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A slayer assignment or Slayer task is given by Slayer masters. When you kill the assigned monsters, you get slayer experience, which you wouldn't if it weren't your assignment. This is a list of possible assignments, with the alternative monsters.

A slayer assignment may be changed once per assignment with the use of slayer points. Right-click on a slayer master to select 'Rewards', then select the 'Assignment' tab:

  • Cancel task (30pts)
  • Block task (100pts)
  • Extend task (30pts)
  • Prefer task (100pts), also extends task

There is a maximum limit of 7 types of assignments that can be blocked on one account - one for every 50 quest points up to a maximum of 350 quest points. It costs 100 slayer points per blocked assignment.

Slayer Categories[]

Monster Slayer-icon Level Location* Equipment Weakness** Attack Style** Alternatives Slayer master(s)
Aberrant spectre Aberrant spectres 60 Slayer Tower, Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon Nose peg or (Full) Slayer helmet Thrown, Arrows, Salve amulet/(e) Magic 1 !Aberrant Spectre Champion 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 6
Abyssal demon Abyssal demons 85 Slayer Tower, Kuradal's Dungeon, Abyssal Area None Slash, Abyssalbane, Silverlight/Darklight Melee 1 !None 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Airut Airut 92 Kuradal's Dungeon, west of Piscatoris Fishing Colony None Flurry and Rapid Fire Melee and Ranged None 6, 7
Ankou Ankous 1 Stronghold of Security, Wilderness volcano None Earth spells, Salve amulet/(e) Melee 1 !None 3
Aquanite Aquanites 78 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon Purchased from a Slayer master Arrows Magic 1 !None 4.5, 5, 6
Rorarius Ascension members 81 Monastery of Ascension Can only be harmed by ranged weapons Ranged Magic 1 !None 5, 6, 7
Automaton Guardian Automatons 67 Guthix's Cave None Crush (Tracer),
Arrows (Generator),
Fire (Guardian)
Melee (Guardian), Ranged (Tracer), Magic (Generator) 1 !None 6, 7
AviansieHD Aviansie 1 God Wars Dungeon[l 1][1] None Bolts Melee, Ranged 1 !Armadylean Spiritual ranger, Armadylean Spiritual mage, or Armadylean Spiritual warrior 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Banshee Banshees 15 Slayer Tower Earmuffs, Masked earmuffs, or (Full) Slayer helmet Arrows, Salve amulet/(e) Magic 0 !Banshee Champion, Banshee mistress, Mighty banshee 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.5
Basilisk (small) Basilisks 40 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon Mirror shield Air spells, Basiliskbane Melee 1 !None 3, 4, 4.5
Bat Bats 1 Silvarea, Morytania None Bolts Magic 0 !Giant bat, Warped bat 1, 2
Grizzly bear Bears 1 various locations None Water spells, Air spells Melee 0 !Angry bear, Bear Cub, Black bear, Grizzly bear, Grizzly bear cub 1, 2
Bird11 Birds 1 various locations None Magic Melee 0 !Chicken, Mounted terrorbird gnome, Rooster, Tenacious toucan, Terrorbird, Vulture, Undead chicken 1
Black demon2 Black demons 1 Taverley Dungeon, Edgeville Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels, Brimhaven Dungeon None Bolts, Silverlight/Darklight, Holy water Magic Balfrug Kreeyath 5, 6, 7
