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Calculators determine experience and costs based on real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.

Signs of the porter are pocket slot items craftable with the Divination skill, which automatically teleport collected items to your bank. Every time an item is teleported to the bank, one charge is used on the active sign. When a sign is out of charges, it disappears.

The sign becomes active when it is equipped, and it can be deactivated by unequipping it. It will disappear when its charges have expired. Items are sent to the bank when they are obtained from a skilling action, or for items in the 'Other' category (see below), when they are picked up off the ground (which includes combat drops, such as dragon hides). Not only drops from monsters can be banked, but also items that a person was carrying in the Wilderness will be banked if the player picks up the loot while having an active sign.

Urns will still be filled while collecting with an active sign. If the Varrock armour ore doubling effect is activated, the second ore is also banked. Shooting Star reward that doubles an ore will also be banked. Mining two ores from a concentrated coal or gold will bank both but only use one charge. When fishing shark, if you catch two, both are banked at no additional porter charge. If you do not have any space in your bank, the items you collect remain in your inventory.

If a stone spirit appears, the spirit's banking takes higher priority than the porter's effect.

Types of signs[]

Porter tier Divination Level Energy amount Secondary Experience Charges GE Cost Cost per item
Sign of the porter I I 6 30 Pale energy 10 pale energy Sapphire necklace Sapphire necklace 1.7 5 7,232 1,446.4
Sign of the porter II II 28 35 Bright energy 10 Bright energy Sapphire necklace Sapphire necklace 5.9 10 12,502 1,250.2
Sign of the porter III III 48 40 Sparkling energy 10 Sparkling energy Emerald necklace Emerald necklace 9.9 15 16,428 1,095.2
Sign of the porter IV IV 68 45 Vibrant energy 10 Vibrant energy Emerald necklace Emerald necklace 13.9 20 21,663 1,083.15
Sign of the porter V V 88 60 Radiant energy 10 Radiant energy Ruby necklace Ruby necklace 20 25 27,682 1,107.28
Sign of the porter VI VI 99 80 Incandescent energy 10 Incandescent energy Diamond necklace Diamond necklace 24 30 38,722 1,290.73

Items affected[]

List of items
Soft clay
Rune essence
Copper ore
Tin ore
Blurite ore
Iron ore
Elemental ore
Silver ore
Pure essence
Sandstone (1kg)
Sandstone (2kg)
Sandstone (5kg)
Sandstone (10kg)
Uncut opal
Uncut jade
Uncut red topaz
Uncut sapphire
Uncut emerald
Uncut ruby
Uncut diamond
Gold ore
Granite (500g)
Granite (2kg)
Granite (5kg)
Mithril ore
Adamantite ore
Living minerals
Bane ore
Red sandstone
Runite ore
Raw shrimps
Raw crayfish
Raw karambwanji
Raw sardine
Raw herring
Raw anchovies
Raw mackerel
Raw trout
Raw cod
Raw pike
Slimy eel
Raw salmon
Frog spawn
Raw tuna
Raw rainbow fish
Raw cave eel
Raw lobster
Raw bass
Raw swordfish
Raw shark
Raw lava eel
Raw monkfish
Raw karambwan
Raw cavefish
Raw rocktail
Leaping trout
Leaping salmon
Leaping sturgeon
Raw wobbegong
Raw green blubber jellyfish
Raw blue blubber jellyfish
Raw sailfish
Achey tree logs
Oak logs
Willow logs
Teak logs
Maple logs
Hollow reed
Acadia logs
Mahogany logs
Arctic pine logs
Eucalyptus logs
Yew logs
Magic logs
Blisterwood logs
Elder logs
Golden bamboo
Raw potato
Woad leaf
Limpwurt root
Hammerstone hops
Asgarnian hops
Jute fibre
Yanillian hops
Krandorian hops
Wildblood hops
Grimy guam
Grimy marrentill
Grimy tarromin
Grimy harralander
Grimy ranarr
Grimy spirit weed
Grimy toadflax
Grimy irit
Grimy wergali
Grimy avantoe
Grimy kwuarm
Grimy snapdragon
Grimy cadantine
Grimy lantadyme
Grimy dwarf weed
Grimy torstol
Grimy fellstalk
Cadava berries
White berries
Poison ivy berries
Cooking apple
Curry leaf
Papaya fruit
Bittercap mushroom
Cactus spine
Cave nightshade
Calquat fruit
Morchella mushroom
Grapes of Guthix
Grapes of Saradomin
Grapes of Zamorak
Polar kebbit fur
Common kebbit fur
Feldip weasel fur
Desert devil fur
Long kebbit spike
Raw beast meat
Red feather
Yellow feather
Orange feather
Blue feather
Stripy feather
Wimpy feather
Raw bird meat
Kebbit claws
Barb-tail harpoon
Kebbit spike
Diseased kebbit fur
Kebbit teeth
Red chinchompa
Raw pawya meat
Spotted kebbit fur
Dark kebbit fur
Dashing kebbit fur
Raw beef
Raw rat meat
Raw bear meat
Raw yak meat
Raw chicken
Ugthanki meat
Raw rabbit
Spider carcass
Raw chompy
Raw jubbly
Raw oomlie
Fat snail meat
Thin snail meat
Lean snail meat
Eye of newt
Grimy snake weed
Clean snake weed
Bear fur
Unicorn horn
Swamp tar
Red spiders' eggs
Chocolate bar
Toad's legs
Desert goat horn
Snape grass
Cockatrice egg
Frog spawn
Mort myre fungus
Yew roots
Potato cactus
Magic roots
Crushed nest
Spider silk
Snake hide
Green dragonhide
Blue dragonhide
Red dragonhide
Black dragonhide
Royal dragonhide
Maple roots
Oak roots
Willow roots
Willow branch
Snail shell
Phoenix feather
Muspah spine