All Life points: 650
Life points: 650
All Combat experience: 35.7
Combat experience: 35.7
All Release date: 28 November 2012
Release date: 28 November 2012
All Combat level: 18
Combat level: 18
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 16208
NPC ID: 16208
Spellwisps are magical creatures that resemble small dark and stormy clouds, very similar to the Chaotic clouds. Six of them are found northwest of Wizards' Tower. Wizard Valina suggests them for magic training when asked about features of the tower, despite their weakness to Ranged.
Based on a sample of 230 kills. 1 charm is dropped at once. Note that due to the small number of kills, the percentages may be slightly inaccurate. Please add to the log!
Spellwisps have close resemblance, in both name and appearance, to will-o'-the-wisps, a type of ghost known in European folklore and the fantasy genre.
These monsters are replacements for the attackable Wizards that used to inhabit the Wizards' Tower before the graphic update on 28 November2012. They share very similar drops and have a similar examine text.