Black dragon Black dragons 1 Taverley Dungeon, Lava Maze, Evil Chicken's Lair Anti-dragon shield, Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion Bolts, Dragonbane Melee, Magic, Dragonfire 0 !Baby Black Dragon, King Black Dragon, Queen Black Dragon 5, 6
Bloodveld Bloodveld 50 Slayer Tower, God Wars Dungeon, Meiyerditch Dungeon None Thrown, Water spells (GWD), Silverlight/Darklight Magic or Melee 0 !Mutated bloodveld 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Blue dragon Blue dragons 1 Taverley Dungeon, Ogre Enclave, Heroes' Guild, Kuradal's Dungeon Anti-dragon shield, Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion Bolts, Dragonbane Melee, Magic, Dragonfire 0 !Baby blue dragon 4, 4.5, 6
A brine rat. Brine rats 47 Brine Rat Cavern None Fire spells Melee 1 !None 3, 4
Bronze dragon Bronze dragons 1 Brimhaven Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels Anti-dragon shield/Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion Water spells, Dragonbane Melee, Dragonfire 1 !None 4
Catablepon Catablepon 1 Stronghold of Security None Bolts Magic 1 !None 2
Cave bug (level 12) Cave bugs 7 Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels None Crush Ranged 1 !None 1
Cave crawler Cave crawlers 10 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon, Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon None Slash, Bone weapons Melee, Poison 1 !None 2, 4, 4.5
Cave horror Cave horrors 58 Mos Le'Harmless Caves Witchwood icon, Light source Air spells Melee 1 !None 4, 4.5
Cave slime Cave slimes 17 Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon None Slash Ranged, Poison 1 !None 1, 2
Chaos Giant Chaos Giants ? Barendir None Stab Melee, Ranged 1 !None 6, 7
Cockatrice Cockatrices 25 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon Mirror shield Crush Melee 1 !None 2, 3
Cow Cows 1 Various locations None Various Magic spells Melee 1 !Cow calf, Super Cow, undead cow 1
Crawling Hand Crawling hands 5 Slayer Tower None Fire spells, Salve amulet/(e) Melee 0 !Crawling hand (Dungeoneering), skeletal hand, zombie hand 1, 2, 4
Crocodile Crocodiles 1 Near Elid, southern shore of Kharidian Desert None Air spells Melee 1 !None 3
Crystal Shapeshifter Crystal Shapeshifters 75 Tarddiad None Fire spells, Stab, Thrown Melee, Magic, Ranged 1 !None 7
Cyclops Cyclopes 1 2nd Floor of Warriors' Guild, Ardougne Zoo, God Wars Dungeon None Melee (Warriors' Guild), Earth spells Melee 1 !None 2
Dagannoth sentinel Dagannoth 1 Chaos Tunnels, Lighthouse, Waterbirth Island None Stab (Ranged),
Earth spells (Melee), Slash/Air spells (Lighthouse),
Ranged or Melee 0 !Dagannoth Fledgling, Dagannoth spawn, Dagannoth Prime, Dagannoth Rex, Dagannoth Supreme, Dagannoth guardian 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Dark beast Dark beasts 90 Kuradal's Dungeon, path to Temple of Light None Bolts Melee, Magic 0 !Revenant dark beast 5, 6, 7
Desert Lizard 90 Desert Lizards 22 Kharidian Desert Ice cooler Stab Ranged 1 !Lizard, Small Lizard, Corrupted lizard 1, 2
Desert Strykewyrm Desert Strykewyrms 77 East of Al Kharid None Stab Melee, Ranged 1 !None 4.5, 5, 6
Guard dog Dogs 1 Ardougne, McGrubor's Wood, Black Arm Gang hideout in Brimhaven, Brimhaven Dungeon None Water spells,
Air spells (Jackal)
Melee 0 !Cerberus, Guard dog, Guard dog (Dungeoneering), Jackal, Shadow Hound, Wild dog, Jackal 1, 2
