All Life points: 420
Life points1: 420
All Life points: 2,500
Life points2: 2,500
All Life points: 2,550
Life points3: 2,550
All Life points: 2,600
Life points4: 2,600
All Life points: 2,750
Life points5: 2,750
All Life points: 2,850
Life points6: 2,850
All Life points: 2,850
Life points7: 2,850
All Slayer experience: 19.6
Slayer experience1: 19.6
All Slayer experience: 43.2
Slayer experience2: 43.2
All Slayer experience: 45.4
Slayer experience3: 45.4
All Slayer experience: 47.4
Slayer experience4: 47.4
All Slayer experience: 54.8
Slayer experience5: 54.8
All Slayer experience: 60.6
Slayer experience6: 60.6
All Slayer experience: 60.6
Slayer experience7: 60.6
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 208.8
Combat experience1: 208.8
All Combat experience: 166.8
Combat experience2: 166.8
All Combat experience: 174.9
Combat experience3: 174.9
All Combat experience: 183
Combat experience4: 183
All Combat experience: 211.5
Combat experience5: 211.5
All Combat experience: 233.1
Combat experience6: 233.1
All Combat experience: 233.1
Combat experience7: 233.1
All Release date: 22 January 2007
Release date: 22 January 2007
All Combat level: 45
Combat level1: 45
All Combat level: 70
Combat level2: 70
All Combat level: 71
Combat level3: 71
All Combat level: 72
Combat level4: 72
All Combat level: 77
Combat level5: 77
All Combat level: 79
Combat level6: 79
All Combat level: 79
Combat level7: 79
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 5366
NPC ID1: 5366
All NPC ID: 5388
NPC ID2: 5388
All NPC ID: 5389
NPC ID3: 5389
All NPC ID: 5392
NPC ID4: 5392
All NPC ID: 5391
NPC ID5: 5391
All NPC ID: 5403
NPC ID6: 5403
All NPC ID: 5385
NPC ID7: 5385
Skeletons can be found in Tarn's Lair, a dungeon full of undead found in Morytania. Like most undead, they are weak to the Salve amulet and Salve amulet (e), the latter of which is obtained in the dungeon they inhabit. Most of them attack with Melee and can be found wandering around the dungeon, with the level 77 variety being extremely common, the level 79 varieties being somewhat uncommon and the level 45, level 70 and level 71 skeletons only consisting of one or two members. There are also some level 72 skeletons found inside the Abandoned Mine, just outside the entrance to the lair.
The level 79 skeletons found above the room directly preceding Tarn's abode are unlike the others in that they attack with magic and wear robes. These are capable of casting a spell that lowers your stats, saying "Let me infect your body with rot" when they do so.
Some of the skeletons initially appear as objects on the floor, but spring to life and attack once players approach them. You can use the examine text of the objects to see what type it will turn into, the ones with the examine text of "Now that's a severe diet!" turn into level 77 skeletons, and the ones with the examine text of "A meal would do him good." turn into level 79 Melee skeletons.
If you wish to train on them, the banker Odovacar can be found close to the entrance to the dungeon, allowing easy banking. A respawn of Toad batta can also be found in the dungeon, beneath a trapdoor.
The level 77 variety can also be found with some Zombies in some of the south-western caves of the Chaos Tunnels.