All Life points: 700
Life points1: 700
All Life points: 1,750
Life points2: 1,750
All Slayer experience: 9.4
Slayer experience1: 9.4
All Slayer experience: 21.6
Slayer experience2: 21.6
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 36.6
Combat experience1: 36.6
All Combat experience: 83.1
Combat experience2: 83.1
All Release date: 24 September 2002
Release date: 24 September 2002
All Combat level: 19
Combat level1: 19
All Combat level: 49
Combat level2: 49
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 94
NPC ID1: 94
All NPC ID: 3844
NPC ID2: 3844
Skeleton Mages are monsters found in some of the more troubled areas of RuneScape. They primarily use Magic to attack. Thus, it is recommended to wear magic-resistant armour such as dragonhide armour. They play a role in the Swan Songquest, where the player creates an army of them to help defeat the sea trolls.
Level 19 skeleton mages cast earth spells and will sometimes cast the Weaken spell on a player. They also occasionally use a melee attack. Level 49 mages cast fire spells, and will sometimes use the Vulnerability spell on a player.
Malignius Mortifer will occasionally spawn a non-attackable skeleton mage, which follows him around for a while before disappearing. After completing the Swan Song quest, these skeleton mages can be spawned by the player using bone seeds. Players can give an airtight pot to Malignius Mortifer to receive more bone seeds. When they open the pot they receive, a skeleton mage appears, performs a random emote, and falls apart.
Skeleton mages can perform the Zombie dance and Zombie walk emotes, even though they are skeletons.
If you try to open a pot of bone seeds too close to Malignius Mortifer, he will say 'You should take that pot further away from me before you open it!'.