Dust devil Dust devils 65 Smoke Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels Face mask, Masked earmuffs, (full) Slayer helmet or Gas mask Crush Ranged 0 !Corrupted dust devil 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 6
Dwarf Dwarfs 1 Ice Mountain, Mining Guild, Keldagrim, Dwarven Mine, beneath White Wolf Mountain, south of Yanille None Air spells Melee 0 !Black Guard, Chaos dwarf, Dwarven gang member, trade floor guard 1
Earth warrior Earth warriors 1 Edgeville Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels None Water spells Melee 1 !None 3
Elf warrior (Iorwerth warrior) Elves 1 Lletya, Elf Camp, Prifddinas, Heart of Gielinor None Fire spells (Melee),
Crush (Ranged)
Melee or Ranged 1 !None 4, 4.5
Fever Spider Fever spiders 42 Braindeath Island (brewery basement) Slayer gloves Crush Ranged 1 !None 4
Fire giant Fire giants 1 Brimhaven Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels, Deep Wilderness Dungeon, Smoke Dungeon, Waterfall Dungeon, Resource dungeon in the Waterfall Dungeon None Slash Melee, Ranged 1 !None 4, 4.5, 5, 6
Flesh Crawler Flesh Crawlers 1 Stronghold of Security None Stab Ranged 1 !None 2
Fungal mage Fungal mages 1 Polypore Dungeon None Air spells, Neem oil Magic 0 !None 4, 4.5, 5, 6
Gargoyle Gargoyles 75 Slayer Tower, Chaos Tunnels, Kuradal's Dungeon Rock hammer Water spells Melee 1 !None 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Ganodermic Beast Ganodermic creatures 95 Polypore Dungeon None Fire, Neem oil Magic 0 !None 5, 6, 7
Gelatinous abomination Gelatinous abominations 1 Taverley Slayer Dungeon Spiked gloves Arrows Magic 0 !None 1
Ghost (monster) Ghosts 1 Varrock Sewers, Draynor Manor, Melzar's Maze, Stronghold of Security, Taverley Dungeon, West Ardougne (graveyard), Scorpius Shrine, Lair of Tarn Razorlor (dungeon), Death Altar, Haunted Mine, near Clan Wars, Forgotten Cemetery None Ranged, Salve amulet/(e) Magic 0 !Tortured soul, Ghostly warrior, Tormented wraith, Revenants 1, 2
Ghoul Ghouls 1 West of Canifis None Fire spells Melee 0 !Ravenous ghoul 2, 3
Goblin level 5 Goblins 1 Lumbridge catacombs, Goblin Village, Port Sarim, around the Digsite, Stronghold Of Security, Underground Pass, Goblin Cave, Coal truck mining site, Holes in Myreque Hideout in Mort Myre, God Wars Dungeon, cave near Observatory, Dwarven coal mine, east of Gunnarsgrunn None Water spells Melee 0 !Goblin champion 1
Gorak Goraks 1 Fairy ring code DIR, God Wars Dungeon None Water spells,
Fire spells (GWD)
Melee 1 !None 5
Greater Demon v1 Greater demons 1 Entrana Dungeon, Brimhaven Dungeon, Ogre Enclave, Kuradal's Dungeon, Demonic ruins, Wilderness Volcano, centre Lava Maze Dungeon None Bolts, Silverlight/Darklight,
Holy water
Magic 0 !K'ril Tsutsaroth, Tstanon Karlak 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Green dragon 1 Green dragons 1 Chaos tunnels, east of Clan Wars, north of Goblin Village in the Wilderness Anti-dragon shield, Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion Bolts, Dragonbane Melee, Magic, Dragonfire Brutal green dragons 3
Griflolapine Grifolapines 88 Polypore Dungeon None Water Spells Magic, Ranged 0 !None 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Grifolaroo Grifolaroos 82 Polypore Dungeon None Earth Spells Magic, Ranged 0 !None 4.5, 5, 6
Grotworm Grotworms 1 Grotworm Lair None Bolts Magic, Melee 1 !Giant worm, Mature grotworm, Young grotworm 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 6
