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Silver key brown detail

Silver key brown is a key and reward from the Shades of Mort'ton minigame. To obtain it, the player must kill either a fiyr shade or a asyn shade and then burn its remains on a pyre. The key may be used to enter the Shade Catacombs and then open the correctly coloured chest. It will open a silver-framed chest with a brown lock. This type of key can be used to open any door within the tombs, giving the player unrestricted access to all areas.

Possible rewards[]


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Black platebodyBlack platebody1Uncommon6,443
Mithril platebodyMithril platebody1Uncommon2,540
Mithril plateskirtMithril plateskirt1Uncommon2,472
Adamant chainbodyAdamant chainbody1Uncommon7,111
Adamant full helmAdamant full helm1Uncommon4,880
Adamant sq shieldAdamant sq shield1Common5,225
Adamant platebodyAdamant platebody1Rare8,975
Adamant platelegsAdamant platelegs1Rare8,325
Adamant plateskirtAdamant plateskirt1Rare5,269
Adamant kiteshieldAdamant kiteshield1Rare7,314
Rune helmRune helm1Rare10,533
Rune chainbodyRune chainbody1Very rare29,002


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Black spearBlack spear1Uncommon6,581
Adamant spearAdamant spear1Common12,696
Adamant battleaxeAdamant battleaxe1Uncommon5,541
Adamant 2h swordAdamant 2h sword1Rare8,231
Adamant longswordAdamant longsword1Uncommon4,917
Adamant warhammerAdamant warhammer1Common3,567
Rune swordRune sword1Rare11,135
Rune scimitarRune scimitar1Very rare14,957
Rune longswordRune longsword1Rare17,883


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Death runeDeath rune1–30Uncommon232–6,960
Blood runeBlood rune1–30Rare678–20,340


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Diamond ringDiamond ring1Rare4,714
Amulet of powerAmulet of power1Rare6,162


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 1000Coins1,000–2,000Common[1]1,000–2,000
Swamp pasteSwamp paste25–40Common[2]50–80
Fine clothFine cloth1Common2,239
Yew logsYew logsUnknownUncommon167
Magic logsMagic logsUnknownRare380
Sealed clue scroll (hard)Sealed clue scroll (hard)1RareNot sold
Flamtaer hammerFlamtaer hammer1RareNot sold
  1. ^ May be received in addition to any of the other rewards
  2. ^ May be received from the bottom of the chest after the initial reward of treasure and/or coins

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Fiyr remainsN/A1Common
Tortured soulN/A1Uncommon


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