RuneScape Wiki
Crimson skillchompa detail

Skillchompas are chinchompas that are used for skilling instead of combat. They are caught with Hunter using box traps, and are wielded in the main hand slot when used to train skills. They can be used for Divination, Fishing, Mining, and Woodcutting. Skillchompas require a level in the specific skill to be used in that skill.

Up to four skillchompas can be caught per trap, which scales with Agility level and cannot be boosted. From specific Agility levels, multiple skillchompas are always caught per trap. Experience is granted for each skillchompa caught.


Skillchompas act as tools of specific metals for Mining and Woodcutting, give an increased chance of success when Fishing and an increased chance of harvesting an enriched memory when training Divination.

Every action done with a skillchompa consumes one, regardless of the success of the action. Skillchompas grant an additional 10% experience on successful completion of an action, and grant experience equivalent to 5% of having successfully completed an action each time an action is attempted unsuccessfully. For example, mining coal gives 50 experience normally; using skillchompas gives 55 Mining experience when successful and 2.5 Mining experience when unsuccessful.

Attempting to use one in combat will not use up the skillchinchompa; instead the player will move forth and punch.

Skillchompa Hunter
Skill level Tool
27 Cobalt skillchompa Cobalt
80.7 42 31 Mithril 1% 3% 668
46 Viridian skillchompa Viridian
119 64 41 Adamant 2% 6% 684
68 Azure skillchompa Azure
178 81 51 Rune 3% 10% 754
89 Crimson skillchompa Crimson
382 94 61 Dragon 4% 15% 1,337
97 Crystal skillchompa Crystal
476 99 71 Crystal 5% 22.5% 1,443
  1. ^ For guaranteed multiple skillchompas per trap