Harpie Bugs Swarm Harpie Bug Swarms 33 Karamja Bug lantern Crush Ranged 1 !None 3, 4
Hellhound Hellhounds 1 Taverley Dungeon, east of the Deserted Keep, Witchaven Shrine Dungeon, God Wars Dungeon, Kuradal's Dungeon, Wilderness Volcano None Slash,
Water spells (GWD)
Melee 1 !Revenant Hellhound 4.5, 5, 6
Hill giant Hill giants 1 Deep Wilderness Dungeon, Edgeville Dungeon (resource dungeon), Gnome Stronghold, Lava Maze, north of Observatory, Taverley Dungeon, Tree Gnome Village, Wilderness None Air spells Melee 0 !Hill giant (Dungeoneering) 2, 3
Hobgoblin (level 28) Hobgoblins 1 Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, Crandor, Hobgoblin Peninsula near Crafting Guild, Edgeville Dungeon, God Wars Dungeon, Near Karamja Hunter area, north of Outpost, north of Rellekka, Gnome Village Dungeon, Waterbirth Island, Hobgoblin Mine, Witchaven Dungeon None Air spells Melee 0 !Hobgoblin Champion, Revenant hobgoblin 2
Icefiend Icefiends 1 Ice mountain, God Wars Dungeon, Ghorrock None Thrown,
Bolts (Ghorrock),
Fire spells (GWD)
Magic, Ranged 1 !None 1
Ice giant Ice giants 1 Asgarnian Ice Caves, Chaos Tunnels, Frozen Waste Plateau, White Wolf Mountain None Fire spells Melee 1 !None 3
Ice strykewyrm Ice strykewyrms 93 Ice strykewyrm cave Fire cape or spend 2000 slayer points Fire spells, Fire cape Melee, Magic 1 !None 5, 6, 7
Ice Warrior Ice warriors 1 White Wolf Mountain, Frozen Waste Plateau, Asgarnian Ice Caves, Chaos Tunnels None Fire spells Melee Icelords 2, 3
Infernal mage Infernal Mages 45 Slayer Tower, Chaos Tunnels None Arrows Magic 1 !None 2, 3, 4
Iron dragon Iron dragons 1 Brimhaven Dungeon, Ghorrock, Kuradal's Dungeon Anti-dragon shield, Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion Water spells, Dragonbane Melee, Dragonfire 1 !None 4.5, 5, 6
Jelly Jellies 52 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels, Soul Wars, Mahjarrat Ritual Site Cavern None Crush Ranged 1 !None 3, 4
Jungle horror Jungle horrors 1 Mos Le'Harmless None Water spells Melee 1 !None 3, 4
Jungle Strykewyrm Jungle strykewyrms 73 North of Mobilising Armies None Stab Melee, Magic 1 !None 4, 4.5, 5, 6
Kalphite guardian Kalphites 1 Kalphite Lair None Water spells, Keris Melee 0 !Kalphite Queen, Kalphite worker, Kalphite Soldier, Kalphite Guardian, Exiled kalphites, Corrupted kalphite 2, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Killerwatt Killerwatts 37 Killerwatt plane Insulated boots Crush Ranged 1 !None 3
Kurask Kurasks 70 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Desert Slayer Dungeon Leaf-bladed sword, Leaf-bladed spear, Slayer Dart spell, Broad arrows/Broad-tipped bolts Leaf-bladed sword, Leaf-bladed spear, Slayer Dart spell, Broad arrows/Broad-tipped bolts Melee 0 !Kurask overlord 4, 4.5
WildyWyrm Lava strykewyrms 94 Wilderness None Magic, Melee, Ranged None 0 !WildyWyrm 6, 7
Lesser demon 2 Lesser demons 1 Wizards' Tower, Crandor and Karamja Dungeon, Resource dungeon in Karamja Dungeon, Crandor, Melzar's Maze, between Demonic Ruins and Clan Wars, Lava Maze, Wilderness Volcano None Bolts, Silverlight, Darklight, holy water Magic 0 !Lesser Demon Champion, Zakl'n Gritch 3, 4
Living rock brawler Living rock creatures 1 Living rock caverns None Water spells (protectors), Crush (strikers) Melee (and Ranged for strikers) 0 !Living rock patriarch, protector, and striker 6
