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Smoke devil chathead

The smoke devil is a level 72 combat Summoning familiar. It appears to be the summoning equivalent of a dust devil. A Summoning level of 61 and a smoke devil pouch are required to summon this creature.

Smoke devil pouch[]


A smoke devil is made by using a Summoning pouch on a Summoning obelisk with 141 spirit shards, a Crimson charm and Goat horn dust in the inventory. Making the pouch earns 268 experience points. Using the pouch to summon a Smoke devil gains 3.1 experience points, and costs 70 Summoning points.

Dust cloud scroll[]


Components: 1 empty pouch, 141 spirit shards, 1 crimson charm, 1 goat's horn dust. Gives 268 experience for creating.

Dust cloud scrolls give 3.1 XP to make 10 from a pouch, 3.1 XP per use, and cost 6 special move points.

Dust cloud[]

The Smoke devil's special move, dust cloud, can inflict up to 792 magic damage to an opponent, before ricocheting onto up to 6 random enemies within a reasonable distance.



  • The Smoke devil's dialogue still refers to its tentacles and hovering, both features it lacks after the graphical update.
  • Beezeltrix, one of Pikkupstix's assistants, was involved in an incident with a smoke devil.
  • Previously, the Smoke devil has a special right-click ability, Flames, that causes it to instantly attack its opponent with a fire spell, at a cost of 2 Summoning points each time it is used. This has since been turned into a rare occurrence during its basic attack pattern.