All Life points: 3,500
Life points: 3,500
All Slayer experience: 60.6
Slayer experience: 60.6
All Combat experience: 200
Combat experience: 200
All Release date: 22 April 2008
Release date: 22 April 2008
All Combat level: 70
Combat level: 70
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 7640
NPC ID: 7640
Skeletal hands appear in the Meiyerditch Dungeon, together with mutated bloodveld and zombie hands. Even though it's not aggressive by itself, at any time when you are in the dungeon, one might fall from the ceiling or crawl from underground and start attacking you. The Meiyerditch Dungeon can only be accessed during and after Legacy of Seergaze.
Skeletal hands may be killed instead of crawling hands and skeletons for Slayer tasks. Attacking skeletal hands will occasionally cause skeletal hands hanging from ceiling or buried in the ground to appear and attack you.
Players should use a Mask of Broken Fingers (or its helm variant Helm of the Dead Hand) to kill these, especially when on a slayer assignment, to take advantage of its benefits.