Wyvern Living wyverns 96 Asgarnian Ice Dungeon None Fire spells Melee, Magic, Ranged None 6, 7
Mithril dragon Mithril dragons 1 Ancient Cavern Anti-dragon shield, Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion Earth spells, Dragonbane Melee, Magic, Ranged, Dragonfire 1 !None 5, 6, 7
Minotaur Minotaurs 1 Stronghold of Security None Water spells Melee 1 !None 1
Mogre Mogres 32 Mudskipper Point (Super) Fishing Explosives Air spells Melee 1 !None 2, 3
Molanisk Molanisks 39 Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon Slayer bell Crush Ranged 1 !None 3
Monkey Monkeys 1 Karamja, Mos Le'Harmless, Ardougne Zoo None Earth spells Melee 0 !Duke, Monkey Archer, Monkey Guard, Monkey Guard (ninja), Monkey Zombie, Oipuis, Ouhai, Padulah, Uodai, Uyoro 1
Moss giant Moss giants 1 Brimhaven Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels, Crandor Isle, west of Fishing Guild, Moss Giant Island, The Wilderness, Varrock Sewers, Pirates' Cove, Chaos Tunnels, Glarial's Tomb None Slash Melee, Ranged 1 !None 3
Throwing muspah Muspah 76 Freneskae None Melee, Magic, Ranged Melee, Magic, Ranged 1 !None 6, 7
Mutated jadinko baby Mutated jadinkos 80, 86, 91 Jadinko Lair None Stab Melee, Magic 1 !None 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Nechryael Nechryaels 80 Slayer Tower, Chaos Tunnels None Crush, Silverlight/Darklight, Holy water Melee, Summoning 1 !None 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Blood nihil Nihils 76 Freneskae None Melee, Magic, Ranged Melee, Magic, Ranged 1 !None 6, 7
Ogre Ogres 1 Gu'Tanoth, west of Yanille, south of Castle Wars, south of Gu'Tanoth, Toban's Island, Chaos Druid Tower dungeon, Clock Tower basement, Witchaven Dungeon, Underground Pass (dungeon), Combat Training Camp, God Wars Dungeon None Magic Melee 1 ! Ogress warrior, Ogress champion, Zogre, Skogre 3
Otherworldlybeing Otherworldly beings 1 Zanaris None Thrown Magic 1 !None 3
Pig Pigs 1 Pig Pits None Earth spells Melee 1 !None 1
Pyrefiend 2 Pyrefiends 30 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Smoke Dungeon, God Wars Dungeon None Bolts, Silverlight/Darklight Magic 0 !Revenant pyrefiend 2, 3
Red dragon Red dragons 1 Red Dragon Isle, Brimhaven Dungeon Anti-dragon shield, Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion Bolts, Dragonbane Melee, Magic, Dragonfire 0 !Baby red dragon 4.5
Rockslug Rockslugs 20 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon Bag of salt Water spells Melee 1 !None 2
Scabaras lancer Scabarites 1 The dungeon under Sophanem, the dungeon east of the Agility pyramid, the swamp area east of the Dealing with Scabaras dungeon None Various, Keris Melee, Magic, Ranged 0 !Locust lancers, rangers and riders, Scabaras lancers, mages and rangers, Scarab mages, Small Scarab, Scarab swarms 4.5, 5
Scorpion Scorpions 1 Al Kharid mining site, Dwarven mines, Ardougne Zoo, Scorpion Pit, Stronghold of Security, Varrock Sewers, Wilderness, near Karamja Volcano None Crush,
Stab (Stronghold of Security)
Ranged 0 !Corrupted scorpion, Giant Lobster, giant lobster (Ghosts Ahoy), grave scorpion, King Scorpion, Pit Scorpion, Poison Scorpion, scorpion (Ape Atoll), scorpion (Uncharted Isles) 1
Sea-snake-hatchling Sea snakes 1 Miscellania & Etceteria Dungeon None Slash Ranged 0 !Sea snake hatchling, Sea snake young, Giant Sea Snake 3
