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Sinister key detail

The sinister key is used in Yanille Agility dungeon. It is dropped by Salarin the Twisted but is also a potential loot from catching a magpie impling, as well as a possible reward from the Triskelion Treasures Distraction and Diversion. It is used to open the closed chest that contains 9 grimy herbs: 2 harralander, 3 ranarr, 1 irit, 1 avantoe, 1 kwuarm, and 1 torstol.

The market value of the sinister key is linked to the market value of the herbs that it unlocks.

Herb Grimy price Cleaned price
2 Grimy harralander 1,482 1,876
3 Grimy ranarr 5,580 6,324
1 Grimy irit 5,008 5,305
1 Grimy avantoe 1,043 1,151
1 Grimy kwuarm 11,782 11,981
1 Grimy torstol 5,389 5,548
Total 30,284 32,185
Sinister key −18,555
Difference 11,729 13,630


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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Salarin the Twisted771Uncommon
Magpie implingN/A1Very rare