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Shiny columbarium key detail

The shiny columbarium key is obtained by using magic or elder pyre logs to perform funeral rites in the Columbarium. They are also received as an award from squeezing plushies during The Lost Toys miniquest. Using shiny columbarium keys gives a better chance of more valuable rewards when opening coffins.

Cremating rewards[]


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Gold charmGold charm1CommonNot sold
Green charmGreen charm1CommonNot sold
Crimson charmCrimson charm1CommonNot sold
Blue charmBlue charm1UncommonNot sold

Charms are a second reward, obtained with other items

God armour[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Rune full helm (Guthix)Rune full helm (Guthix)1Very rare21,484
Rune platebody (Guthix)Rune platebody (Guthix)1Very rare39,599
Rune kiteshield (Guthix)Rune kiteshield (Guthix)1Very rare29,915
Rune platelegs (Guthix)Rune platelegs (Guthix)1Very rare37,087
Rune plateskirt (Guthix)Rune plateskirt (Guthix)1Very rare35,847
Rune full helm (Saradomin)Rune full helm (Saradomin)1Very rare35,988
Rune platebody (Saradomin)Rune platebody (Saradomin)1Very rare43,240
Rune kiteshield (Saradomin)Rune kiteshield (Saradomin)1Very rare29,719
Rune platelegs (Saradomin)Rune platelegs (Saradomin)1Very rare36,797
Rune plateskirt (Saradomin)Rune plateskirt (Saradomin)1Very rare36,762
Rune full helm (Zamorak)Rune full helm (Zamorak)1Very rare36,875
Rune platebody (Zamorak)Rune platebody (Zamorak)1Very rare39,636
Rune kiteshield (Zamorak)Rune kiteshield (Zamorak)1Very rare29,577
Rune platelegs (Zamorak)Rune platelegs (Zamorak)1Very rare35,169
Rune plateskirt (Zamorak)Rune plateskirt (Zamorak)1Very rare36,724

God pages[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Guthix page 1Guthix page 11Very rare148,992
Guthix page 2Guthix page 21Very rare131,790
Guthix page 3Guthix page 31Very rare135,397
Guthix page 4Guthix page 41Very rare129,700
Saradomin page 1Saradomin page 11Very rare228,564
Saradomin page 2Saradomin page 21Very rare197,252
Saradomin page 3Saradomin page 31Very rare199,307
Saradomin page 4Saradomin page 41Very rare205,213
Zamorak page 1Zamorak page 11Very rare87,583
Zamorak page 2Zamorak page 21Very rare83,147
Zamorak page 4Zamorak page 41Very rare80,711
Zamorak page 3Zamorak page 31Very rare80,587

Weapons and armour[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Rune helmRune helm(noted)Uncommon10,533
Rune platelegsRune platelegs(noted)Uncommon37,002
Rune pickaxeRune pickaxe(noted)Uncommon22,097
Rune spearRune spear(noted)Uncommon10,185
Rune arrowRune arrow50Common7,550
Rune full helm (t)Rune full helm (t)1Very rare18,799
Rune platebody (t)Rune platebody (t)1Very rare37,427
Rune kiteshield (t)Rune kiteshield (t)1Very rare30,443
Rune platelegs (t)Rune platelegs (t)1Very rare35,926
Rune plateskirt (t)Rune plateskirt (t)1Very rare34,886
Rune full helm (g)Rune full helm (g)1Very rare18,591
Rune platebody (g)Rune platebody (g)1Very rare36,598
Rune kiteshield (g)Rune kiteshield (g)1Very rare29,820
Rune platelegs (g)Rune platelegs (g)1Very rare35,182
Rune plateskirt (g)Rune plateskirt (g)1Very rare35,828
Black full helm (t)Black full helm (t)1Very rare4,749
Black platebody (t)Black platebody (t)1Very rare6,518
Black kiteshield (t)Black kiteshield (t)1Very rare5,457
Black platelegs (t)Black platelegs (t)1Very rare5,931
Black plateskirt (t)Black plateskirt (t)1Very rare2,253
Black full helm (g)Black full helm (g)1Very rare10,880
Black platebody (g)Black platebody (g)1Very rare11,977
Black kiteshield (g)Black kiteshield (g)1Very rare8,718
Black platelegs (g)Black platelegs (g)1Very rare9,609
Black plateskirt (g)Black plateskirt (g)1Very rare3,994
Adamant full helm (t)Adamant full helm (t)1Very rare2,340
Adamant platebody (t)Adamant platebody (t)1Very rare7,033
Adamant kiteshield (t)Adamant kiteshield (t)1Very rare7,518
Adamant platelegs (t)Adamant platelegs (t)1Very rare5,048
Adamant plateskirt (t)Adamant plateskirt (t)1Very rare4,090
Adamant full helm (g)Adamant full helm (g)1Very rare9,825
Adamant platebody (g)Adamant platebody (g)1Very rare14,759
Adamant kiteshield (g)Adamant kiteshield (g)1Very rare8,494
Adamant platelegs (g)Adamant platelegs (g)1Very rare9,692
Adamant plateskirt (g)Adamant plateskirt (g)1Very rare4,600
Dragon spearDragon spear1Rare35,861


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Grimy toadflaxGrimy toadflax(noted)Uncommon22,500
Grimy avantoeGrimy avantoe(noted)Common2,086
Grimy kwuarmGrimy kwuarm(noted)Common23,564
Grimy snapdragonGrimy snapdragon(noted)Uncommon3,578
Grimy lantadymeGrimy lantadyme(noted)Uncommon15,102
Grimy dwarf weedGrimy dwarf weed(noted)Common16,952
Grimy torstolGrimy torstol(noted)Uncommon10,778


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Watermelon seedWatermelon seed8Common28,720
Snape grass seedSnape grass seed8Common13,320
Lantadyme seedLantadyme seed1Uncommon726
Dwarf weed seedDwarf weed seed1Uncommon822


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Blood runeBlood rune20Common13,560
Adamantite oreAdamantite ore(noted)Common1,816
Rune barRune bar(noted)Uncommon2,985
Uncut rubyUncut ruby(noted)Common7,368
Uncut diamondUncut diamond(noted)Common19,372
Red spiders' eggsRed spiders' eggs(noted)Common11,240
Limpwurt rootLimpwurt root(noted)Uncommon41,520
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key(noted)Uncommon11,053
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key(noted)Uncommon11,538


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