Shade monster Shades 1 Stronghold of Security, Mort'ton, Shade Catacombs, Temple Trekking None Arrows, Gadderhammer, Salve amulet/(e),
Earth spells (Stronghold of Security)
Melee 0 !Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Asyn and Fiyr shade 3
Truthful shadow Shadow creatures 85 Temple of Light, Prifddinas (Amlodd Clan) None Air spells Melee None 7
Shadow warrior Shadow warriors 1 Legends' Guild basement None Air spells Melee 1 !None 3, 4
Skeletal Wyvern Skeletal Wyverns 72 Asgarnian Ice Dungeon Elemental shield, Mind shield, Body shield or Dragonfire Shield Fire spells Melee, Ranged, ice breath 1 !None 5, 6
Skeleton Skeletons 1 Lumbridge Catacombs Dungeon, Wizards' Tower, Edgeville Dungeon, Digsite Dungeon, Draynor Sewers, Karamja Volcano, Ogre Enclave, Steel Mine, Stronghold of Security, Taverley Dungeon, Temple of Ikov, Varrock Sewers, Waterfall Dungeon, Wilderness (Dungeon), Wilderness Agility Course, Barrows, Chaos Tunnels, Ruins of Ullek, Melzar's Maze, Wilderness volcano, Ape Atoll Dungeon, Senntisten Temple, Underground Pass (dungeon) None Magic (varies by location), Salve amulet/(e) Mostly Melee 0 ! Giant skeleton, Mosschin, Redeyes, Skeletal hand, Skeletal miner, Skeleton archer (The Death of Chivalry), Skeleton brute, Skeleton fremennik, Skeleton heavy, Skeleton hero, Skeleton looter, Skeleton Mage, Skeleton mage (The Death of Chivalry), Skeleton thug, Skeleton warlock, Skeleton warlord, Skeleton warrior (The Death of Chivalry), Skoblin, Skogre, Snailfeet, Snothead, Strongbones, Ulfric, Undead one, Unholy cursebearer 1, 2
Spider Spiders 1 Melzar's Maze, Sorceress's house, Lumbridge castle basement, behind Lumbridge castle, Stronghold of Security, Ape Atoll temple, Ogre Enclave, Wilderness, Karamja, Underground Pass (dungeon) None Crush Melee (small spiders) or Ranged 0 !Blessed spider, Corpse Spider, crypt spider, deadly red spider, fever spider, giant crypt spider, giant spider, ice spider, ice spider (Dungeoneering), jungle spider, poison spider, shadow spider 1
Spiritual mage (Zamorak) Spiritual mages 83 God Wars Dungeon None Arrows, Bolts Magic 1 !None
Spiritual ranger (Zamorak) Spiritual rangers 63 God Wars Dungeon None Stab, Slash,
Bolts (Armadyl)
Ranged 1 !None 4.5, 5, 6
Spiritual warrior (Zamorak) Spiritual warriors 68 God Wars Dungeon None Air spells, Earth spells Melee (Armadyl uses ranged) 1 !None 4.5, 5, 6
Steel dragon Steel dragons 1 Kuradal's Dungeon, Brimhaven Dungeon, Ghorrock Anti-dragon shield, Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion Water spells Melee, Dragonfire 1 !None 5, 6
Suqah Suqah 1 Lunar Isle None (Seal of passage recommended for communicating with Moon Clan people) Fire spells Melee, Magic 1 !None 5, 6
Terror dog Terror dogs 40 Lair of Tarn Razorlor (dungeon) None Slash Melee 1 !None 3, 4.5, 6
Troll Trolls 1 Mountain trolls: Trollheim, tunnel outside Keldagrim, Death Plateau; Ice trolls: icy islands north of the Fremennik Isles, ice path north of Trollheim; Undead trolls: Lucien's camp None Varies Melee, Ranged, Magic 0 !Mountain troll, Troll general, Ice troll grunt, Ice troll runt, Ice troll male, Ice troll female, River troll, Undead troll, Troll commando, Troll range commando, Troll mage commando 1, 4, 4.5
