RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Some Like It Cold.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Some Like It Cold icon
Speak to Chuck at Ardougne Zoo.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyExperienced Experienced
Official lengthLong to Very Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:

You will be required to deposit all your items and worn items during the quest.


Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • None
Enemies to defeat
  • None

Getting started[]

  • Talk to Chuck the polar bear in Ardougne Zoo.
  • Speak to him again. (Chat 1)
  • Speak to him a final time to be teleported (Chat 11)

The seal[]

  • After being teleported by Chuck, head west to the seals.
  • Wake up the seal that can be interacted with. (Chat 31)
  • Use the Dance or Jump for joy emote.
  • Talk to the seal. (Chat 12)
  • Use the smaller boat to the north-east.
  • Head to the north-east corner of the Iceberg and right-click Jim and select 'tuxedo-time'.
  • Talk to Ping & Pong.
  • After receiving the items from them, do one of the following:
    • Option one: Use a crafting table 4 in a player-owned house to make their costumes. To return, use the Fremennik Province lodestone and head north to board the ship to iceberg.
    • Option two: Head to the north-east corner of the Iceberg and right-click Jim and select 'tuxedo-time'. Head to the north-west and investigate the avalanche of snow. Follow the main hall to the end and talk to the gate guard in the booth. After proceeding through the door, head east and then follow the western wall in the war-room to a workbench. Craft Ping & Pong's costumes there. To get out of the room click the red button west of the gate.
  • Give Ping & Pong their costumes.
  • Go to Jim to get out of tuxedo.
  • Take the boat back to Rellekka and talk to Ping & Pong.(Chat 1)
  • Talk to the seal, bank any items and head to the camp. (there is a deposit box option when talking to the seal)

Prisoner of the Seal Camp[]

  • Talk to Teddy.
  • Talk to Larry.
  • Talk to Teddy again.
  • Talk to Noodle south by the gates.
  • Try to open the door to the building that the Walrus is in.
  • Take the bat in the box from the front of the building (attached to the north-western corner of the building).
  • Encourage Teddy, Ping & Pong, and Bouncer to make noise by clicking on them repeatedly for a few minutes.
  • When the Walrus is outside, enter his building and steal the Egg from the table.
  • Give the egg to Larry.
  • Talk to Teddy.
  • Talk to all six of the unnamed penguins.
  • Talk to Teddy.
  • Talk to Plaza.
  • For the items:
Fish the fishing hole north-east for a shark tooth and squid.
Take a board from the wood scrap pile north of the kitchen.
Search the kitchen for olive oil, popsicle tray, and a rock carving hammer.
Talk to Teddy and take part of his costume for cloth.
Search the shelves in the south-west building for lye and a cork screw.
If you lose any of your supplies, talk to Teddy to reclaim them.
  • Once all of the supplies are obtained:
    • Use the lye on the olive oil.
    • Use the unmoulded soap on the popsicle tray.
    • Use the squid on the popsicle tray.
    • Use the hammer on the soap.
    • With a shark tooth in inventory, use the ripped fabric on the board.
  • Talk to Plaza.
  • Talk to Teddy.
  • Talk to Astoria. (Chat 1)


  • Defeat Astoria in a game of Battlefish. Solution:
Astoria's ship locations
2 X mark
3 X mark
4 X mark
5 X mark X mark X mark X mark
6 X mark X mark X mark X mark
8 X mark X mark X mark
  • In the small building just south, take from the prop crate on the northern wall.
  • Talk to Teddy.
  • To repair the engine:
    • Use Bowling pin -> lever opening
    • Use Hula hoop -> broken valve wheel
    • Use Circus plate -> pressure gauge
    • Use Foam finger -> pressure gauge
    • Use Balloon -> metal wire (in your inventory)
    • Use Insulated wire -> broken wires
    • Use Cloth -> cracked pipe


  • Talk to Teddy. (Chat 2)
  • Defeat the seals in Battlefish. Solution:
Seals' ship locations
1 X mark X mark X mark
4 X mark X mark X mark X mark
6 X mark
7 X mark
8 X mark
9 X mark
  • Quest complete!


Some Like It Cold reward
  • 1 quest point
  • 40,000 Crafting experience
  • 40,000 Fishing experience
  • 10,000 Construction experience
  • 10,000 Thieving experience
  • Access to a new thieving event in the Circus
  • Rock and Pop costumes for clockwork penguin
  • Extension to Penguin Hide and Seek, which consists of a 3-point Penguin Spy that requires the seeker to be wearing a ring of visibility to be able to spot it. The penguin randomly teleports every few minutes. It can also travel across the water and over mountains to any part of the Gielinor surface.
  • 2 Treasure Hunter keys and 2 Hearts of Ice
Early bird bonus
  • Early bird tome for players who completed the quest before 23:59 UTC on 28 August 2012.
    • 40,000 Crafting experience
    • 40,000 Fishing experience
    • 10,000 Construction experience
    • 10,000 Thieving experience
Music unlocked