magic, or halberd attacks work well, as you can completely avoid his melee attack. Each new spawn will be directly beside you, and you will need to reposition yourself around the rocks to avoid melee damage.
  • If you die when you're fighting or if you log out during battle, you don't need to fight all the three forms, but only the forms you haven't yet defeated.
  • Between each form, a dialogue starts. In extremis, perform some other action, like burying spare bones you brought, or inspecting your quest log, and the next incarnation will not immediately appear, giving you time to heal, leave, etc.

When you take the corpse, never drop it! Rashiliyia's spirit will thank you for releasing her and you will need to go back to her tomb and kill all 3 of the forms again.

To leave, simply use the home teleport to Karamja. (If you exit through the dungeon without the key, you get a humorous dialogue: "Oh no, I'm going to be stuck in here forever!" "How will I ever get out!" "I'm too young to die!")

The Famous Final Scene[]

Shilo village - Rashiliyia

Rashiliyia appears.

It is not necessary, but if you show the corpse to Trufitus, he'll tell you to think - perhaps there's a clue in the items you have? There are a couple, actually. You know Rashiliyia wishes to be reunited with her son, that the Cairn Island dolmen is ideally placed for containing the spirits of witches and undead, and that Rashiliyia was a witch.

Go back to the Tomb of Bervirius on Cairn Isle and un-equip the beads of the dead necklace. Head to the dolmen and use the corpse on it; Rashiliyia will appear and thank you for letting her rest in peace, saying that Zamorak tricked her and returned her son as an undead creature. She goes on:

"...My hatred and bitterness corrupted me. I tried to destroy all life... Now I am released... And am grateful to contemplate eternal rest..."

She disappears and gives you a reward.

Quest complete.


Shilo Village reward

Required for completing[]

Completion of Shilo Village is required for the following:


Cultural references[]

  • This quest is based on the book and film Pet Sematary by Stephen King, suggesting the pain when someone loses a loved one and the desire to bring it to life again. But what comes back, like in the quest, is not who you loved but something different — a zombie.


  • From Rashiliyia's tomb, you can see the Mogre Camp from Recipe for Disaster and examine the coral there, which is not possible otherwise, to receive an examine text of "Pollution is rapidly destroying coral reefs."
  • This quest was first mentioned as a "Recent News" article on RuneScape's main page (18 October 2002), and was known as "The Zombie Queen Quest" in a mention on an article on 11 January 2003.