Turoth Turoths 55 Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels, Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon Leaf-bladed sword, Leaf-bladed spear, Slayer Dart spell, Broad arrows/Broad-tipped bolts Leaf-bladed sword, Leaf-bladed spear, Slayer Dart spell, Broad arrows/Broad-tipped bolts Ranged 0 !Mightiest turoth 3, 4, 4.5
TzHaar-Ket TzHaar 1 TzHaar city None Water spells, Slash, Arrows (varies by type) Melee, Magic and Ranged 0 !TzHaar-Ket, Xil, Mej, Hur and Fight Cauldron 6, 7
Feral vampyre Vampyres 1 God Wars Dungeon, Haunted Woods, near Abandoned Mine None Fire spells Melee 1 !None 2, 3
Vyrewatch Vyrewatch 31 Darkmeyer, Burgh de Rott Woods, Meiyerditch Ivandis flail, Blisterwood polearm, Blisterwood staff, Blisterwood stake Ivandis flail, Blisterwood polearm, Blisterwood staff, Blisterwood stake Melee Vyrelady, Vyrelord 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Wall beast Wall beasts 35 Lumbridge Swamp Caves Spiny helmet or Spiked helmet Water spells Melee 1 !None 2
Warped terrorbird Warped terrorbirds 56 Poison Waste Slayer Dungeon Crystal chime Slash Melee, Ranged 1 !None 5
Warped tortoise Warped tortoises 56 Poison Waste Slayer Dungeon Crystal chime Bolts Magic 1 !None 4, 4.5, 6, 7
Waterfiend Waterfiends 1 Ancient Cavern, Chaos Tunnels, Ghorrock None Bolts Magic, Ranged 1 !None 5, 6
Werewolf Werewolves 1 Canifis, God Wars Dungeon None Water spells Melee 0 !Revenant werewolf 3
Wolf Wolves 1 Stronghold of Security, White Wolf Mountain, Feldip Hills None Magic (varies) Melee 0 !Adolescent White wolf, Big Wolf, desert wolf, Dire Wolf, Fenris wolf, Fenris wolf (Sköll), ice wolf, Jungle Wolf, white wolf 1, 2
Zombie Zombies 1 Tree Gnome Village dungeon, Entrana Dungeon, Edgeville Dungeon, Chaos Tunnels, Graveyard of Shadows, Stronghold of Security, Varrock Sewers, Wizards' Guild basement, Draynor Sewers, Lair of Tarn Razorlor (dungeon) None Fire spells, Salve amulet/(e) Melee 0 !any zombie-class except Zogres and Zombie monkeys 1, 2
Mutated zygomite Mutated zygomites 57 Zanaris Fungicide spray Slash Ranged 1 !None 4
Dragonstone dragon Gemstone dragons 95, 98, or 101 Gemstone Cavern Super Anti-fire Potion Arrows, Bane ammunition Magic, Melee and Dragonfire None 6, 7
Corrupted scorpion Corrupted Creatures 88, 91, 94, 97, 100, or 103 Sophanem Slayer Dungeon feather of Ma'at Water Spells, Fire Spells, Stab, Crush, Arrows, or Earth Spells Melee, Ranged, or Magic None 4.5, 6, 7
Salawa akh Soul devourer 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115, or 117 Sophanem Slayer Dungeon feather of Ma'at or None Water Spells, Fire Spells, None, Arrows, or Crush Melee, (Melee, Magic), (Melee, Mage, Ranged), Mage, or Ranged None 4.5, 6, 7
Glacor Glacor 1 Glacor Cave Purchased from a Slayer master Fire Spells Melee, Mage, Ranged None 6, 7
Tormented Demon Tormented demon 1 Ancient Guthix Temple Purchased from a Slayer master Fire Spells Melee, Mage, Ranged None 6, 7
Nightmare Nightmare 80 World Gate (ritual site option) Purchased from a Slayer master Earth Spells Melee, Ranged None 6, 7
Vinecrawler Lost Grove creature 104, 106, 108 The Lost Grove None Arrows, Slash, or Fire Spells Mage, Ranged, or Melee None 7
Seeker Stalker creatures 71, 99 Stalker dungeon None Thrown weapons or Arrows Mage None 6, 7
Edimmu Edimmu 90 Edimmu resource dungeon 115 Dungeoneering Slash, Salve amulet/(e) Melee, Mage Edimmu (elite) 5, 6, 7
  • The locations of alternative monsters are not listed.

