RuneScape Wiki
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Snow angel statue only appears during events and may not be currently found in game.

The Snow angel statue is an NPC that is part of the puzzle in the second room of the Christmas themed Dungeon, during the Christmas 2010 event. When you first enter the Snow angel statue's room all of your run energy is drained until you complete this room. In this room, players must avoid its gaze in single game of "Red Light, Green Light". Players must crawl towards the Snow angel statue without being spotted. If spotted, you are sent back to the beginning of the room and must crawl back. To avoid being spotted, get behind the low ice walls. Begin moving again once the red light becomes green. Touch the Snow angel statue once you reach it to be sent to the next room.

The angel is known to turn its side at irregular times, so it is recommended to move cautiously.

It is possible to bring the explorer's ring into the room to restore run energy and get to the Snow angel statue quicker and easier. If done, run energy will not drain until you leave the room.

