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Slayer VIP ticket detail

A Slayer VIP ticket is an item that allows a choice of one of two assignments when obtaining a new task. Tickets may either be bought from Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza, obtained as a reward from Rush of Blood's reward mode, received from opening a Loot crate or a Slayer VIP Coupon, dropped from the Giant Mimic, bought for 5 thaler, as a reward from opening The Raptor's chest with his key, or obtained from a Menaphite gift offering.

With a ticket in the currency pouch, slayer masters offer two different options when assigning a new task. Choosing the first option does not use a ticket; the second option does. If the dialogue is closed, the first task is assigned and no ticket is consumed.

VIP ticket example

Example of what a slayer master is offering when holding the ticket

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Raptor keyN/A12–30Always
Large loot chestN/A1Common
Festive box (elite)N/A5Uncommon
Huge loot chestN/A1Uncommon
Menaphite gift offering (large)N/A2–4Uncommon
Menaphite gift offering (medium)N/A2–3Uncommon
Menaphite gift offering (small)N/A2–15Uncommon
Gift box (elite)N/A5Unknown
Large loot chestN/A1Unknown
Medium loot crateN/A1Unknown
Small loot chestN/A1Unknown


  • The use of a ticket allows for back-to-back tasks (e.g a player who had an Order of Ascension task as the first choice, completes the task and gets a new task with the ticket), even though back-to-back tasks were removed due to player complaints on hard/annoying tasks.
  • You may still receive the option to accept a Slayer Master's slayer challenge while attempting to use a Slayer VIP ticket. This does not consume the ticket.
  • During the 2016, 2017 Slayer Winter Weekends and the 2018 Slayer Summer Weekend, all new tasks acted as if the player had a Slayer VIP ticket in their inventory.