**The weaknesses and attack styles of certain monsters may vary by location or type. See their pages for more information.

  1. ^ Requires you to speak to the dying knight outside of God Wars Dungeon to unlock them as a task.

Slayer challenges[]

Main article: Slayer/Challenges
Task Monsters needed to kill Slayer master
Slay all monsters in the basement of Turael/Spria. 1,000 extra Slayer XP rewarded. 2 level 5 goblins, 2 level 11 goblins, 1 level 13 goblin, 2 level 11 wolves, 3 level 14 wolves, 5 level 12 minotaurs. Turael/Spria
Investigate the Morytania fairy rings. 2,000 extra Slayer XP rewarded, as well as 3 Slayer reward points. Level 42 Ravenous ghoul, level 72 Ravenous vampyre, level 33 Ravenous snail. Mazchna
Bring him one scale of each type of Chromatic dragon. 4,000 extra Slayer XP rewarded, as well as 14 Slayer reward points. Each type of Chromatic dragon (not 100% drop, so might be more than one each) Vannaka
Test her new experimental fungicide spray on ten Mutated zygomites. 10,000 extra Slayer XP rewarded, as well as 25 Slayer reward points. 10 Zygomites, which might full heal, or heal a bit and become stronger because of the spray. Chaeldar
Kill the Kalphite Queen. 15,000 extra Slayer XP rewarded, as well as 30 Slayer reward points. Kalphite Queen Sumona
Kill all creatures in the Slayer Tower, without leaving. 20,000 extra Slayer XP rewarded, as well as 35 Slayer reward points. 21 Crawling hands, 8 Banshees, 9 Infernal mages, 7 Bloodveld, 7 Aberrant spectres, 5 Gargoyles, 6 Nechryaels and 6 Abyssal demons Duradel/Lapalok
Kill 280 Volcanic creatures (Inside the TzHaar Fight Cave). If TzTok-Jad is killed, 25,000 extra XP rewarded, otherwise only 12,000 extra XP is rewarded. 280 Volcanic creatures (from the TzHaar Fight Cave) Kuradal
Kill a list of bosses, these bosses must be killed solo. After killing a boss you will obtain a Dark crystal, you need to bring all Dark crystals you have to every boss. Each dark crystal has a debuff that weakens the player. It is recommended to do the stronger bosses first, and the weaker bosses last. 50,000 Slayer XP rewarded, as well as 45 Slayer reward points.
  • Giant Mole (hard mode)
  • Kalphite Queen
  • Dagannoth Kings
  • King Black Dragon
  • Queen Black Dragon
  • Kree'arra
  • Commander Zilyana
  • K'ril Tsutsaroth
  • General Graardor
  • Araxxor


  1. ^ Jagex. Mod Daze's Twitter account. 7 August 2018. Mod Daze: "Talk to the guy on the surface and it should unlock then"