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Shiny four-leaf clover necklace was removed from RuneScape after an update, but still exists in-game for those who had obtained it.

Shiny four-leaf clover necklace detail

A shiny four-leaf clover necklace is an uncommon prize won from Treasure Hunter.

Combat Stats
RequirementsShiny four-leaf clover necklace equipped
NoneNeck slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


Obtained new, the necklace comes with 10 charges. For every 10 minutes of skilling or combat, the necklace will use up one of its charges. Every time a charge is used, the player has a 25% chance of receiving a reward from the reward table. If the player doesn't win a reward, player will be rewarded with coins equal to the content of a small cash bag.

If a player wins a reward, the reward will automatically show up in the player's inventory or in the player's bank in the case where the inventory is full. No messages appear in the player's chat box when this happens.

Once the necklace is depleted of all of its charges, the necklace becomes a purely cosmetic item. The 3% bonus XP is also lost when this happens. There is no way to recharge the necklace.

Reward table[]

If a player enters the reward table, they have the opportunity of receiving one of the following items: (note that the rarity is after the player manage to get into the reward table; e.g. even though an item may be common, it is still rare when considering there is only a 25% chance to even enter the reward table).

Main reward table[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Reward from the Rare reward table1CommonNot sold
Medium cash bagMedium cash bag1CommonNot sold
Medium prismatic lampMedium prismatic lamp1CommonNot sold
Magic notepaperMagic notepaper100Common137,900
Small prismatic lampSmall prismatic lamp1CommonNot sold
Portable forgePortable forge5UncommonNot sold
Portable wellPortable well5Uncommon187,245
Portable rangePortable range5Uncommon231,645
Portable sawmillPortable sawmill1Uncommon3,862
Silverhawk feathersSilverhawk feathers40Uncommon802,160
Coins 10000Coins10,000,000Rare10,000,000

Rare reward table[]

When a player enters the main reward table, they have a chance of landing on the rare reward table slot. Doing so will give them the chance of obtaining one of the items listed below items. As with the main reward table, the rarity is for after the player was able to enter the rare reward table. Players will receive a large cash bag if they already own the item that they were to receive.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Diviner's footwearDiviner's footwear1CommonNot sold
Diviner's handwearDiviner's handwear1CommonNot sold
Diviner's headwearDiviner's headwear1CommonNot sold
Diviner's legwearDiviner's legwear1CommonNot sold
Heartfreezer amuletHeartfreezer amulet5CommonNot sold
Protean plankProtean plank500CommonNot sold
Mask of Broken FingersMask of Broken Fingers1UncommonNot sold
Mask of CrimsonMask of Crimson1UncommonNot sold
Mask of DustMask of Dust1UncommonNot sold
Mask of GelatinMask of Gelatin1UncommonNot sold
Mask of GloomMask of Gloom1UncommonNot sold
Mask of GraniteMask of Granite1UncommonNot sold
Mask of MourningMask of Mourning1UncommonNot sold
Mask of ReflectionMask of Reflection1UncommonNot sold
Mask of StenchMask of Stench1UncommonNot sold
Mask of StoneMask of Stone1UncommonNot sold
Mask of the AbyssMask of the Abyss1UncommonNot sold
Mask of the Green WyrmMask of the Green Wyrm1UncommonNot sold
Mask of the KuraMask of the Kura1UncommonNot sold
Mask of the White WyrmMask of the White Wyrm1UncommonNot sold
Mask of the Yellow WyrmMask of the Yellow Wyrm1UncommonNot sold
Mask of VinesMask of Vines1UncommonNot sold
Prismatic huge fallen starPrismatic huge fallen star1–2UncommonNot sold
Serpentine rapierSerpentine rapier1UncommonNot sold
Slayer Tower shortbowSlayer Tower shortbow1UncommonNot sold
Sq'irks the parrotSq'irks the parrot1UncommonNot sold
Starfury swordStarfury sword1UncommonNot sold
Wizards' Tower staffWizards' Tower staff1UncommonNot sold
Large cash bagLarge cash bag1RareNot sold
Lucky Bandos bootsLucky Bandos boots1RareNot sold
Lucky Bandos chestplateLucky Bandos chestplate1RareNot sold
Lucky Bandos helmetLucky Bandos helmet1RareNot sold
Lucky Bandos tassetsLucky Bandos tassets1RareNot sold
Lucky Saradomin godswordLucky Saradomin godsword1RareNot sold
Lucky spectral spirit shieldLucky spectral spirit shield1Very rareNot sold
Lucky divine spirit shieldLucky divine spirit shield1Very rareNot sold