RuneScape Wiki


Abbreviation Meaning
D Dragon
D2H Dragon two-handed sword
Da/Duely Duel Arena, Ring of duelling
Dagg Dagannoth, Dagger
D axe/D hatchet Dragon hatchet
DBA Dragon battleaxe
D bones Dragon bones
D Chain/Dcb Dragon chainbody
D Claws /drag claws Dragon claws
Dced/Dcd Disconnected
DD Dragon dagger, death dot
DD+/DDP+ Dragon dagger extra poisoned; sometimes mistakenly used to instead of DDP++
DDP Dragon dagger poisoned
DDS/DDP++ Dragon dagger super poisoned
DDSing/DDSer Duelling by using 4 Dragon dagger (p++)specials then switching to another weapon, usually an Abyssal whip. A person who uses this tactic is often called a DDSer
Death dot/DD A player killing tactic where a number of players stand on the same square, making them appear as one player on the minimap.
Def Defence, Defender
Def/Defence Noob Insulting term directed toward a player with High Defence. Usually PvP.
Def/Defence Tank Player with a defence level of upwards of 90 or higher. Usually a player who is not pure and has Defence as one of their highest combat skills
Dfh/D full Dragon Full Helm
Dfs Dragonfire Shield
Dh Dharoks
Dh Axe Dharoks Great Axe
D hide, D'hide Dragon hide
Dharok'ing/Dh'ing Getting one's life points as low as possible while in full Dharok's to maximise damage inflicted in battle. Often accompanied with Protection prayers.
DK Dagannoth Kings, Dorgesh-Kaan
D legs Dragon platelegs
D long Dragon longsword
Dl Darklight
DM Deathmatch, meaning for two people to fight each other to the death
D med Dragon medium helm
Dp Drop Potential
D pick Dragon pickaxe
D pl8 Dragon platebody
Drag Dragon, armour or monster
Drop rate Chance of a monster dropping a specific item
DS Dragon spear, Double shot (mainly used in reference to the Dark bow and Magic shortbow), Nintendo DS
D Scimmy, D Scim, Dragon Scimmy Dragon scimitar
DT Desert Treasure
Dung, Dungeon, Dunge Dungeoneering Skill
Dusties Dust devils