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This article is about the skeletons in Tarn's Lair. For others, see Skeleton (disambiguation).
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Skeletons can be found in Tarn's Lair, a dungeon full of undead found in Morytania. Like most undead, they are weak to the Salve amulet and Salve amulet (e), the latter of which is obtained in the dungeon they inhabit. Most of them attack with Melee and can be found wandering around the dungeon, with the level 77 variety being extremely common, the level 79 varieties being somewhat uncommon and the level 45, level 70 and level 71 skeletons only consisting of one or two members. There are also some level 72 skeletons found inside the Abandoned Mine, just outside the entrance to the lair.

The level 79 skeletons found above the room directly preceding Tarn's abode are unlike the others in that they attack with magic and wear robes. These are capable of casting a spell that lowers your stats, saying "Let me infect your body with rot" when they do so.

Some of the skeletons initially appear as objects on the floor, but spring to life and attack once players approach them. You can use the examine text of the objects to see what type it will turn into, the ones with the examine text of "Now that's a severe diet!" turn into level 77 skeletons, and the ones with the examine text of "A meal would do him good." turn into level 79 Melee skeletons.

If you wish to train on them, the banker Odovacar can be found close to the entrance to the dungeon, allowing easy banking. A respawn of Toad batta can also be found in the dungeon, beneath a trapdoor.

The level 77 variety can also be found with some Zombies in some of the south-western caves of the Chaos Tunnels.


100% Drop[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price

Main drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Bronze platebodyBronze platebody1Common918
Steel platebodySteel platebody1Common1,956
Steel platelegsSteel platelegs1Common1,692
Staff of airStaff of air1Common2,013
Bronze battleaxeBronze battleaxe1Common1,439
Iron spearIron spear1Uncommon8,969
Steel sq shieldSteel sq shield1Uncommon1,509
Mithril platelegsMithril platelegs1Uncommon2,574
Leather bodyLeather body1Uncommon414
Leather vambracesLeather vambraces1Uncommon257
Steel warhammerSteel warhammer1Rare1,194
Black longswordBlack longsword1Rare3,664
Iron arrowIron arrowUnknownCommon14
Iron boltsIron boltsUnknownCommon43
Mithril arrowMithril arrowUnknownUncommon21
Adamant arrowAdamant arrow2Uncommon102
Mud runeMud rune3Rare2,604
Attack potion (3)Attack potion (3)1Common226
Silver barSilver bar1–2Common574–1,148
Sapphire necklaceGames necklace (2)1UncommonNot sold
Amulet mouldAmulet mould1Uncommon177
CannonballCannonball1; 6Uncommon380–2,280
Steel nailsSteel nails12Uncommon588
Antipoison (3)Antipoison (3)1Uncommon327
Yew shieldbow (u)Yew shieldbow (u)1Rare194
Arrow shaftArrow shaft8–12Rare128–192
Agility potion (2)Agility potion (2)1Rare369
Fishing potion (1)Fishing potion (1)1Rare135
Pot of flourPot of flour1Rare249
Bowl of waterBowl of water1Rare113
Weapon poison (4)Weapon poison (4)1Uncommon3,064
Steel bolts (p+) 2Steel bolts (p+)2RareNot sold
Steel daggerSteel dagger1Uncommon961
Off-hand steel daggerOff-hand steel dagger1Uncommon889
Iron kiteshieldIron kiteshield1Common3,464

Level 70 skeleton[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Oak shieldbowOak shieldbow1Common623

Level 71 skeleton[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Steel arrowSteel arrow9Uncommon153
Steel kiteshieldSteel kiteshield1Uncommon1,834
Ring of duelling (3)Ring of duelling (3)1UncommonNot sold
Black kiteshieldBlack kiteshield1Uncommon5,227
Astral runeAstral rune2Uncommon830
Bullseye lantern (empty)Bullseye lantern (empty)1Common482
Unblessed symbolUnblessed symbol1Uncommon573
Vial of waterVial of water1Uncommon96
Bronze scimitarBronze scimitar1Unknown1,288
Off-hand bronze scimitarOff-hand bronze scimitar1Unknown1,265
Steel maceSteel mace1Unknown993
Off-hand steel maceOff-hand steel mace1Unknown446
Steel full helmSteel full helm1Common1,065
Unpowered orbUnpowered orb1Uncommon724
Combat potion (3)Combat potion (3)1Unknown398
Bronze hatchetBronze hatchet1Unknown1,459
Grimy guamGrimy guam1Uncommon709
Mithril chainbodyMithril chainbody1Unknown2,619
Bronze knifeBronze knife1Unknown37
Off-hand bronze knifeOff-hand bronze knife1Unknown50

Level 72 skeleton[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Adamant kiteshieldAdamant kiteshield1Uncommon7,314

Level 77 skeleton[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Gold oreGold ore1Uncommon587
Air runeAir rune9Unknown810
Steel studsSteel studs6Unknown1,854
Strength potion (3)Strength potion (3)1Unknown435

Level 79 skeleton[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Mithril scimitarMithril scimitar1Uncommon2,591
Off-hand mithril scimitarOff-hand mithril scimitar1Uncommon2,466
Adamant barAdamant bar1Unknown1,761
Sapphire ringSapphire ring1Unknown1,948
Iron battleaxeIron battleaxe1Unknown2,545
Off-hand iron battleaxeOff-hand iron battleaxe1Unknown900
Iron warhammerIron warhammer1Unknown3,341
Off-hand iron warhammerOff-hand iron warhammer1Unknown268

Tertiary drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Sealed clue scroll (easy)Sealed clue scroll (easy)1Rare[1]Not sold
Sealed clue scroll (medium)Sealed clue scroll (medium)1RareNot sold
Starved ancient effigyStarved ancient effigy1Very rareNot sold
Skeleton Champion's scrollSkeleton Champion's scroll1Very rare[2]Not sold
  1. ^ Only dropped by the level 71 and 72 skeletons.
  2. ^ Only dropped if access to Champions' Guild is available and the Skeleton Champion hasn't been previously killed in the Champions' Challenge.

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575